Wickedness In High Places

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Jezebel spirit…Delilah or even Judas? Could it possible that these are spirits at work before the Lord’s return. Seducing spirits, that are not always sexual in nature, but seductive in the fact that they are luring people, even believers, into false doctrine, a return to sinful ways, making them lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God? It certainly is.

Jezebel was of course married to wicked King Ahab and they opposed Elijah. Ahab may have been the king but Jezebel wore the pants in the family. Her name even links her with the worship of Baal, she promoted idolatry. She wanted Elijah gone. She had prophets killed. This demonic spirit did not start with Jezebel, it grabbed hold of her willingly, wicked soul and never let go until the dogs had licked her blood, and she departed for Sheol.

These spirits cannot possess a believer but influence, even oppress. They can cause contempt, greed, ambition and great conflict and division. But there is no reason to fear because the greater on is in us. But we must not be weak or ignorant Christians. Weak only in the sense that He is our strength, in our weakness He is greater.

So there are wicked spirits in high places. We may not even know there names. I said Delilah because like Jezebel, she would be seductive but bent on destruction, she sought the source of Samson’s power but it was not his hair, it was his God and he betrayed his vows. He lost the power to seduction. His lust blinded him in more ways than one.

Another betrayer is Judas, whether he is weak or greedy. We may not know. In the silent version of Cecil B. DeMille’s Ten Commandments made in 1927, a handsome Joseph Schildkraut is driven slowly mad before he betrays the Lord with a kiss. That movie also shows the casting out devils of Mary Magdalene. He does it with only a loving look. While you may not be a fan of silent film as I am, this one is a must see for believers. These things are probably glossed over by some, and many don’t even believe in a heaven or hell but that doesn’t mean it is not true. Just as they don’t believe in God or the devil, it doesn’t mean there is not one.

There is grace but that does not mean everyone will believe or be saved no matter what. Jesus was the only to die for us, making Him the only way, how and when you meet Him will depend the individual. Personally, I want all the help He gives me. If there are evil spirits plotting my demise or downfall in someway. I want to know, because they are bound on earth as in heaven. They do not have any authority over me. Because only Jesus does. He gives us authority over all things, as a believer. And don’t believe that just because women are standing up for themselves as equals, set free by Jesus, that they are the Jezebels, that just isn’t so. Jesus elevated women long before women’s rights, that are not above men but equal to them, and have the authority of Jesus to use His name. Couples were often mention as ministering together with Paul in the New Testament. Sometimes, the woman may be the better speaker. It should not be competition, but Christ.

I know people wonder why God allows things to happen. We still have free will. Adam had authority and gave it to the devil. Jesus took it back and gives it to believers. Unfortunately, all are not believers and all believers are not doers, and these spirits are still in place, keeping drought, famine, war and poverty going on. They are still corrupting leaders and deceiving them, and the people are oppressed. But that does not mean the cries of help will not be heard by the Lord and He can supply help.

A lady who helped free some refugees sent me an e-mail. There was a lady trapped with children and supplies could get to her village, I prayed for angel to assist them. And others agreed. A while later I learned these poor people had managed to survive and finally there was a way for supplies to be dropped in. In spite of whatever regime.

I never wanted to study the occult or anything, truthfully, it scared me. But I have nothing to fear with Jesus and I made Him a promise to be obedient. I still don’t actually study the occult but I do know what I’m opposing. The Holy Spirit has to lead and advise on that. Let’s just say He makes us aware without having any interest or desire to pursue the wrong path. It is a wicked and deadly one.

Jesus is more powerful and definitely the way to go. But believers need to aware of wicked spirits and what goes on in spiritual warfare on their behalf. These spirits can be cast out, but often they are taken back, and that makes things worse, so leave these things to those who know what they are dealing with and seek Jesus personally, and take hold of His benefits, He will deliver you of evil. The Lord’s prayer is relevant for everyday.

No Judas, Delilah or Jezebel will prevail when the Prince of Peace is the one in power of your life. And you do not have to worry or fear when He is the one you worship, He cares for you, and gives you His peace. No matter what is going on in the world or the heavens. John 14:27

And while a pastor was teaching that there were no female angels one evening, I showed his wife the verse that proves otherwise, after all, He created male an female everything. The women in this verse carry an evil spirit in a basket, her name, Wickedness.

Then the heavy lead cover was lifted off the basket, and there was a woman sitting inside it. The angel said, “The woman’s name is Wickedness,” and he pushed her back into the basket and closed the heavy lid again. Zechariah 5:7-9


Pixabay/ Canva

Then I looked up and saw two women flying toward us, gliding on the wind. They had wings like a stork, and they picked up the basket and flew into the sky.

My First Broken Heart

Do you remember your first broken heart? I do. He was the most wonderful man in the world, sweet, kind. He was interested in everything I did, was very encouraging. He was the first person who thought I was beautiful. He held my hand. He never minded if I cried, I knew in those arms everything was alright. He sang to me.

His face actually shown with love, a smile and tilted head and a laugh that was silly. He had a sense of humor, and was strong, yet gentle. His eyes were piercing and passionate with love.

He was my first love, my only love. There would never another like that. He was dear and spoke softly, the words were tender and yet firm. I knew I could trust this one, anything that was said was the truth. There was nothing that this man could and would not do for me, and I was in love.

And then it was over. He died suddenly and cruelly.

I never loved anyone else like that. Not the silly school boys that never grew up as they actually grew up. I loved people. I loved children. Even though I know there are some who think I know nothing about love, perhaps it is they, misjudging me as usual. I tried to write love stories, I never finished a novel. I wrote poetry, I was good at that.

Very few people read it and it was often rejected for publication as were many stories. There was a young man I loved. He was funny and a fellow Christian. I was twenty four, but he was already married. That is friend love.  I wrote a children’s book, it was a fairy tale, the princess in the book tried to find love, I still have it.

I wondered if I saw myself in that story. Are there Cinderellas? Sleeping Beauties? Happily ever afters? Is there even a Prince Charming? Well one day I thought I met him,  beautiful blue eyes, soft spoken and a doctor. Maybe, I should give up these notions of being a writer and just settle down. I hated beauty college. I had not really wanted to go to Bible college, either. I had once even said I did not want to be a Bible thumper, in reference to those who were so preachy, yet mean, who would not even bother to help you, who knew so little about the love of God.

There was another broken heart. I picked back up my pen and dusted off my typewriter. I had cried enough, I prayed for the doctor to find his love and peace with God and I just hoped I could.  I found the warmth and hope in my prayers, and again I began to write.

And once again, I found love. There is no Prince Charming but Jesus and He puts you with the right husband or wife if you let Him. There are no perfect people and no perfect lives or marriages or children, but there is a perfect Lord and His ways and love are perfect.

The Lord has our happy endings, our love stories, even mine. I never got over my first broken heart and I’m glad I didn’t because He gave me more love than I could have ever dreamed possible. He does more than I can ask or think. He does the impossible. Oh, yes, He died, but He rose again. I embraced Him thoroughly, and I am engraved on the palms of His hands. He never left me, never forsook me, never abandoned me.

He is always with me, comforts me, never condemns but corrects my and He held me and healed me and loved me well, when I was facing the giants in my life, Jesus, my Prince of  Peace and protector, rushed to my defense. He does have a sword, a shield, a crown and the white horse.

Who would not love someone who wants to take your burdens away, dry your tears and heal your broken heart? I always hated that He had to die for me that way. But I was lost, and He would not have had it any other way. So I remember, my first broken heart, broken by Jesus and the message I heard of His sacrifice at eleven.

My first broken heart, I never got over Him. And I’m glad I didn’t because He was able to mend all the other breaks and now He guards it and I am free to love and be loved and I won’t have to worry about be heartbroken again.

Rebecca Jones

Treasure of the Living God


Do you know that you have the treasure of the living God in you? As a believer, you have many gifts and talents. Many of which, have yet to be discovered or used. And God wants to use you, to bring glory to His name, to establish His covenant in the earth, He will prosper you.

Many of are wrapped up in the labels of negativity or self  pity. Either our own or someone around us who loves to quarrel or crticize. We can also compare our gifts to those of others, and no be pleased but God is. Other people can write well, but so can I. That doesn’t bother me that they get something published and I may not, God has the plan. I love art but can’t draw well, but give me an airbrush and stand back.

In fact, there were many thing in me that I loved, I didn’t know they were from God. The stronger the sense of it, it’s usually Him. But pray to be sure. If you love to cook, He may want you to be a caterer or chef. Certain people are drawn to you and you to them, sometimes for prayer, or as friends, sometimes the common interests that will put you in business. Again pray, these are more than feelings, intense, but not like a lustful intent, no the Holy Spirit will help you and teach you.

You are the treasure of God’s heart and worth more than rubies. He bothered to name all the stars, isn’t He delighted in you? He clothes the lilies of the field, feeds the sparrows, created a world of beauty wrappin ribbons of mountain ranges and drench with deep blue seas.

And where is the treasure? At the bottom of the sea. In the depths of His living water. Deep inside the earth, from which He formed man in His image, spirit, there are deposits of gold and silver, rich minerals and even oil. Another type of Holy Spirit, and He had deposited treasures in us. Sometimes, our mountains need to move for us to find them.

We need the dunamis, dynamite power of Jesus to blast away at our mountains, our circumstances, our lack. We need to speak life to ourselves and curse the fig trees of failure. And dig into His Word, we find treasure in Him and His treasure is us.

He wants to give us good and perfect gifts. James 1:7

Our treasure is where our hearts are, and if we are His treasure, His heart is with us. Rebecca Jones

God’s Treasure


I like puzzles, I once drew a treasure map for a little boy to find candy. I like watching the shows where people have antiques appraised or rummage through musty attics and old steamer trunks. I used to walk through antique sales at our old fairgrounds buildings. And a local restaraunt chain is decorated with old black and white photgraphs, there were two I admired, the most adorable couple who still looked like newlyweds and pair of ladies that must have been sisters, I never minded eating there because they were smiling and I would sit and wonder who they really were and hwat they’re lives were like. There was a kindred warmth to people from the past.

I once saw somone match up pictures and letters from family members. And people who have found photos and visited the place and had their pictures made there also or seen how the landscape had changed over the years, where a house once stood or where the ranch was.

I love antiques and treasure and treasure hunting. If someone has a metal detector and gets a hit, it is interesting. The Lord is just as interested in seeing you dig up the treasure of His Word, when some gets a hit or a ping on His plans for them, He get’s excited too, and He wants you to find the motherload.

I watched a show recently about an old west sheriff, who supposedly stole gold. When vigilantes were going to hang him be promised he’d bring them back his weight in gold if they let him go. They didn’t, and people are still looking for the gold. Many people are treasure hunting and have no knowledge what is even in God’s Word. Another man planted a fortune when he thought he was going to die. He didn’t and years later, people are stll seaching for his cache, by solving  a riddle. He is still enjoying life and nobody has cashed in.

The Bible is like that. Jesus is like that, a treasure, a beautifel gem that is to be admired and adored and more than any shiny stone, He is the rock of salvation. He enjoys a good treasure hunt too. He longs to see you yearn for His love and wants to give it to you and to prosper all your ways.

He wants  you active and healthy so that you can explore the Word with others and help them to find Him as their treasure as well.  So let’s lay up treasure in Jesus an let our hearts be there, and if our lives are open to Him, others will be drawn to wells, treasures of salvation. Rebecca Jones


Loaded With Benefits


Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah. Psalm 68:19

I read from a fellow blogger that her husband was concerned about using company benefits, the boss assured him, that they were payed for. It was alright. Most people would be glad to run up a tab at a restaraunt, or taking vacations.

You hear that sort of thing all the time on the news that someone in power has abused their funds or had work done on their house. But this time we are talking about someone who has real power, Jesus, and He paid for our benefits, and our salvation. In fact, He over paid.

Sometimes, we may be like this man, concerned about using our Savior’s benefits. I used them more than I thought and sometimes less.. He paid for them, I am a believer, they are mine, whether I use them or not. But just what are these benefits?

Salvation includes a lot of things, healing, deliverance and protection, eternal life, angel to minister to us and for us. We are covered by the blood of Jesus, whether we know it or not. We are not supposed to choose sin but we have an advocate if we do. By the same token, we are not to dwell on what has been forgiven. We can choose His peace or worry.

His peace, is a benefit. His joy. His grace. God’s love is eternal and is new every morning. Psalm 103 tells us what we can be thankful for and more each day. He has redeemed us from the pit, hell, the lake of fire. And redeemed us from destruction.

He heals our sickness and diseases. He crowns us with loving kindness, righteousness. We could never have achieved that on our on. He satisfies our desires. Satisfaction is a fleeting thing for most people. It is not in Jesus. He is the only one who can satisfy our desires. He fills our lives with good things.

And He renews our youth. Yes, He is the fountain of youth and truth. He keeps us  young and healthy. We are supposed to be like Him. In Him we are forever young.

And praise isa benefit, Communion is a benefit, worship is a benefit, the rest of Hebrews 4 is a major benefit, and the place from which to pray. I learned the hard way, always going at everything from panic, dread or indecision. He is a good Father and gives good gifts. And He never takes them back. James 1:7 So let’s take advantage of our benefits package. We have many spiritual gifts. Read 1 Corinthians 12 and 13 also. And let’s praise the Lord for and forget not all His benefits. Rebecca Jones

Scatter Joy


Scatter joy! I read that on a Pinterest pin. And I really did have joy today and I plan on keeping it. I had been praying for a lot of people with serious illnesses. People I know others have given up on. I had to let go of some of the burden and leave it on Jesus, I and to cast my cares on Him.

I starting sharing pins with others. I put them on group boards, sent them individually. It’s like having a box of cards and mailing them snail mail. Or having a big box of candy and everyone gets a piece but mine is the big one in the center full of caramel, all chewy and gooey. There was spiritual rush, a gush and blush, a spring in my step. I felt prayers were answered.

I rewrote some things I was thinking over and talking over with trusted prayer warriors. I hesitated about offering this joy to one lady who had made a request. Then I noticed her pin on a group board beneath mine and it too, was about joy. Even in her trial, she too was offering up joy. I felt a little foolish and went back and relayed her a joyful message.

Truly, he does not want us in grief, and His joy is our strength. Nehemiah 8:10. The warmth that came through window to wake me before morning broke into a hot summer day was a ray of sunshine waking me from refreshing sleep. I have so studied His rest, was still trying own my own, so exhausted, it was like God was kissing me awake. It was pure joy, and isn’t He our joy and delight.

He gave us His joy and declared that no man could take it. So why do we offer it over, when we are sad or hurt or there is persecution or affliction? We don’t have to! It may  not always be easy to be joyful in everything or to count it so. It is much easier to fall into self pity, hatred or loathing, that’s not Jesus. He gives great and unspeakable joy because He overcame and know we can by faith in Him.

We must find and keep and cling to our joy and stop looking around at others or our circumstances. We should keep looking at Jesus not a broken, bleeding, man on a cross but as our risen Lord and Savior.

How do we scatter joy? Is it like confetti or the fireworks that went off like twinkling stars against the backdrop of night? So we just throw it up in the air and watch it come down? Is it like taking the garden hose and spraying into the air while happy children run under it’s sprinkles Is it sparkly like glitter, the flakes of heavenly gold that used to fall upon some at revival?

Is it laughter? Or some inside family joke that only they are privy to? Is it music filling the air or a song, the good night of sleepy z’s from God? How is joy scattered and how keep it and give it to others?

Joy is always there, because Jesus is. I used to hear Jesus, others, yourself was the way to joy. But even though I did that I was depleted because I wasn’t in His rest, I was trying to do in my strength not His and I had no more joy, it was going right out the door or window. But when I let go a little, trusted Him more, I had His strength back, His joy. And no one is getting it!

I will lean fully into Jesus for His amazing grace and love. I have to look at Him and not me. Then I find myself walking fully in His Spirit, and in the fruit of it. I can sing dance to my own rhythm that both slow and steady, joyful and lively. My cadence is in the joy of the Lord and I have hit my stride.

I can walk in divine health, free of pain, and finding His strength to be mighty in my prayers, it was never about me anyway, but all about Him. I can throw my hands and praises into the air or type my words out over the blog, pin petty pictures and praise phrases all ove the place. And what ever I throw up into the air, comes back as joy.

Love to Jesus goes up, and love from Him comes down. I try, but without Him I am nothing, I don’t want my words or songs to be hollow or tinkling cymbals. You see, I can do nothing own my own, and yet I can scatter joy, because that’s what Jesus does and that’s what He is. Rebecca Jones

  • I actually wrote this after the 4th of July, of the three people I was praying for, all with cancer, all with the possibility of dying, one had a 17 hr. surgery, went home in 9 days, the doctor called it a miracle. One man decided not to seek treatment. I kept interceding, I even encouraged him to change his mind. He went for a biopsy, negative. And the mother of two whose cancer had returned and possibly in her, brain. She had three treatable spots. Yes, He heals and He is good. He is the source of joy! Just keep believing.



The Prodigal’s Sister


We all know the story of the Prodigal son. But let’s refresh our memory. The father had two sons and one asked for his inheritence. Really, you would have to die, and then he gets it, so in effect,  the young man wished his father dead. When he got it, he squandered it. There is a line from an old movie. Cabin in the Sky. The demons are plotting how to destroy a man named Joe. After various ideas, they let him win a jackpot. “Give a man money, watch him act funny. “, they laugh and it is true. People often waste and abuse wealth on “riotous living.” Before you starting asking for money, you better know how to spend wisely.

God is the Father, and when the prodigal returns wanting to be a servant, he never let’s him speak. God doesn’t want servants, like we believe. He wants sons and daughters. He wants us to hush up about being just forgiven sinners and worms and wretches. He already knows that and sent Jesus, His Son, to take our place, now we can go home to the Father and be welcomed.

We have a ring, a symbol of eternal love. And a robe of righteousness, and sandals to keep the devil’s dust off our feet, Genesis 3:14, we are shod with the gospel of peace. And our brother is angry. ” Where’s my feast? ” ” I wasn’t bad. ” I worked here with you, I never got a party. ”  To which the Father replies, ” You’ve always had me. ” The prodigal brother could have benefited all along, maybe he’d didn’t ask, he has no need to be angry or jealous, when the Father is  filled with joy over the return of His son, who was dead, spiritually. You can dig a lot out of this parable.

According to Jewish law, the father could have had the boy stoned. He was risking his life by coming home, so he was planning to ask to be a slave. The father who represents God, never gives him a chance but comes running to him, kissing him. Jesus tells great stories. Let’s dig some more, it is also a picture of Jews and Gentiles. We should be provoking the Jewish people to jealousy in a sense to make them want Jesus, whom they had all along. They would be the brother.

Now, as to the prodigal sister, there is no mention of one. But I have to admit it, I have felt like one. I have had the priviledge or the nightmare ( depending on your point of view ) of seeing enough bratty children. They always want what another one has, they don’t really want it but don’t want you to have it. You have three rubber duckies, and brother has one, you want all four. Brother snatches one. Two and two is sharing. tantrums. All the rubber duckies are bye bye. Get the picture?

You can certainly mess up you blessing by being a brat. Believe me, I understand children. I have thrown lots of birthday parties. Young minds don’t always understand why they don’t get a present too. That’s why I would buy, for example, coloring books. Years ago, that would make them happy, along with cake and ice cream and they would be happy that whomever got a big shiny truck or huge baby doll. That’s seems less like the case today. They want it all.

I have seen children go berserk over snacks, toys, who gets to go where, you name it. And I have had to sit home with the ones who can’t go. So prodigal sister pops up. Hey, I’d like to go, but you’ve been bad all day. I’ve seen you at the restaurant. No you’re not getting everything advertised on t.v…” Why? ” I kept one little boy who wrote down all the numbers to commercials for me but he was not asking for the things. He is in college now.

Sometimes, I find myself feeling like or even acting like the prodigal’s sister. Why am I upset? I want to see people saved, healed and delivered. I only want what He wants for me. And truthfully, I’m ashamed that Jesus had to die ffor me to inherit anything, but I’m glad He loves me. I don’t need money, except to use wisely. Or certainly, not ” riotous living “. That’s not me.

But I’d like to go to dinner, but I can’t sometimes. Still I’ve always had my ring, my robe and my Father. He may not have to run to meet me, if I feel like a slave, it’s because I misunderstood. He kisses me everyday with His love and I have always had Him, I’m no longer acting like the prodigal, for I have always been His daughter. And the is a marriage supper coming. Rebecca Jones

purposefulfaith.com ….photo credit on Pinterest

Give Him Time

My Post (5)

Ever wonder why it appears to take forever for God to answer our prayers? Yeah, me too. Besides the hanging onto faith while someone is in surgery or expecting good reports from bad situations, and those harrowing hours or days or weeks or longer when you just keep hanging on, there are the moments when you feel your head is barely above water, or you are at the end of your rope.

The truth is He answers prayers, and it doesn’t really take that long, the enemy will get in the way. A lot of times we don’t even see how. Sometimes, we even allow it by not recognizing attacks, not being sober and vigilant for the devil is prowling to devour our hopes and dreams, divide our families and friends attack our health and finances. Abraham and Sarah goofed big time, but twenty five years later and one visit from Jesus as the angel of the Lord, and nine months later, Isaac.

That’s why we need the Holy Spirit to guide us in all truth. Has God got a better plan and is just working behind the scenes for us? Or is the enemy devouring our answers? We need to pray again to discover the truth, using your prayer language is helpful if you are in a prayer pickle. Sometimes, I have felt that I could not pray my way out of the proverbial paper bag, but the Holy Spirit changes all that. He really is the only one who prays perfect prayers. Romans 8:26

The devil is a predator type, he will go after weak Christians and they will never know what hit them, in fact, they will likely blame God. It just wasn’t His will or that was for the disciples  and not now. An act of God, some insurance policies say, in reference to storms, but my Lord could just speak His peace to it. And it would be still.

But what if you are praying, fasting, waiting? You really wanted that job, or husband, baby, or you’ve been ill so long and you have believed for health, taken Communion, had people pray for you. Don’t give up. Give Him time.

Ecclesiastes tells us, He makes all things beautiful in His time. And it does says all, not some. It may not work the way we want if we don’t hold on. And it is going to be better than expected if we just give Him time, His time, not my time.

I was never a person to leave and arrive and hour early. It tried to be there right on time. And God knows I’ve been late. I know our thoughts don’t always match up, our ways, and we’re on a different clock because you exist in eternity and step into my life and I don’t always discern seasons  or times, I don’t catch every attack or discern every plan of the enemy, but I seek your face and your timing, Your ways are perfect, and so are your times.

I know you have my best interest at heart and I am keeping faith. Help me see what I should do and when. I am keeping my heart close to you. I know you are giving me you best, and I will give you time. ( Even if it hard to wait. )

Rebecca Jones / Is Kanda pexels / AdobeSpark


You’ll Be Amazed!


I started studying healing as a young girl. Maybe, I knew I’d be needing it, or my spirit did by the Holy Spirit, anyway. I saw how Jesus healed people, cast out demons, what appeared to relate to diseases today. When my back hurt, I never got in the prayer line. I believed He would just heal me. I saw people snatch their glasses off but be wearing them the next day. what happened, mischievous teenagers? Or were they healed one minute, not the next?

When I was about twenty four, I had a doctor tell me, ” You know you’ve got scoliosis? ” I reluctantly said. yes. He told me it pushed my heart forward. I went chiropracters, there was no way I wanted surgery. No way. I could not have stood it. And besides, I knew Jesus healed.

There was a lot more time and mistakes made. I heard a well known minister say not to get in the prayer line for bad knees if you were overweight. That was a mistake to listen to on my part. Because we are in Christ, asking what we need and believing, we need to know we are not disqualified. I let that and other things hem me in, instead of touching His hem, I was toughing it out, thinking something was my fault. Jesus never said, ” Lose weight and I ‘ll heal you, or get well first and I’ll touch you. ” He just loved, in fact, He look at people and loved them, amazing. That in itself was healing.

But I had been touched, often as I floundered in faith, knowing but not knowing what was wrong. I believed. Let me assure you, He knows if you believe, He knows every thought and intent. And that healing word is a sharp two edged sword when spoken by a believer and brought to pass by Jesus. He’s not counting you out. Read Isaiah 53, and other verses, He asks the man at the pool of Bethsaida, if he wants to get well. The man’s answer should have been, yes. But he starts talking about the pool and no one to help. And Lazarus, even dead four days, Jesus could call Him forth, notice how they begin to say, if you had been here….He was here now, not even death could resist His word. So does He heal people, yes! Yes, and once again yes!

Immediately? Yes! And from that hour? Yes! And as they went? Yes! And His love is amazing, and you will amazed when you are healed. Healing comes from the inside out, though hands are laid on, oil is anointed on, the Holy Spirit moves on. It springs from your spirit as you receive from the Holy Spirit, the healing Jesus died to give us. It also comes from daily Communion.

You’ll be amazed when you can breathe. You’ll be amazed when you can walk or see or hear. You will be amazed that cancers are gone. Kidneys are functioning, hearts are beating normally and are not enlarged, arteries are not blocked, tumors are gone. You will be amazed when depression lifts and joy returns, when you have a clear way of thinking and are not afraid.

You will amazed when all hope is lost and doctors have given up, the Great Physician doesn’t giive up. God who gave freely His Son, will also give freely. Take the blinders off and be amazed. Remember, when Paul encountered Jesus, he fell of his horse and was blinded temporarily, later he has Ananias pray for the scales to be removed from his eyes. Let’s get the scales off, and off the scales, let the light of Jesus in. God’s Word is true, purified in fire. He swore an oath to Himself, by the body and blood of His Son.

We make mistakes but He doesn’t. He keeps His Word and not one word of it will not come to pass. So what’s stopping it? Maybe, we are. Are we wearing spiritual blinders? Have we seen the light but are sill walking with scales? Are we giving excuses or reasons why we are not being healed? Have we heard something taught and it was what we believed to be true, and then we know it isn’t? You can exercise and diet and take vitamins and still have diseases, die. People who have never smoked get cancer. Sin is not always the cause, either. He even said He could heal and forgive at the same time.

You can use your will and desire healing. I think I literally willed myself well at times trying to have great faith, but it is not about will- power or we would all be thin and healthy, non smokers or drinkers or drug users, but it doesn’t work that way. You need to be willing, yes, but it is not about willpower. It’s about Jesus and what He did.

So take the time to read healing verses, listen to healing music, immerse yourself in His calm and peace and just receive. You will be  amazed, He is willing, He told the leper so, are you? Are you willing to be amazed? Rebecca Jones / pexels

Have A Little Talk With Jesus


Ever have one of those days? Yeah, me too. But that’s really when we have to talk to Jesus. I was thinking about old songs and one came to mind, ” Have a Little Talk With Jesus, ” then the next line popped into my head,  it is ” We can tell Him all about our troubles. ”

I thought that’s kind of silly, He already knows. He knows I’ve been struggling, not with faith but at some people’s lack of respect for it. He knows the negatives and the positives, He hears it all. He knows what I say to whom and when and what I say to Him in my quiet, peaceful time. Or even in the night when fear would try to attack.

He knows. So tell Him about my troubles, no. I usually end up telling Him that He is way too good to me, I mess up too much. Too often, and yet He trusts me with so very much. Often I don’t feel like I’m making a difference to those closest to me, in fact, I wonder if I don’t turn them away from God if I insist a little too hard, but I know there has to be a well laid plan at work.

He already knows my body, how I suffered with pain. Why tell Him that? Look at the pain He suffered. He knows I have need of things, I don’t have to give Him a grocery list or even a honey do one. I think He made it plain that He would supply all my needs.

So when I have a little talk with Jesus, I tell Him about how I hate that He had to die for me. I tell Him about little things that mean a lot to me. I thank Him for working healing into my body and soul. I thank for lining things up for me. For the good gifts, I have received and have yet to.

I thanks Him for angels at work for me. For the scores of winged messengers that are out and about on my behalf and that of others. I thank Him for being my strength, when I am weak, and for making me strong in Him. I thank Him for that covenant love, that is like the three fold cord, never easily broken.

I thank Him for His peace, that I never even knew existed at this level, for being my joy. I thank Him for wonderl memories but that I am able to forget the past and all things are new in Him. For making braver than I thought when love was my weapon of choice, it brought down and slew the dragons of fear.

So have a little talk with Jesus, the song says the little prayer wheel is turning, He hears the faintest cry, answers by and by and that a just little talk with with Jesus makes it right.  But let’s stop telling Him all about our problems, it is not about us, not about our circumstances or situations. It’s all all about Him.

He filled my heart with love and wrote my name above. It’s all about you, Lord. It’s all about you Jesus, and just a little talk with Jesus makes it right. Rebecca Jones