Will 2019 Turn Back Time?


Will 2019 turn back time? What is on the horizon for our New Year? We have finished up our holidays and are ready to start making resolutions, right? Wrong! I stopped doing that a long time ago, I never kept many of them anyway. As a believer, I opted for praying in my New Year. In the south many churches will have all night services, I never made it through that. Still, I was resolute to be on my knees, and I hope to again this year. I am truly grateful for all I have overcome by His grace.

The idea of turning back time is more than a wish, the adage of, ” If I knew then what I know now. ” Would any of us really do anything different or we would we, faced with the same obstacles make the same choices? Either, good or bad? We often hear that, ” If  I were so and so I would….” but actually if you were them you would be doing just what they do.

Remember, the parable of the rich man and Lazarus the beggar? The rich man is in hell, the beggar in paradise, when he asks for just a drop of water, and could he not tell his brothers not to come here. The answer was no to both. The brothers had heard the prophets. Today, it is heaven and hell after Jesus was crucified. And we have a choice don’t we?

People have heard the gospel in most places, and even by revelation and dreams have many been touched in places ministers and Bibles are not allowed. Intercession has played a part in that, and we should continue to pray. Even if they never hear it from ministry, they can hear the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is coming back. When? We cannot say. But there are signs. So are we ready to turn back time? Make necessary changes in our lives to be ready for Him, to live as if were coming today? Would we not want our house in order, free of strife and worry and our hearts not troubled? Wouldn’t we want to be walking in the fruit of the Spirit, to be a light in the world? Wouldn’t we want Him to be pleased with us? To find us doing His will, obedient, freely receiving and giving His grace.

Would not the wrinkles and age wash from our faces in the presence of the glorious and triumphant Prince of Peace? Would we not be saturated with and radiate His glory? Our youth would be renewed, we could walk and run and not grow tired or weary. No more sickness, sorrow or death, for believers. Forever young in face of eternity with our Savior. Isn’t that something to hope for, more than a wish, not a mere fantasy, but a focus on the one who loved us enough to take our place and die so that we might live? You do not want to be unbelieving and stand before Him.

I often read that repentance is not when you cry but when you change. I have many cry and not change, and I know what it is to be heartbroken by His act of love toward me, my tears are very real, I stand and kneel in awe of Him, in His presence, there is peace, in His presence there is joy and in His presence, there is love. And heaven is a place of rest, that is why we must seek His Sabbath rest now to be ready for heaven. He finished it.

He is coming to wipe away all tears. But why are we crying? Over our own selves and our shame? Or because now we see Him face to face, we find ourselves looking on the one who was pierced? Is it mourning for Him or ourselves? Because reflect His presence well or wished we had done better? There will be many tears.

I have often wished I could have done things different, felt like I did not have enough faith.  I regretted allowing fear to be something I had to war against. I have recounted time and again, and wondered how I had lost so much track of time, trying to be who had already made me to be?

We can’t go back or can we? Faith moves mountains, hope anchors faith and love never fails, His love, even if ours does. Jesus does not! Cannot and will not! Are we ready for Him to roar over us one last time and be the King of kings and Lord of lords? If we could turn back time, as the song says could we or would we be able to take back all the hurts? I believe only Jesus can do that. He is the only one worthy, as we study His amazing grace, that He gave us to make us righteous and to free us from fear, let us look forward and not back.

It is He who orders our steps, has chosen us, guards our hearts and minds. He made the sun stand still, reversed a sundial, and Jesus alone, holds eternity in His hand at the request of the Father, and He alone can turn back time. Rebecca Jones / fotografierende, pexels, thank you.

New Year of Grace / Sunday Bonus


While we may or may not be attending a New Year’s gala or costume party, we have all hidden our faces in some way last year and throughout or lives. We have fallen for a lot of the the enemy’s old tricks and subtle lies. And we have been under attack. This was a Christmas past with an air of sadness at so much loss, and it continued over the weekend, I prayed for so many people.

Jesus wants our light to shine and not be hidden under a bushel. He was crucified on a cross of shame for us and we, as believers, should enter a New Year of His grace and favor. Our study for January is just that, grace. Or as I put it, Jesus in January, Grace. I was also encourage every believer to be the light this year. He has already paid the price for us so let’s shine in Him so they enemy doesn’t have a chance.

Many people choose a word for the year, I have done that. What have you chosen? I love words so much that I could use  a different one everyday. I used to get those word for the day calendars. Grace is what we will start the year with. And it is what we will finish with, I’m sure, whether or not the Lord returns is not for me to say, but there is a lot going on in the spiritual horizon.

Grace is a good word word, God undeserved favor. Peace has been super strong on my heart for months. John 14:27, His peace. Rest is definitely a good word, I have had to learn that and end up coming back to it. Joy is something I had to as Him to restore, the joy of His salvation, not mine, you know I was reading that wrong.

It is always a good idea to read Psalms and Proverbs and even reading Revelation promises a blessing. I always settle down in the book of John myself, it never fails to comfort me.

Whether your word is prosper or praise, deliverance or desire, grace will flow along with it. If it is hope or healing, grace is there. Is it miracle or mercy? Again there is grace. Time is a good word also, as we go out with the old and ring in the new. Time is something God can redeem, no matter the loss. Even the loved ones will be seen again.

How are we going to spend our time? Wisely, walking with the wise or foolish letting our oil run out? Time is something we never have enough of or too much on our hands would describe some I suppose, we don’t need to be lazy, just in rest in His finished work.

We don’t want to waste precious time in fear and worry. There is so much more to life and life more abundantly. Now there are a couple of words to consider. Ionos Zoe, the eternal life of God. In the scheme of things do some of our worries really matter? Focus is good, Hebrews 12:2. If we can focus on Him and not us we are so much better off.

Spirit, soul, vibrant, alive, overjoyed, excited, beloved, freedom, crowned, called, beautiful, promises, precious, heaven, peaceful, hopeful and and grateful. So many words to use and choose, one for the year of everyday, and yes there is a verse for most all of them, I want to lift words and hands of praise to Him as I have overcome so much. And I want to lift His name one High and sing of His love forever.

And wherever He leads us, may we follow the precious lamb of God, there is always grace in time of need. He is on the throne and we can boldly go there by grace, and this will be a New Year of grace. Rebecca Jones / pexels

Exchanging Presence


I have to be honest, I thought Christmas was past and I was working on new blog posts, but the Holy Spirit inspired this one this morning as I begin my series on grace in the New Year.

While there is always a straggler or two, people who were out of town or for some reason, even after Christmas, we sometimes still exchange gifts. What we need to exchange though are spiritual gifts, you give me love and I give you peace, we can you know through prayer, praise and sharing the impartation of the Holy Spirit. We exchange or presents, or even our presence for His.

Jesus took our place and it is for us to receive that gift of grace in our salvation and to share it. He wants us to be His light in 2019. And for us to be His, He has to be ours. God, the Father of lights gives good gifts.

There is no way I would even like to envision the malls, I used to love to go and shop the after Christmas sales, it is how we have acquired some wonderful decorations, and even got a start on next years gifts at times, you can always pick up something to hold for a birthday or Valentine’s even, but the worst thing is the people exchanging things.

Now, I know it isn’t everyone. And there are legitimate reasons, but you get those who just want the cash, who wore it once and brought it back, especially the nice Christmas dresses and the one’s for girls.

I suppose  the worst instance i saw was a woman returning a $6 ornament, only now at 75% off, they were offering her a $1.50. This woman was livid and told the cashier to keep it and left. I have counted change out to buy my lunch before, I have seen my share of wanting things even know the Lord, the enemy would steal blessings but to pitch a fit in a store over a silly little ball with a college emblem. It’s not worth the money.

But believe me, God’s gift are the one we don’t ever want to exchange, settle for less or under appreciate. They cost Him His beloved Son. These gifts are worth fighting for, clinging to and hanging onto, and it’s not God withholding them, but an enemy who would steal, The devil is the original porch pirate, but he is under surveillance by God and a host of angels.

We must however, exchange the presence of whatever our circumstances are for His presence, His peaceful presence in the Spirit. And we don’t even have to fight as it says in Exodus 14:14, we can just be still, and let Him fight for us.

The devil offers sin, death, destruction, exchange it for life and life more abundantly. Jesus really did bear our sicknesses, exchange them for health. Isaiah 53. He exchanged condemnation for grace and that is why I am doing that in January.

We, as believers, should not be under condemnation, Romans 8:1. We are still carrying packages around, like a pack on our backs but it a heavy load of baggage. Dump it off at the lost and found, your condemnation will be lost when His grace is found.

It may be coming up on New Year’s Eve, I hope you will pray 2019 in with me. And let invite Jesus and keep celebrating grace and peace, abundantly life in Him. So go ahead, exchange presence. Rebecca Jones / Daria Shevtsova, pexels, thanks.

A Miracle in the Making


What makes miracles happen? We have talked about that a lot last year. Faith, hope or love, so of all. I think miracles are mostly love, and they happen at various times. God calls them moedim, or appointed times.

I have to be honest, I wanted to bargain with Him, I practically begged when I was in pain. But we are to go boldly before the throne of grace, we are daughters not beggars, I had a lot to learn about a lot of things. How to be bold without be bawdy or brawling, angering others with your faith can happen, even if you are right,  some will not listen, I and so glad He does, but we have to listen also in His quiet and His rest, that is where His peace is. John 14:27.

I have never been into astrology, but I did study astronomy and God created the stars for signs ands seasons, it was a calendar or sorts until Nimrod corrupted it, and there has been a lot of false teaching since.

That’s why I don’t like the term faith healer, it has been portrayed on many shows with a charlatan quality. Someone is always plotting to  steal the money or scam someone. But true healing comes from God and the anointing on a person’s life and ministry. No one I know would do that without love, certainly not to be greedy, even though they may write books or make money. The enemy attacks God’s people but we have a greater God.

So, in a way, we are are all miracles from God’s perspective, just because He created us and loved us and because He sent His Son to redeem us. We cost a lot, and we are His masterpieces, Ephesians 2:10.

He works on us, by His Word, His Spirit, and yes, there is healing and there are miracles. But the truest of miracles is just His pure and holy love poured out by grace, though He can heal and deliver at any time, there are certain times, remember how the angel stirred the pool at Bethsaida, that was a mikvah bath at the temple.

It was good thing that Jesus showed up and He will, al we have to to is call Him, call the light and love and healing. I believe one of His times is coming just before His return. So let’s be living and enjoying the healing He pours into our lives by grace, whether it is through the Word, the anointing, or yet to happen, by our words and His and the fact He keeps His promises, we are all, if only we can believe, we are miracles in the making. Rebecca Jones / Valerie Elash / Unsplash

Faith on Fire | lylidunbar.com

The Spirit of Peace


Are you ready to take down lights, just be sure to keep the light of the world up and shining. Christmas should be all about peace. I hope yours was, mine was fairly quiet. But not without a few differences of opinion as usual. After all the Prince of Peace was born and laid in a manger. But we can’t for a moment believe that ends all the holiday hoopla, the family quarrels and the who gets what, can we? People are not always receptive, not always respectful. And some people will just remain willfully ignorant of His sacrifice and gifts. If His love doesn’t change them nothing will.

Like children who expected everything on list in spite of their behavior, believers will often behave in the same manner. The enemy works overtime around the holidays sowing bitterness, anger and unforgiveness. And loneliness, despair and depression, can often follow. Being isolated is not a lifestyle of joy but of pain, though many people suffer in a crowd as well.

It should be a time of joy and quiet celebration of friends and love ones, not a commercialized and overblown shopping trip. Though gifts are great and I’m not against giving them, just that they are appropriate. I’m sure some of us still got the ugly sweater.

What do I mean by appropriate, it should be something the person would enjoy, not those prank gifts, not super expensive. We used to have disagreements about drawing names. Trying to get everyone together and go out didn’t always work either, everyone paying for their own dinner. Why can’t people just agree to disagree?

If it we me, I would just buy gifts for who I wanted to, something they would like or that I would like them to have. I would decorate and celebrate, watch the old movies, sing Christmas songs, and tell everyone how good Jesus has been to me this past year. And how much more grace and peace I have.

After all, Christmas is about the one who came as peace, died for peace and brings peace to our hearts through His love and salvation. He wore a crown of thorns, not a silly Santa hat, though  I have one. He wore them for our peace, He died for our peace and left us His peace.

I can’t emphasize that enough as we go through so much and I see so many suffering, that He Himself is our peace, Ephesians 2:14  So what is Christ but the Spirit of His peace? Or Christmas, or even New Year, or anytime but the Lord is our peace, where His Spirit is there should be peace. The holidays should reflect the Spirit of Peace even more.

It is not chaos nor confusion, God doesn’t reign over that. I hope you didn’t endure the family feuds or grind your teeth rather than spend another moment with obnoxious people. Let’s step back, ask Him to fill us with His peace, before we go through anything else.

Shopping, dinners, and table talk will go a lot smoother if the Prince of Peace has an invitation to join you wherever you go or whatever you do.. What are we waiting for? Let’s enjoy the Christmas Spirit, the rest of the year and always,the Spirit of Peace. Rebecca Jones / Valeria Boltneva, thanks.

Tune In Thursday

Mending the Broken

My Post (6)

I have had to come to the conclusion that there are things I can’t fix. Problems I can’t solve and people I cannot help. I’m just doing my best to emulate a loving Lord.  I am not Him, and there were people who would not receive from Him. I have learned to let go and not look back but forward. And it wasn’t easy, in fact, it may be the hardest thing to do to let go of someone or something you love, and want to see mended.

If you you knew me, and you knew my heart, you see a woman who likes to see the mended. I am a stickler for keeping puzzle pieces together. I have glued countless items. Angel wings, hands, book bindings because I collect angels and books, sometimes things happen. And I love books. I am extraordinarily overprotective of my treasures, though the best ones are often unseen and in the heavenly realm. I even bought the last angel off the shelf one year. He looked so alone. A few years later I gave him to a little neighbor girl who ignored him for a while but now adores him, she’s five.

Once, I even bought a cute ornament, a cute puppy of some sort, but it had a chipped paw. No one will notice among many ornaments and a little marker would help, or maybe it is just a little white stocking or sock. I just could not leave it. Is that a character flaw or the Jesus in me, or some of both? Jesus over did for others without regard for Himself, but He did rest and refresh, and even walk away.  I did round up stray cats for a while, I got bit, it was cold and hard work. I guess I am a do gooder or a goody two shoes, holier than thou, yeah, I have heard that one.

A part of my heart was as broken as those things and people I have tried to help. The Lord restores, and it is only He who completes us. I can fill the gaps, but there are still cracks, cracks in our armor but not His. I have come to believe that armor is His Spirit. I know that there are those who feel lost and lonely at Christmas but they really are all the time, the most joyous of seasons just wrenches it out even more.

My mother is the doll collector, looking for a public domain picture runs you across some creepy pictures. This one is not so bad or macabre. She had a pretty girl with glasses in a red velvet Christmas dress, her hair was braided atop her head, back in the day when mine was long, I had even worn mine like that. I broke that doll one day, her face was smashed in. I was able to fix her but she is still cracked. You can see the lines on her cherubic face, but she is still beautiful, I tucked her away, I could have easily tossed her as so many would have but her name was Becky, and she did remind me of myself. I used to have long hair I could braid and put.

I have seen children destroy toys,  a little girl who would twist Barbie legs into impossible gymnastic poses, before decapitating them, break motorcycles and the most cardinal of sins to me, write in their storybooks. And yes, I know, I make Bible notes, and now there are coloring Bibles. But I am ticked off to see a child go through a coloring book, and just scribble on each page, or write through their storybooks, that I loved as a child, and I had very few of and they were read again and again, and I was never bored. I suppose I was always very blessed, whatever was broken in me had always been sealed by a more powerful glue, His blood and Spirit.

I read how pottery was mended in the Bible. Not everyone could run down to the potter’s house when something broke, especially, if you were in the fields or on the plain, or living a nomadic, and somewhat primitive life. It was a mixture that included lamb’s blood. Get the picture? The blood of the Lamb cleanses us from all unrighteousness, making us righteous, but He was cursed by being crucified. He knew no sin and was made sin for us. So why do so many of us remain broken?

For some it is a choice, they don’t want to be mended. It is sad but true that all some people talk about is there illnesses or problems. Jesus even aske the man at the pool of Bethesda if he wanted to be healed. I once watched the nuns who carefully mended the Shroud of Turin. For others, it may just take too long and they give up, the process can be painstaking, repetitive and tedious, and yet Jesus healed and delivered instantly. Why then does it take so long, perhaps we just to expect Him to move for us, it is everyone’s own soul search, and He has the answer. Some were healed from the very hour, and as they went. what we often failed to realize is that He already died for us, it is up to us to believe and remain in His love, that is why we have  a Comforter and then those who will never heal, be saved or listen. So, can not mend all the broken.

He can’t put the new wine of His Spirit into old wineskins or they will crack. We all have a measure of His Spirit at salvation, and are told to desire spiritual gifts. While we should be brimming over, a lot of us still could use some mending. But don’t despair, you don’t have to give up or in. there is nothing broken that He cannot mend, and He won’t leave gaps or cracks but will restore even better than before, a brand new creation and masterpiece in Christ.

We have all had a cherished possession get broken, seen a precious loved one broken through their own bad choices and sometimes just from spiritual attacks, isn’t it incumbent on us especially at Christmas to say an extra prayer of peace for these souls. To do something nice for them if you can, or to just let go and look forward, like the time Jesus made me throw away the broken lawn statue of Him. I mean, I just could not bear to do it. See the link and read the post if you wish.

People often like to say that we are all broken, flawed or imperfect in some way. We are not giving Him enough credit, for He broke my heart at eleven and kept pouring His Spirit in, He loves to perfect His children and protect them, so let Him finish the work he began, even if it was in childhood. You are not a memory, a misfit, a mistake or work in progress, He finished it at the cross, so let Him complete you, Whatever the wound are His were deeper still, and we are in the palm of His hand. He’s mending the broken and we’re on the mend. Rebecca Jones / public domain


  • I will try to find the doll, I put her away in a box for safekeeping.

Did You Get Presence?


My poodles always loved Christmas, I don’t think my Yorkie is quite as overjoyed, though she will attempt to sing with my parrot and I. She ” ruffed ” up her toy Santa and one year she tore off an angel’s halo, she’s all dog and only a little girlie. My poodle girls, Candy and Cozy and especially, Cozy, who was practically human, go funny, I know but like a little sister, she loved to decorate, celebrate, was in every picture and watched me pack decorations with a sad look on her little face.

They got presents, and they got presence. The faithfulness and the love was exactly what Jesus wanted for people to share. I wanted a lot of things, I did not get. Don’t we all try to make it nice for children and try to enjoy time with family and friends and usually put ourselves last?

I got presents, but I got presence and hope you did too. I really sought the Lord in prayer over the past weekend because there were so many illnesses and prayer requests and even loss.

My Christmas was simpler, quieter and not because there wasn’t anyone around. It was because I chose to step away to go to the ” lonely ” place or the quiet, restful and peaceful place Jesus would go talk to His Father and to receive, to be filled with the Spirit and power that kept Him going as a man, although He was God, if He had to do this why wouldn’t we?

I didn’t decorate as much though I really wanted to, it just didn’t happen, but that is okay too because, Jesus knows my heart. And I got presence. And while the makeup and perfume will run out, His fragrance never will.

While our happiness and joy can fluctuate and depend on circumstances, real joy is lasting and from Him. While the dinner was enjoyable and I finally got a piece of cake, that somehow eluded both mine and my mother’s birthdays, the food is gone but the bread of life and the living water is still there to suffice. So, I got presence.

I didn’t really need another sweater and some presents will have to wait, but the love and joy and faithfulness of Christ the King was evident and I hope you will receive presence if you have not already, because I got presence. Rebecca Jones / Victor, Picjumbo, thanks.

Christmas Bonus: And Take Us To Heaven


How do we get from Away in A Manger to a beach and footprints in the sand and the line from the beautiful Christmas lullaby, ” and take us to heaven to live with you there?” Well, it is simple really.

When Jesus was born, He was away in a manger. Not the wooden kind but a stone one. He was swaddled and laid there as He would be someday entombed. Because He loved us and came to die. God does not miss a beat in the Bible, every jot and tittle has meaning, literal, figurative, and even sometimes, numerical, and lots of times, hidden.

Our new lives are hidden to make us seek Him out like the wise men. And we follow in His footsteps just like walking by the Sea of Galilee. We trudge along like disciples, argue like them, but dare we deny or betray?

Too often we are trying to take up cross and carry it, as He told the disciples. Yet, He made us sons and daughters, I don’t think any of us are able to carry what He did and that’s what I’d like you to know, He took our place.

And I think that is why we see in that Footsteps poem, that He was carrying us.  How true that as we walk along the beach, there are one set of footprints, ours, then two His and ours, and then back to one.  I know what He has carried me through. Sometimes, I wonder if He ever put me down. If He did, He must have picked me back up again, because I have overcome so much.

So, yes a beautiful baby lay away in a manger, no crib for a bed, no bumper pads and mobiles, stuffed toys but real sheep, He may have had a traditional sort of Hebrew blanket, or have been swaddled in a talit or prayer shawl. It was likely linen as the grave clothes would be. Not the baby blue warm and fuzzy ones.

But nothing held down that love, He did not have to be nailed, He had no place to lay His sweet head, until a cross was given to Him to carry, upon an already agonized and beaten brow and bloodied body. The little Lord Jesus, now crucified Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head.

He may not have cried much as a baby. But He cried on a hillside, in a garden, yes, Jesus wept, for Jerusalem, for you and I and for the world. And He cried with a loud voice, ” It is finished! ” Now that baby is risen and our beloved High Priest, still watching over us, and one day whether by the Rapture of the church, which I believe is imminent, or if He redeems us from death, He will take us to heaven to live with Him there. Many wil lbe alive and we must be remaining in His love. Rebecca Jones / pexels

I Speak Peace To My Child


I am Mary, Mother of Jesus.

As God speaks His peace to me,  I speak it to my child.

He is a joy, my new baby boy, with a heart so tender and mild.

So small, born for such a task,

How much of His little Son would He ask?

Sent to save a world in pain and warring,

Into the world, He came,  a heart undefiled.

Born on Christmas morning.

To seek and save, a creation gone wild.

God had a plan for the little Son of Man,

And what was coming, I couldn’t know it.

All I see is the love in His sweet face that shows it.

I am Mary , speaking peace to my child,

And the little Prince of Peace,

Just spoke it back to me,

When He looked at me and smiled.

Rebecca Jones

Merry Christmas!

The Christmas Pearl


Southern girls loves their pearls. Most have at least one strand, or earrings or bracelets. They go with everything, from the little black dress to the Christmas red one. They even look good with jeans and heels or flats. And why not boots? Pearls are handed down, worn at weddings, borrowed and given as a special gift.

But there is a lot more to pearls than most of us know about. We can go back to the story of the Pearl of Great Price, the parable told by Jesus.  As a girl of eleven, I used to hear that Jesus was the pearl and we should give everything for Him. I have since heard how the world is the field and that Jesus is the one who gave all to buy the field so that we are the pearls of great price, I had never thought of it that way.

The way oysters produce the pearl is by being irritated. Some object works it way through the softshell into the tender heart of the oyster, in a way it is pierced like the side of Jesus. Inside the object is continually covered by a white liquid, called nacre. It sounds like nacker.

Day after day the liquid is covered until it round and beautiful. The same way the blood of Jesus covers us day after day and keeps us white as snow. Finally, to get the pearl, the oyster is cracked open and it dies, it suffocates which is the same way a crucified person does. It is the same way Jesus died. He covers His pearls and His Jesus girls, from the south or anywhere else.

Isn’t this story and the study of oysters an interesting parallel to salvation? Isn’t it interesting too that there are seed pearls, like the seeds of His Word sown in us. There are black pearls, white, and even silver, gray, blue or purplish tints, even chocolate pearls. There are also knockoffs, cheap imitations, and paste as well as cultured.

When you find a few spare minutes, watch some of the videos about pearls, how they are harvested. There are even man made ones. Agitated and irritated the process is the same in the ocean and in tanks.  The best quality ones are the most expensive. Yet, Jesus purchased salvation for any who would believe.

There are all kinds of believers, what kind of girl are your or what kind of pearl? Are you genuine or imitating what you think is a Christian, follow Jesus who gave His life, not people who can and do disappoint. I hope you get a set of pearls for Christmas, whether real or not your faith should be genuine. Pure and true, we should make it our heart’s desire to be the woman He wants us to be,

We never deserved His gift of salvation or the grace He has freely given us. Jesus is our oyster and if we are the pearls He died to produce we should live a life please to Him and not to please people. He alone is worthy or praise, And He would like nothing more than to make us His Christmas pearl. Rebecca Jones / Jacob Postuma