If You Don’t Know Me By Now…

I got up one morning singing this oldie, such an oldie, I had to look it up. Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, 1972. I was eleven, I probably heard it and had not thought of it years, so why now? Then I felt the Lord speaking to my soul about those who don’t know Him at all.

It was a few years back that I was teaching about rest when a woman online disagreed with me.          ” No, no, don’t rest. Pray for souls to be saved. ” Of course, I pray for people but I also have learned that believers need to enter His rest and have peace in their own souls in order to be alert,    diligent and intuitive to the Spirit. Many are tossed about by doctrine and those that are not as knowledgeable about the Word, they can fall prey to the enemy.

I have taught Bible study off and on for years, since I was seventeen, in fact. I taught little old ladies at a small church. I felt a little insecure, they were older and should have been wiser. But I taught them about Jesus. One, in her eighties then, gave me a book on angels and that has been a wonderful part of my life, learning about their work. Another, had red hair, I think of her often as I color mine. She was growing old gracefully and in style.

But seriously, and with all due respect to the poet, John Greenleaf Whittier,  ” For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, ‘It might have been’. “, I have to disagree, the saddest words are these…

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. Matthew 7:21-23 English Standard

Did you catch that? ” I never knew you. ” Jesus will say that to many, both unbelievers and some that who have tried to be Christians or thought they were only, to be disillusioned that they never knew Him at all. Because God looks at hearts, He has the power to judge. We can only judge righteously, by their fruit. Even if it appears to be good, it may not be and only Jesus knows a person’s true intent and spirit. He alone died and was given authority by the Father to judge, and He will. Whether or not they cast out demons or did mighty works is for Him to judge, although you can in the Spirit, through His power. These people are apparently more self absorbed.

And if you don’t know Him by now, you may never, never, never know Him. Perhaps, that is why the song was stuck in my head. My mother must have heard me singing it because I heard her singing it one day. I once read of a man who thought he was a Christian, in the night, he woke and fell in the floor and felt himself dying and going to hell, he was calling his wife but he recovered and I like to think it made him think again about a real and sincere relationship with Christ. A lot of people may never have a chance to repent or rethink their lives, when it can change in an instant. But I know a loving God gives every chance to every lost and last soul.

My own grandfather relayed a story of a friend of his who lay dying, the man was telling people he could see the devil laughing at him and his feet were in the fire. It happened when I was a child. As a woman I wondered why no one was telling him about Jesus? My grandfather wasn’t saved either, though he had been to church and heard about Christ.  I went to visit him as a teenager when he was ready to receive Christ for It took a long time and a lot of time passed but he received and passed away from cancer. He knew Jesus after all.

I am not unaware of the times we live in. But being a Christian does not make you a hater. You have to call sin what it is and then it is a person’s own decision. Being saved by grace is not a license to sin, and the grace message should not be insulted by those who believe in an anything goes lifestyle. It doesn’t work that way, Jesus paid too high a price for souls to insult Him. And while He doesn’t remember our sins, He chooses not to, He does not expect us to continue in them. We are living in day that is much closer to His return, and while many will say I am wrong, I love you enough to tell it that God is not the author of confusion, 1 Corinthians 14:33.

He is not causing the hurts and disappointments, He does allow things to happen, yes, He set a covenant in motion and keeps His Word. He hopes people will come to Jesus so He can settle their hearts with His love, salvation and peace, John 3:16, 14:27.

But if you continue in sin, not sinning and keeping a repentant heart that quickly asks forgiveness, because you are a believer, but enjoy it, deny its existence, and remain a willing sinner, be sure that sins do find you out.

Remember, the sins of some people are obvious, leading them to certain judgment. But there are others whose sins will not be revealed until later. 1 Timothy 5:24

He’s coming and many people will not be taken with Him. So, if you don’t know Him by now, you may never, never, never know Him…

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Examining The Shroud

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With Lent upon us and the coming of Resurrection Sunday, I thought it would be interesting to examine the shroud of Turin, in a way. We’ve all hear about and seen pictures and perhaps, you got to the shroud in person, but is it really the burial cloth of Christ?

Personally, I have always wanted to believe that. And I could not fathom that anyone would risk death or being burned at the stake over a forgery or a painting. The shroud itself did not originate in Turin, it was just displayed there after being given to the Pope, John Paul II, after the last owner, former king king Umberto II of Italy passed. away in 1983.

Originally, brought back from the Holy Land by the grandfather of a crusader, it was owned and displayed in the village of Liery by Geoffroi de Charny, a knight who died in battle in 1356. It remained in the de Charny family, changed hands once, and now belongs to the Pope. While it was displayed in a church as a relic in the middle ages, there has been doubt about the age of the cloth, carbon dated puts it more around that time and not first century.

But that is easily explained by the fact that it was repaired somewhat by nuns after being scorched in a box during a fire, in the chapel of Chambery when owned by the Savoy family in 1532 obviously that part of the cloth was dated correctly. Later testing appears to prove authenticity. It was then moved to Turin.

Some have said it was the shroud of a member of the Knights templar,  that was crucified and tortured, hung from a door, who survived and later was burned at the stake. I wonder if that is plausible at all?

It was deemed in 1390 to be a forgery by Bishop of Troyes, Henri de Poitiers, who claimed to know the artist. But he technology then an now suggest other possibilities. Many people are covered in shrouds, even today, we see it in the Middle East. But do we see any images on the shrouds? True, Jewish tradition had the body buried the same day, and they were in a hurry to bury Jesus because of Passover. Bodies would not be left on the cross, legs would have been broken to hurry it along, and they would have been thrown into a fire.

Scripture tells us that Jesus didn’t have broken legs and was buried in a tomb, the body covered in spices and a cloth. The Bible is specific about a napkin that he left folded, perhaps, a second cloth to cover a bloodied face, though he would have been washed. This is really hard to write, I can’t comprehend being there, the movies don’t compare to the horror of it. Jesus left the napkin folded as a sign of His return.

It was studied extensively in the 1970’s but one earlier photographed on a glass plate, produced a negative image, by Secondo Pia in 1898. The face and nose are more visible, hands folded. Even a Los Angeles coroner examined it and determined that it was a crucifixion and a horrible death.

Crucifixion was excruciating, not a Jewish punishment, but perfect by the Romans. The word ” excruciating ” actually means ” from the cross “. We know from the Bible that Jesus was both beaten and scourged, when it should have be or the other and crucified, He took at triple punishment, enduring the very wrath of God to save us and why He alone is worthy to judge in the coming time, He will allow the wrath of the Lamb ot be poured on those who refuse His grace.

Many believed the shroud to be a painting, but why go to all that trouble when paintings were abundant in the Middle Ages? And how did they do it? Cameras were not invented until the 1800’s but there is a process called a camera obscura, but that appears unlikely.

More recent studies suggest the image was made by sugars from the ointments placed on the body, and the heat escaping the body or even sweat. Much like baking bread was the description given, I thought that was interesting as He is the manna from heaven, the Bread of Life. And still, only one shroud?

Another explanation says that it was a laser like process, but there were no lasers invented in Jesus’ day right? And it would take as many as a hundred and forty thousand going off in a split second burst. Sure that could explain it, the Holy Spirit raised Him from the dead, He had and has that laser like power that transfigured or emblazoned the image on the cloth!

It also was mentioned that the front is shorter than the back and they wondered why. I think I know. The shroud is a little over fourteen feet long, enough length to cover a man six feet tall and more but what if the imprint was burned in as He sat up, wouldn’t that explain the difference in height?

Whether or not you or I believe in a relic or not is not the point of His resurrection. Believers don’t need proof. Skeptics and doubters may never believe, even in the specific science. What is important is that He loved us and willing gave His life and the He rose from the dead, Isaiah 53 is proof enough for me.


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Look For The Butterflies!


It’s been cold as we got into January, which is when I’m writing this post. A lot has been going on, a lot of problems, and a lot of blessings. We have overcome a lot as believers, have we not? And only because He did. You can imagine my surprise during an early morning prayer time to hear the Spirit impress these words on me, ” Look for the butterflies…of renewal. ”

Now it was cold and in the few days after even down to freezing and a wind chill of zero. I know it’s nothing new to some of you but here in the south, it is cold. Naturally, there are no butterflies to be seen, but then, I saw them on T shirts, my pajamas, and even on television, a reminder of the nearby Callaway Gardens where there are lots of them kept in something that looks like a green house.

Butterflies have long been used as a symbol of transformation, from unsaved to being born again, 1 Thessalonians 5:17. It is as if the Holy Spirit added ” of renewal. “, to get my attention. As the winter blankets the earth and we are in a sort of cocoon of hibernation, we must not for get as we rest to beat our wings in prayer, and emerge as the love butterflies we are.

In order to do that, we must not conform to world’s ideals or ways but be transformed by the renewal of our minds, Romans 12:2. See that? Renewal! More specifically, our minds have to be renewed, yes, not only in each stage or season, but moment by moment if necessary, and daily. Psalm 103, promises a renewal of youth, as did the prophet Isaiah, how much more can we be renewed in the mind of Christ.

He is not worried, angry or upset. I believe He is disappointed when we drift away from Him even for a second, He loves us that much. And while butterflies do not live long, we can, and forever because He is the resurrection and the life and not just when we go to heaven but He brings it near, He restores, renews and resurrects. He puts the supernatural into the natural, the new in renewal, the abundance into life.

I believe that just as He spoke those words into my spirit on a cold morning this winter, that spring is just ahead and He is speaking healing, peace and renewal to our souls, if we will receive. So, I ask you today, as I know you will in the natural progression of spring, to look into your weary and troubled hearts. and look for the butterflies.


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Valentine From God

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I think of you often during my day, you are in my thoughts, my hopes.

My conversation is sprinkled with your name.

In fact, you are in all I do or say. In everything I pray.

My love for you is  a fountain of youth, a mountain of joy…a whisper, a song…

Hearing a moment of prayer, a momentous moment of truth.

It’s a sky of blue, white, lazy, cloudy.  It’s a sea of green, and beauty bursting through….

A parade of red, drummers, drumming loudly.

Violets, blooming right on cue.

It’s as the peace of a dove, it’s wings reaching far and wide.

My arms embrace you, I am always by your side.

You are the apple of my eye, the peach that blossoms fair,

The orchard of my bounty, if you need me I AM there.

You are sunrise and sunset, moonbeam and star.

I AM that I AM, and I AM where you are.

You are both memories and music, singer and song.

And I love you, all the day long.

Winter and summer, rhyme or reason,

You are the laughter of a far away season.

Gardens, gazebo, morning dew, evening mist,

Every love, I’ve ever loved, every kiss, I’ve ever kissed.

I only hope you will think of me this way,

My love is bright, as shining as my Son.

It is finished, it is done!

For darkness overshadowed the cross,

The only love I ever knew, became my pain, my loss.

I gave Him up, I had too!!!

I had to look away, and I did it just for you!

Though you’ve praised Him, maybe, you don’t understand.

The all or whole of what I’ve written or said.

Yet, my love is alive, now living…

I raised Him from the dead!!!

I gave you all I had, that is true.

Because my love is everlasting, blessing you.

So follow in His footsteps, the very path He trod.

I hope you know how much, I love you,

It’s true, every word, please believe.

I hope you have received and love Jesus,

Your Valentine from God.


I can hardly believe that I wrote this for my mother twenty one years ago. I reposted it with only a couple of words changed. Enjoy and share for ministry. my-post-20

I Gave You All My Love


Though I have been continuously writing about peace, I just had to post some thoughts for Valentine’s Day. I have long held the view that we have really just scratched the surface of God’s love for us, and why would He not love us, after all He gave us all His love?

The same God that created everything, who was and always has been, a triune being, omnipotent and omniscient, gave us Himself, the only way He could, by keeping a holy bloodline in order to allow the Spirit to overtake a virgin who would bear His Son, and then He gave up that Son. Jesus had to die in order to reconcile us to God, He was the only pure sacrifice. I know many religions do not accept that. You have the right to choose, God gave you a free will. But it is just further proof to me, that He did this, and for people He knew may never believe, but what about the ones who would?

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him. 1 John 3:1

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. Ephesians 1:7,8

I like the word lavish, but it comes from a Hebrew root that can have a twofold meaning. To be exact, to scatter or pour out. It also means to treat lightly. Now, that might stop some from believing a loving and lavish God who is happy to pour out His gifts, grace, love and even riches. Believe me, God does not treat His love lightly.

He was more than generous, more that gracious, more than kind to an undeserving world. And while I have had people disagree with me about who could be save, God gave Jesus for the world, and anyone who would believe. That is what unbelievers take too lightly, and sadly some Christians. It is easy to explain away God’s love if you want to argue that allows the bad to happen. Well, He gave the world to humanity and people continually make bad choices. Such bad ones that He knew He would have to send Jesus at just the right time in history. And what is also true is that He will return, and at just the precise moment God determines.

Can you imagine, as a parent, giving your son to save someone undeserving? Even though God’s love is shown by the sacrifice of many, it was not enough, would never have been enough, just like lambs, it would take Jesus.

So when you think about love this Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget to count Jesus among your loves,  for He is the most important love, and was all God’s love lavished upon us the Heavenly Father and may you delight in the refreshing love of His Holy Spirit, and never forget the love of the Father, who lavished us with His Son, and gave us all His love. And we love because He loves us first, 1 John 4:19.


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Love Is…

Love is Jesus, only He could have made the sacrifice we read about in 1 Corinthians 13, although I read the commentary that suggest that Paul is speaking of himself, and that may be true, he did suffer, was imprisoned and even had a near death experience, Jesus still is the love we are studying here. What we go through just can’t compare.

If I speak with the tongues of humans and of angels, but do not have love, I have become sounding bronze, or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I dole out all my goods to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.

Love is patient and is kind; love does not envy. Love does not brag, is not proud, does not behave itself inappropriately, does not seek its own way, is not irritable, does not keep a record of wrongs; does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will be done away with. Where there are tongues, they will cease. Where there is knowledge, it will be done away with. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; but when that which is complete has come, that which is partial will be done away with. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child. Now that I have become an adult, I have put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, even as I was also fully known. But now faith, hope, and love remain–these three. The greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13 New Heart Version

You know, I have wondered if Jesus spoke in tongues, maybe this answers it, both of men and angels. He would have spoken Hebrew and Aramaic, the New Testament was translated into Greek. But it is obvious that as the Son of God, He commanded angels and understood and could speak all languages.

The chapter proceeds to tell what love is and Jesus was all of this. He did not speak to hear Himself talk, speak a lot and say nothing, His words were wise and well chosen. He grew from a child by grace. He walked in the Spirit without measure. We won’t know Him fully until we see Him face to face but He was known.

I ask you to consider reading several versions. I know we are familiar with certain phrases and verses. I also have to mention ” giving my body to be burned “, I spent time in a burn unit for a skin graft, though not from a fire. I can’t imagine taking someone’s place on a cross or going to hell for them, although we too, can intercede, it doesn’t compare. We can only do that in Him.

Jesus did go there to retrieve Adam’s authority for believers. He has the keys of death, hell and the grave. Imagine, if you will, being absolutely sure the Spirit would raise you as a human. I wasn’t sure I would survive my surgeries, but for His promise and many prayers, and still, I was not all God, but quite human. That’s what makes Jesus’ love, and God for giving Him, what a difficult decision to make. And the Spirit for coming for Him.

Jesus was both and understands us, we may find ourselves troubled or afraid, He knew we would be. But His love gives us peace. None of us are able to bear it all, why we do need each other but even if all we have is God, that’s enough, because God is love, and we love Him, because He first loved us, 1 John 4:18,19.

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