Heavenly Peace


You know where this line comes from, the lyrics are from Silent Night. silence certainly can be peaceful. It is nice to be quiet and still before the Lord as Psalm 46:10 says and to be still as He fights our battles, Exodus 14:14, but what about that heavenly peace? I have sleeping in it much better after a long hospital stay and a lot of pain.

Rightly speaking, it should have entered and remained in our hearts as believers but we often lose sight of it. It is still there, the gift of heavenly peace, His peace, John 14:27. We just have receive it, it is not the world’s idea of peace and perhaps, not even our own. We really have not begun to comprehend the depth of His sacrifice and love. God’s thoughts and ways supersede ours, no wonder it is heavenly peace!

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Sure, you have. But have you ever felt His presence pass over you as you shed the first tear and you smile and breathe a sigh of relief at receiving His heavenly peace and drift on off to sleep?  He keeps our tears in a bottle, ( I have gallons of them. Maybe, you do too. ) Psalm 56:8, and He is coming to wipe the all away in Revelation, but He is near to do that even now if we allow Him, if we reach for His peace.

I like the purples in my picture, reflections, hues of blues, grays, periwinkle and white. We studied how God uses colors so divinely, and pondered what color peace would be. And even what it would smell like, heaven, surely. The angel holds a rose solemnly, but it could just as easily be one His sparrows and the dove is present to bring the purity of His peace. It can happen in the day, but I watched a late sunset the other night and the sun on the horizon was a red ball of fire slipping into the evening. It was as if the day had been parched and scorched, a desert if you will, but the night brought a gentle cooling and whispers of His peace.

To walk in that peace both day and night would be heavenly would it not? Heaven came to earth in the form of His Son Jesus, and He sent the Spirit, though we may not always see a dove, He is there in the hearts of believers to minister grace and peace. I watched a pair of doves eating the other day. When a larger black bird descended it frightened away other birds but not the doves, they just kept eating. That is what we should do if the day burns too hot in the spiritual sense or the night is too overwhelming to sleep, just keep eating, feeding on the words Jesus spoke in peace. The doves recognize His peace.

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O LORD, will keep me safe. Psalm 4:8 New Living

It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep. Psalm 127:2 English Standard

There are other verse about sleep and peace but this one stood out to me tonight. How can we overlook it?

For in Him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. Colossians 1:19, 20 English Standard

Did you catch that? God was and is pleased with Jesus’ sacrifice, He was in it. He brought heaven to earth, heavenly peace to make peace and reconcile all who would believe. I pray we understand, and know heavenly peace and receive it in the fullest as His return is imminent.

I pray His peace over you today, receive it in love, and sleep in heavenly peace.


Susan Lu 4esm / Pixabay / Canva

The Aroma Of His Peace

I have been studying and writing about His peace for a long time and every weekend this summer. I have tried to approach it in many ways because I know we really have not experienced the fullness of His peace and what it truly is. We may not completely until we get to heaven, but we should be on that straight and narrow path pursuing it as He pursues us to study,

I have written about peace in many ways, peaceful pursuits, hobbies, even the colors I would imagine peace to be and now what about the smells. Jesus was offered as sweet smelling sacrifice for us. Offerings were spices, bread, oils, and more.

Does peace smell like roses? I believe so. I recently read about the fragrance of roses filling the hospital upon the death of a minister. That smell has been associated with other experiences in the Spirit, vivid dreams and even visions. I can believe that peace smells light as florals.

It is as delicate as butterfly wing and just as soft and beautiful. But I suppose it be powerful, overwhelming and striking upon entering a room. A lot of people have a particular scent they enjoy, and true some overdo it. But peace is intoxicating and you cant wear too much of His peace.

So His peace is like flowers and perfume. It is like the oils burned as incense at the temple. And I don’t mind oils of fragrances but they don’t have to be rituals or based in false teaching. I have been anointed with oil. I like smell of cinnamon and frankincense and myrrh, but they are not the same as the Holy Spirit, He is the fragrance we need,

And the one thing needful whatever is in our broken alabaster box is His anointing, His fragrance, His peace. Jesus, there is a name for that, petrichor, like the fragrance after the rain. Who knew? It is a scientific name for that fresh and fragrant scent after the cooling raindrops pour over the thirsty ground, the hot concrete and steel.

Before there ever was a rainstorm, or flood, Eden was watered in a mist a dew. Perhaps, that is really, what petrichor is the misty fragrance of His peace that waters our souls on a daily basis.

What does peace smell like to you? Baking bread or cookies, tea or coffee brewing? You can find His peace everywhere. So wear it, enjoy its colors and fragrance and walk in it. I pray you experience His peaceful aroma and presence today.

after the flood…

And the LORD was pleased with the aroma of the sacrifice and said to himself, “I will never again curse the ground because of the human race, even though everything they think or imagine is bent toward evil from childhood. I will never again destroy all living things. Genesis 8:21 New Living

Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered Himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God. Ephesians 5:2

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14 New King James

Jesus was was and is the only sacrifice we will ever need, and all we have to do is offer ourselves to Him.

Colors Of Peace


I saw a show the other day and heard the song a girl was singing, it was in a camera commercial, I believe also, ” I See Your True Colors “. God sees us our true colors and still loved us enough to send His Son.

He saved us from the blackness of sin and is our Father now, as believers, because of the crimson blood of His Son, His only beloved Son, Jesus. Like the strand that hung on the temple door that changed from red to white when the scapegoat died, our sins became white as snow because of Jesus taking our place.

A lot of people are influenced and calmed by color. God used them to create and inspire. Just look at the sky. It is pale or baby blue, azure, red, gold and even purple or eggplant at night. The sun is yellow, golden, red orange. He made all colors from roses to rainbows and skin tones.

A lot of people can get into auras, and while I think, people can reflect Him in many ways, it is His light that refracts around believers. It is not any pagan practices or use of drugs, not the psychedelic 1960’s that really have never stopped. God sees our true colors, He knows the difference between reality and true spirituality,

I just wanted to explore what He might have colored peace to be. I would naturally think white. But it could be silvery, as His redemptive power exudes over us. It could be golden as the shekinah glory or His presence gives us His peace. It could be lilac or lavender, pale purple that lights a hint of the even dusk that envelopes us.

Peace could be red for it was He who is our peace, Ephesians 2:14, that purchased it on across of shame. It could be royal purple or a blazing golden star that heralded His birth, and even the ball of fiery gold that resurrected Him from the dead and opened a stone tomb. I like to think it is some shade of purple.

It was the white linen, possibly with threads of blue and gold that swaddled Him. It was the color of grave clothes and spices that buried Him. It was the talit and tassles of the which the hem the woman touched, the prayer shawl, her blood dried up immediately and she was healed.

The power, the healing the peace was not in mere robes, blankets or clothes. It was in Him and He has put His Spirit in our hearts, and I pray, His peace as well for the days of darkness and terror are on the earth and grow worse before He comes to purify and purge, to cleanse, for there to be a new heaven and earth, beautiful and blue, and evergreen.

Our true colors do shine through, and nothing is hidden from God. If love is perhaps, a rose red, our robes given by Him, purple in His righteousness. For that is the only way we could be, I forgiveness is is silver and the Spirit He sent to comfort us golden, we really do have beauty for ashes, and His peace shines through. May He be our true colors, knowing He loves you.

Public Domain Pictures / Pixabay / Canva

The Kiss Of Peace


We have all seen those kind of kisses, you know, the air kissers and perhaps, not so sincere greetings, but what really is the kiss of peace. It is totally the opposite of a Judas kiss or a betrayal, that is how God has kissed us with His peace.

While I grew up in a Baptist and then Pentecostal environment, I really see myself as non-denominational believer, drawing from the Holy Spirit. We were to shake hands and sometimes you got hugged, I can recall being stared down at by ministers wearing bi-focals, and then a few kissy people. It was uncomfortable, at times.

I have studied a lot in order to write and share about the love of God. The Catholic services may include at times, the priest proclaiming “Let us love one another” and “Christ is in our midst.” The response, “He is and always shall be.” Not all parishes do this though and then there is the Nicene Creed, and the idea of making peace before the Eucharist, Jesus even spoke of that. Should we all not want to be at peace with one another before taking Holy Communion, the priest may also say or sing “The peace of the Lord be with you always”, to which the people respond: “And with your spirit.” 

Not only did St. Augustine write about the kiss of peace, also known as the holy kiss or kiss of love and others, it is Biblical, even if you are not Catholic. Look at some examples from the New Testament and they are draw from Judaism, the greeting of shalom, with a much deeper meaning than mere peace, it is peace where everything in in order, spirit, soul, body, even mind will and emotions, nothing missing nothing broken, It is literally, ” How is your peace? “

Romans 16:16—”Greet one another with a holy kiss.”
1 Corinthians 16:20 —”Greet one another with a holy kiss.”
2 Corinthians 13:12—”Greet one another with a holy kiss.”
1 Thessalonians 5:26—”Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss.”
1 Peter 5:14—”Greet one another with a kiss of love.”

What I liked reading was that the groom gives the bride the kiss of peace, and oh, how our bridegroom Jesus has kissed us with His peace, John 14:27. He, has kissed us with the Holy Spirit, the very Spirit of peace.

While I’m not one to go around kissing everyone, I do offer you His peace. And remember it is with our lips that profess His words, and Jesus instructed His disciples to speak to houses, are we not all temples of His Spirit as believers? Of course, not everyone will agree or receive but I know I have been kissed with His peace.

Can you see yourself as beloved, kissed upon the cheeks daily by God? I’m learning to and I know what He has done for me I could never put into words. They never do Him justice. And many times in prayer and even just during the day there is the slightest wind that passes warm upon my lips, that truly is His kiss of peace. Jesus loves us.

One of my favorite Christina Rosetti poems, In The Bleak Midwinter expresses it well with this line.

Angels and archangels may have gathered there,

Cherubim and seraphim thronged the air;

But His mother only, in her maiden bliss,

Worshiped the Beloved with a kiss.

Sam Lion / Pexels / Canva / Clcker / Pixabay

Whispers Of His Peace


I know I probably have used this title before and I have a Pinterest board with this name also but it is such a wonderful thought, the still, small voice that is a God whisper. As I sat down to write, I thought. ” The Father loves us so much. ” You see what I mean by a whisper of His peace.

These thoughts can be daily or random. It would serve us well to journal them, make a Pinterest pin, or add a verse to them. How much is God whispering to us that we don’t even hear during the busyness of the day. I remember going back to read some older posts and realizing what was going on at the time and thinking, ” How did I even write this? ” And I knew the answer, that it was God inspiring me with a whisper through the chaos and the pain. It was a whisper of His love, sufficient grace and His peace.

While the Proverbs put a sour note on a whisperer, 16, 28, 18:8, 26:20, as a gossip or troublemaker, let’s look at 1 Kings 19:12 and where God, likely in the form of Jesus spoke to Elijah. He did appear to him as the Angel of the Lord when he was giving up, even fed him…

And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. 1 Kings 19:12 New Living

You may want to read the whole chapter, Elijah is fleeing for his life after killing the prophets that the king ang queen, Ahab and Jezebel had sent out. Elijah had made a mockery of them as they had mocked God, now he feared for his life.

Now, the angel fed him, and even more, and gave him food for the journey ahead. I do think is Jesus. He appeared many times in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. I have to mention that I once had dream that a lady fed me something to help me. You would know the name of the ministry if I wrote it. He does move in mysterious ways, but He was not in the windstorm, not even the wind. ( The Holy Spirit did not indwell believers then but came upon them. ) He was not in the earthquake, nor the fire that followed. ( The Spirit is later portrayed by fire. ) He was in the gentle whisper.

While many people look for sign and wonders, some life changing epiphany, it may not happen like you expect. Now, the Spirit has been given to us, pour out own us. He can be a mighty rushing wind or a baptism of fire. I have heard many people described their healing that way. But many times, if not most, He can be in the gentle whisper of His peace. No wonder Jesus said the prophets would have this gift.

It used to be that you could speak to children in a soft tone and and they would pay more attention. Sadly, I’m see that not being true of them more and more. And it is the same way with adults, if is not on the phone or social media, something blasting away at them, they are not listening. Even believers can fail to rest in His love and hear the still, small voice, that is better translated a gentle whisper because God speaks volumes, the miracles Jesus did could have filled many book, how much more would He like to do for us and we are often in our own thoughts, cares, worries and fears. Are we just too involved with our own trouble hearts to let His peace be whispered to us, I hope not.

We are told that if we hear His voice not to harden our hearts, Hebrews 3:15, people who do risk having an evil heart, allowing it to fall into complacency, Hebrews 3:12, and this is the most relevant of messages…

See that you do not refuse him who is speaking. For if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less will we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven. Hebrews 12:25

I want us to listen for the gentle whisper of God’s love today, a whisper of peace that may even come in some unexpected way, as the storms of life rage. Will you keep looking for God to show up in a storm walking on the water, or in a burning bush? Or will you just give Him your battle, Exodus 14:14, be still and know He is God, Psalm 46:10, and hear Him say how very much He loves you. Let Him whisper His peace to you today and everyday, for soon, it will be a lasting and forever peace with the beloved Prince of Peace. Words and kisses are important having the power to heal or betray, I am so glad He is the healer.

Ron Lach / Pexels / Canva

The Feet Of Peace


A lot of women are funny about their feet. I know. I have see some that love pedicures and others that would never wear sandals. Me, I love a good pedicure and foot massage or just a good soak.

I have had the kind of feet that have to be filed or sloughed. Too bad I can’t walk on the warm sand of the beach and let the water trickle through my toes. They used to be wide a thick, but have shrunk after the hospital stay. I can wear a half to whole size smaller and only wide not extra wide. Learning to walk again, I did buy a pair of sandals but have not manage to walk in they yet, but I’m getting there.

We all know about the feet shod with the gospel of peace as part of the full armor of God in Ephesians 6. Look at that would you? Those clunky metal boots worn by knights in shining armor look heavy, And they are!

I try to remember how Saul’s armor was too heavy for a young man named David in the story of Goliath. It was not a slingshot or stone nor even a soon to be king but the name of God, just like we have the authority of Jesus name. It was not even armor but the armor of God, it was the Spirit of God.

We go at our Goliaths with our feet shod and beautiful because of the love of Jesus and the power of His peace. Did I say beautiful, I sure did. Take a look at you feet again, in the spiritual sense.

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” Isaiah 52:7

These were watchmen heralding Cyrus decrees for them to return home from captivity Prophetically. it could relate to the coming of Christ as we see Isaiah explain in chapter 53 and the covenant of His peace in 54. Now, there were beautiful feet, and no one offered to wash them at Simon’s home, until Mary of Bethany came with an alabaster box. He washed the feet of the disciples, but did they wash His?

Feet and legs are symbolic of our walk with Christ. sometimes, that is their mean in dreams, and shoes are peace. For instance, if you are wearing boots you may be climbing a spiritual mountain or maybe He is moving one. I have dreamed of ice skating which I can’t do, I guess I was gliding over a hard place. As always, I encourage readers to be cautious of dream interpretation. Though it is Biblical, everyone may not be credible or accurate, the Spirit will confirm it to you if it is significant.

As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:15

It is quoting Isaiah. And those who carry the anointing have beautiful feet, peaceful feet or at least, they should. While anoint means to smear on water or oil, both types of the Holy Spirit, that is who Jesus was anointed with and who we should be. And God ” sent ” His Son, John 3:16, 17, He ” sent ” the word and healed them, Psalm 107:20, as part of the peaceful covenant, He ” sent ” the Word in the flesh in John 1.

That is what Christ or Christos, even Ieouses means. Christ, His title, means “the Anointed One” He is the pre-eminate, the eternal pre-incarnate, Logos or Word of God. we see how He was anointed, and shouldn’t we believe He sends out with beautiful, peaceful feet. Not because of us but Him. We too are messengers whether to a few or many, and His Spirit is their to guide our footsteps, our walk, and give us the feet of peace, His peace.

Taryn Elliot / Pexels / Canva

Intercession And Peace


I have been wanting to write about intercession for a while now. It has been on my mind and is something I learned about from an older minister well over thirty years ago. Intercession is standing in for someone, like a proxy. Many even stood in healing lines for others. However, it is not taking on someone’s demons! Ever! Many parents will often say they would change places with their children who are ill, even rather die in their stead but that is what Jesus did.

We are His children as believers, and people do manage to cut their lives short in many ways, even those who do believe and fall into sin or disobedience, who are not skilled in rightly dividing the Word, who do not discern His body and blood, and just because we live in a fallen world and there is still free will.

Intercession is praying for someone and specifically, something you are aware of. The Spirit will guide you if you don’t know what to pray, and for people you may or may not know, Sometimes, I believe He even has us to back of and focus on those who are receptive, I have had that happen. In the Old Testament, the intercession of the prophets did not always change the mind of God because He knew the hearts of people. We have limitations but He does not.

It is learning to discern. what I recently heard called a God nudge. It is often a thought or a sort of snapshot that comes to mind. I once prayed for a woman, and later saw her name in the credits of a television show. You may or may not know the person, they may not even be in the same country. The Spirit goes everywhere. And especially, places we cannot.

I have seen people pray over requests, prayers of written agreement, bills and even candy that was sent to a mental hospital. You can anoint your prayers with oil. I have participated in services where prayer cloths were anointed and sent out to be worn as an act of faith. I know I have seen those who will ask you to just do what you could not before, I know that is hard, God understands, appreciates the effort. It is He, who will get you there and you are not to lay hands on people suddenly, or hand out Communion to just anyone, it helps if the person has some wisdom about these forms of intercession and I think it is wise to pray for people in the Spirit, in tongues. You may or may not what you are saying but He does! Interpretation is for the entire body and orderly in church.

I can tell you that intercession is a powerful gift. I could tell you stories of people saved from falling off cliffs, missionaries surrounded by angels that they didn’t see but their attackers did. I know of a non believer who was seen in a dream descending and told he could not go yet, then he was seen going up again. I know of credible near death experiences and I believe many were actually raised from the dead. But again, you have to trust the Spirit. Not all stories are believable or rather reliable. I do know personally of some pretty unbelievable ones that are true.

One that is believable, is of a man who collapsed in his bedroom one night and was yelling to his wife because he only thought he was saved, it is very likely he wasn’t, just though he was a good person. I read one man’s account that he believed he would go to heaven because he had not killed anybody one woman was in tears a minister prayed for someone else, she though she could not be saved because she had cut her hair.

I read of boy who came back to life just as his organs were about to be donated. Children saved from peril and kidnapping, you name it, the Lord can intercede with divine intervention and angelic protection. And so can we as the Spirit leads, even though we may not know what our prayers accomplish, He does and He gets the glory anyway, it is just nice He will allow us to be part of the kingdom of heaven.

So, let’s look at intercession in the following verse. Maybe you have a group of believers who would like to meet and become intercessors. Or maybe, you are alone and have the time to intercede for others. However you intercede, I hope it bring about peace as He lifts the burdens we have and those of others. We are stand ins but He took all our places.

Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many, and He shall divide the spoil with the strong, because He poured out His soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet He bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors. Isaiah 53:12 English Standard

And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.  Romans 8:26,27 all New Living

Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18

Therefore He is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf. Hebrews 7:25

Kristina Paukshtite / Pexels / Canva

Peace In The New Year


Peace in the New Year, really?  It’s only August! Well, you know I do some Hebrew studies and we are about to be in Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It is September 15-17, Friday to Sunday, sundown to sundown. It is celebrated with feasting and Yom Kippor fasting. We already covered how the Jewish calendar and ours have gone through many changes, it is a deep and mathematical study, I’m not so good at math, but God is and He is in charge of time.

Of course, there are days of repentance leading up to it and the Day of Atonement, the 25th, 26th, again sundown to sundown. While we covered some events in another post, these are two of the major Jewish holidays, the High Holy days, if you will. Are these dates even more important to us this year? Many think they could be. They were determined by the Levites, priests and the shofar or trumpets sounded to announce the new moon. They decided when to announce the High Holy days, the New Year now coincided with the fall and harvest. God appoints times, called ” moedim “, obviously He has set them but has moved actual dates, He knows what we don’t. I always wondered why it to so long for Jesus to be born, He knows the right time.

No, I’m not a date setter. No one knows the day nor hour. But why did Jesus say that? He was familiar with the feasts both spring and fall and the sounding of the shofar. The ram’s horn is sounded at various times. Did you know to coronate the king? To call to repentance and even to awaken the soul?

Who better to be king than Jesus? Surely, the bride is not as ready as she should be, many are struggling in spiritual warfare, why not wake our souls after all, He is the King of Kings. That is why I wrote about Teshuvah and repentance, there has been for a while and is a window of opportunity for both believers, Messianic Jews and all who would come to know Him to decide, repent, to turn or return to the one who saves before His return. God will decide when to send His Son, and then there will trouble like never before.

There will be many people teaching false doctrine. I have been seeing signs of those who believe we will endure  the Great Tribulation. Many do think the ” Rapture ” was not taught until the 1800’s. However, the term just means catching away. Pretorists think it has already occurred. Many do not believe in one at all, some think there are several. Not everyone will be saved. Don’t be deceived, don’t ever take that mark that is of the Antichrist! Technology is on the verge of it, some already in place for him to rule.

But what joy in the New Year, Jewish, and ours or any year He should return. Peace with the Prince of Peace, should He return this fall or anytime. Will we hear the different calls of the trumpet. I have believed for many years that some would hear, some would think it was like thunder and some not at all much like those who heard the voice of God and Jesus’ baptism. Let’s look at what the Bible says about the Rapture or catching away.

It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed. 1 Corinthians 15:52 New Living

For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the believers who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. So encourage each other with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

Jesus, Himself will return for the church, I believe prior to the Great tribulation. He spoke about discerning the times in Matthew 24, describing where people will be, one take and one left. That does not suggest half the population will go but rather where people may be and then gone. He also compares His coming to a thief in the night, however the deeper meaning is that of the traditional Hebrew wedding, which is usually a year after it is planned. The bridegroom comes to get her after he has built the house as in John 14. He comes at night and one knows when and the parable of the ten virgins also illustrated the one taken and one left concept, half are prepared and the others are almost out of oil. I pray we are not out of oil, a type of the Holy Spirit and are ready when Jesus comes, for a peaceful new year, anytime He comes,


Aris Leoven / Naseimage / Canva

You can hear shofar blasts online.

Repentance And Peace

Peace (1)

Many Christians are still unaware of our Hebraic roots in Christianity or only vaguely familiar with them. It can be daunting for us to tackle Hebrew or even Greek at times, yet God is on His calendar.

As I wrote this we were in the three weeks of July when Jews remember the destruction of the temple and we are approaching what is know as the season of Teshuvah, which simply means repentance or turning back to God. Beginning this year on August 18th, it precedes the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippor, the day the high priest would enter the Holy of Holies to sprinkle blood on the mercy seat. Jesus is now our High Priest and has atoned for us, though He may surely enter the Holy of Holies in heaven as the temple was a copy.

It is also followed by Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, houses made of palm leaves are built September 29th- October 6th. These are the High Holy Days or the fall feasts. Jews were required to attend three a year. Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead during the spring and many believers think He alluded to the fall feasts in revelation to Paul writing that He, Himself would return with a shout and angels and trumpet just as it was sounded to announce the feasts, no one did know the exact day or hour because it could be blown over two day prior but God is own His own time. He decides when to send His Son. And we know that our months and calendars are different, so could even a mathematician be as exact as God, of course not, but He did leave clues.

And Teshuvah is not a holiday per se, rather a time of reflection, contemplation and repentance, which simply means to change your mind or go the other way. It is returning to God’s righteousness and not self righteousness, a time to reflect on what we are doing wrong and repent, to change our ways. During these forty days you can read, pray and even fast or receive Communion.

I suggest fasting only a meal a day if you can, I realize many take medication and need to eat but anyone can give up a cup of coffee or a dessert, even better the phone or social media. And don’t be afraid of Communion as a believer, just discern the body for healing and the blood for sin. Just repent, He alone makes us worthy, and don’t keep sinning. If you do He forgives 1 John 1:9 but over in chapter 4 it says if we just keep willfully sinning we are not His, that is have not truly made Him Lord. It abuses grace.

I want to purposely rest during Teshuvah even more, His rest, Hebrews 4, His peace John 14:27. Jesus blood is on the mercy seat of our hearts as believers, we can come to the Hoy of Holies because of His sacrifice. His flesh was the temple veil torn for us, to give us His Father, it is the only way to get there. I also plan to study some more Hebrew.

I also like the idea of Taschlich ( tash -lik ) which is when papers are tossed into the sea, just like God remembering sin no more, that is as far from east to west, Psalm 103:12, repeated in other verses and Hebrews. They are in the sea of forgetfulness, Micah 7:19, Hebrews 8:12. This is celebrated on the first afternoon as Rosh Hashanah has passed, symbolic of the casting away of sin which is what it means, to cast, off or away and let those sins and the devils, flee in His name.

The Jews have a different view of the Book of Life, that your name is not blotted out until it is too late for you, while we believe it is written there at the moment of salvation and stays there. It may well be true that sinners are not blotted out until there is no hope for them. Believe me, it is better to know that your sins are blotted out. God is also supposed to decide on His plans for us for the New Year during these forty days, which is why Teshuvah, the season repentance and turning to Him is so important. Spiritual warfare has been a battle for believers lately as He prepares to return, but the battle belongs to the Lord, 2 Chronicles 2:15.

It is alright for Christians to celebrate some of the traditions, the fruits and nuts, sweets of Rosh Hashanah but what is most important is the repentance and peace that comes with casting off sins. Ask the Holy Spirit to help resolve what could be keeping from God’s best. He is our atonement and we can celebrate Jesus any day, repent anytime and receive His peace.

Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets long ago. Acts 3:19-21

Zack Camp / Unsplash / Canva

*** A little extra information.

Yes, Moses was told in Exodus 12 that it was to be the New Year. The Jews were on a lunar calendar and we are on a a solar one, the Gregorian calendar. God’s redemptive New Year would have been in what is now Nissan, Passover. Our March/ April. Though Rosh Hashanah is in Tishrei, the seventh month, ” the head of the new year “. We see this in Ezekiel 40:1. Perhaps, it was because of their being once again in captivity.

Over the years and centuries, the times appeared to have changed as God must have allowed them to be. I have heard that there are only 360 days in a lunar calendar, but just read about there being 352, 355 and even 380 days and months have more and less days. It has so much to do with the new moon. The Levites were in charge of the calendar. A rabbi later determined one in the fourth century. I like to study and I am a perfectionist, but wise enough to know I don’t understand everything.

A leap month was added to go along with our calendar, no wonder Jesus said no one would know the day or hour He would come but the one thing is certain He holds eternity in His hand and will make it all beautiful in His time.

Someone Needs To Read Your Story


I am going to be brutally honest here. There is no way that I could or would share the deepest trials and troubles of my heart. What I can share with you is the love of Jesus that brought me through it.

I am not here to compare your pain or life situation to mine. We are all different and are affected in different ways. But I know what pain is. I have suffered physically, mentally, and perhaps, even spiritually, due to teaching that was either incorrect or made God hard to please, when He is not. Not really, faith and love should be simple. We can make it harder. Though He is not going to pamper us all the time, His Comfort is there in the Spirit. We grow through these trials or become bitter. Hearts can harden and even become evil, and yes, these are believers in Hebrews 3:12.

I can truthfully say that since I was very young that I gave away my time and energy to others. I left so little for myself. I had a heart that was not at rest in Him, it was troubled, and fear wanted to creep in, no wonder the Holy Spirit sowed Isaiah 53 and John 14:27 so strongly into me.

Caregiving of any kind is both demanding and taxing. Whether it is a calling or career or something that was to become part of your life and not of your choosing, rest assured that God is not the problem, we have an enemy, who speaks fear and death while Jesus taught life and peace. As caregivers, we care not only for bodies, with medications and doctor visits, but for souls as well, minds that need His rest, we struggle to keep patience and not give in to depression. We have to encourage hearts and spirits and yet we may have no one to do the same for us but Jesus.

I know what it is like to hurt, to pray and wonder what you are doing wrong. It may be something and it may be nothing. God is own His own time. The Spirit will always help and what I found helpful is that He prays for us, Romans 8:26. Though not everyone believes in or operates in spiritual gifts, He can and will teach you and show you what you do not know, in His time and His way, which is better than ours. We are limited and He is not.

I know what it is like to be barren like a desert and to bleed, as if your heart was pierced, to be abused constantly and verbally, and to a point, physically and emoti I hate that have been driven, at times, to overstep my own boundaries and be drawn in by the fishing of the wicked one, the accusing, the rejection and feeling a need to defend myself when God is the one who repays vengeance and He alone is the judge. I hate the person that wants to lash out instead of holding my tongue, who wants to help with prayer and sound teaching and cries tears of pain knowing he is right but failing to remember that she is a child of God and people won’t listen to Him, so why would they me?

Sinners are one group, Christians are another. Recently, I just have to not let beliefs affect me. There are those convinced we are going through the Great Tribulation, others fail to recognize the power of words, theirs and His.

I know what it is like to face another day of exhaustion, to be feeling well enough to do a little work and it be time to sleep again. I know what it is to be criticized and even condemned. I know what it is like to give up on life and love. Nevertheless, His grace suffices as I have always turned to Him. For He never gave up, except heaven, His life, going to hell to redeem lost authority in our stead, still He never gave up.

He knew the Spirit would resurrect Him, that He would be raised from the dead and ascend into heaven. He saw Nathaniel in the Spirit, and He saw those of us who would believe. Though He died for all, not all believe. He saw those who would follow and that is why He did not give up in the Garden of Gethsemane, because we probably would have, and we were not a sufficient sacrifice either. Just as Isaac was not, but Jesus was and is more than we could ever hope for.

Maybe you never expected to be someone lost in depression, who would sleep in her clothes and wear them for days on end, someone who was a step away from a homeless shelter, someone abused to the point of not even being able to accept a compliment or realize that your true beauty and worth is in your Savior.

Somebody needs to read your story, but what is even better is that Jesus is the author and finisher of faith, and He is writing our story. We know that with Him there is a happy ending and no more tears, even those of joy will be wiped away.

Monfocus / Pixabay / Canva