Peace In The Night

Peace (1)

If you are like me at all, you know what it is to have a restless, sleepless night. We have all had noisy neighborhoods, sirens, the barking or what not to keep us up. And then there is just not being able to turn off the day, replaying it or perhaps, rehearsing tomorrow.

All sorts of tricks are played on the mind and most will be lies from the enemy. We sometimes worry over what might happen, even what might not happen. We can fear venturing out, missing out, success or failure and so much more. The night can be be a time that we have troubling casting down imaginations, taking thoughts captive, 2 Corinthians 10:5, but it was not meant to be so, it was meant for rest.

What else is stealing our gift of peace, the rest He wants to give us body in body and spirit? Often it is pain? Have you ever noticed that whatever it is appears worse at night whether the cough and congestion or the throbbing of a leg after surgery? A lot of women have real symptoms and problems and some people just haven’t gotten to the point of overcoming them completely or still facing attacks, myself included. But we want the enemy to fail, he is a defeated one. We want His peace in the night.

And it may not be that we don’t believe in healing. It may not be that we aren’t reading or praising enough. Some things are just an enemy attack against the body of Christ, so that is why we must do our best to take hold of the mind of Christ that His Spirit has in us. Let Him pray for us, Romans 8:26.

Don’t get angry, Ephesians 4:26, or fall into the mindset of weakness, Joel 3:10. He is our strength, Psalm 46:1. Do what you can in the natural, turn off the electronics and let Him take care of the supernatural, you ight be surprised what a good night’s rest can do for you.

And even if the worst happens, heaven is the reward. I prayed for two people a while back. One passed away, and one received a heart transplant. God knows our limit but He is limitless, and we never want to limit Him, with the what if and why scenarios. There are realms of demonic activity in the hours before the dawn, but Jewish tradition says that God visits the earth in the morning. And surely, He is there for believers at any time.

This fall season also hosts the High Holy days of Judaism, there are still a few holidays. Also, there is the attempts of the enemy to combat the harvest or souls with the enticements of occult entertainment, that culminates in violence, and at the very least, troubling and tormenting spirits But God made the night and called it good. His Spirit moved over darkness and will for us.

I recommend forgetting the dream catcher and worship the dream maker. He longs to give us peace in the night. We read in Psalm 127:2, that He gives the beloved sleep.  You might even start to take naps. We can work day and night and not see any peace, or let Him be our peace, Ephesians 2:14. Let’s focus on the Prince of Peace, and allow Him to give us peace in the night.

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O LORD, will keep me safe. Psalm 4:8 New Living

If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3:24 English Standard

There will be the wicked, both in human form and spiritual beings. But we can still receive His peace and pray for Him to shelter us.

For the wicked cannot sleep unless they do evil; And they are deprived of sleep unless they make someone stumble and fall. Proverbs 4:16 Amplified Bible

Let’s let the greater one shelter us and have peace in the night.


Yek Aks/ Pexels / Canva

Ready For Peace


Are you ready for peace? I know I am! And I know the Great I Am, who sent His beloved Son Jesus to die for me. If you know that and know Him, you know that He is the Prince of Peace.

We all have bad days, but imagine peace. Some people that thing peace means boredom might miss out heaven, even the heaven on earth we can experience in the presence of His Spirit.

For the past few years I have really been impressed both t pursue and write about His peace. I had a lot going on, health wise and caregiving for others. I was waiting on His perfect timing, but what I had not realized is that He had planned these days so long ago. Not the pain, heartbreak and torment but the peace in Him to overcome.

Certainly, not the fear, terror or torments that attack the believing and repentant soul, Isaiah 54 explains the covenant of His peace, that Jesus was crucified and punished for in our stead, that was prophesied in 53. So, are we ready for peace?

I have been through some ordeals, fought the good fight and yet, I had to let Him because I was weary in my well doing, suffering spiritual warfare. I had a personal promise from the Spirit as I was wheeled into the hospital but it was a dark and lonely sixty two days.

Two years later, I can walk again, but have cut back on so much. Still, I long to tell everyone that there is peace in these storms and trials. I won’t compare my life to yours and won’t go into detail. There is a lot I have been blessed to avoid knowing Jesus, but dealing with some situations were excessive.

I never want to appear ” holier than thou “, in fact, it took me a long time to embrace being a daughter of the King. Why do we try to bear the shame and sorrow, the pain He already bore for us? Why is it so hard for us to receive His peace? Are we not ready for it? Is that why it has been on my heart so? Have we only scratched the surface of it?

I am reading so many arguments among believers, let’s let the Lord bring the enemy to nothing in our lives, in fact, He already has, He did it a long time ago on a cross, even before He left heaven. No, I don’t believe the church is a place for ” occult ” teaching , you just can’t mix Christ with every belief. He destroys the false, all the arguments, which is why we study, and allow the Spirit to discern. We must never cheapen His grace it cost Him dearly. We should be grateful for His grace, upon grace, John 1:16.

We must remember that the enemy has a counterfeit, he can only try to corrupt, he can’t create. I use owls on my Precious In His Site blog, the are colorful and cute, they teach about not being afraid and other verses, the Bible calls them ” evil birds “, but He has made these His own. He created everything, the enemy and people, in their errors, and wickedness, even ignorance, accept anything that goes on and a have a go along to get along mentality, and believe we are all on the way to heaven. No way! He is the way!

Let’s not confuse people. He is the author of peace, not confusion, 1 Corinthians, 14:33. And the author and finisher of our faith, Hebrews 4. Love is not legalism, calling sin a sin is not hate. God allow things to happen, yes, because He wants us to trust and love Him of our own volition, not for what we want Him to do for us, but because of what He has done for us, He loved us first, 1 John 4:19.

He’s not tempting you but He may test you. I know what it like to think you can’t take anymore, that you have nothing to live for but that isn’t true. We have someone, even if it was true that have nothing or no one. We have Jesus! I don’t know every answer, but He does!

And while the arguing and accusations are flying, the tormentor is at work with so little time left. We can rest and pause, relax in His peace. We have an eternity of peace on the ways as believers, and He knows hearts, He will judge. As for this weary child of His, I am ready for peace.

No Name / Pexels /Canva

And Give You Peace


I am continuing to write blog posts on peace, I truly believe at the Lord’s direction. One of the best ways we can bless each other and pray for each other is to both speak and pray Scripture over ourselves and families, friends.

You can join prayer groups or take requests if you can, become an intercessor, what I like to call a prayer rose. Should you perceive the Holy Spirit calling you to do that if you have a lot of time to offer and even if you are busy and He urges you to pray, be specific, and may He give you peace.

I took this title from a favorite prayer, it is beautiful if you get to hear it in Hebrew. It is known by two names, the Aaronic Blessing, because Moses was told to pray it over Aaron and his sons and the Numbers Prayer. When I called it the blessing, someone didn’t know that name, but the Numbers Prayer might be more familiar.

The LORD bless you and keep you;
the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

And give you peace. How wonderful is that? Of course, this was prayed over the Levitical priests, and now Jesus is our High Priest. He is our intercessor before the throne and has seated us in heavenly places. We can talk to Him like people could not without a mediator. He has even made us to be kings and priests. So surely, He will ask God to lift us face and give us peace.

He even may have to lift our faces, as we have been wearied by an enemy as we have sought Him. While Moses gave the law, Jesus gives us grace and is our eternal and only offering. So feel free to pray this prayer and may He give us peace.

Jesus has already gone in there for us. He has become our eternal High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. Hebrews 6:20 All from the New Living Bible.

There is a lot of speculation that Jesus was actually a pre-incarnate high priest in Genesis called Melchizedek. There is evidence for both views that He is and isn’t but since he is only mentioned twice, and appears to have no ancestry, was a high priest of El-Elyon, the Most High God. His name can mean king of righteousness, he was from Salem, which is shelem or like shalom, peace in Hebrew and that human priests were fallible when Jesus was not, I believe He could be.

This is before the law came, Jesus certainly could have appeared to walk in the Garden of Eden, covered the first sinners, appear as the Angel of the Lord to Abraham, perhaps He was Melchizedek. And even if He wasn’t, He is our High Priest and Prince of Peace.

For He raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6

Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf. Hebrews 7:25

He has made us a Kingdom of priests for God His Father. All glory and power to Him forever and ever! Amen. Revelation 1:6

…and give us peace.

Yek Aks / Pexels / Canva

Ribbons Of Peace


While looking over Pinterest the other day, I came across this phrase but with a color added. I would think that ribbons of peace would be white. But they could actually be like the coat of many colors.

We often see ribbons placed along the road, on clothes, and of course, on gifts. They are reminders and even warnings of a sort. Pink is will make us think of cancer screenings and yellow, too often means someone is missing, there are other ribbons for various causes and diseases. I just saw one on a friend’s page, purple for Crohn’s.

I thought of Jesus being whipped and cut to ribbons by the cat of nine tails. He paid a high price for us, so just maybe we could do our best to be a ribbon of peace. How? I am glad you asked. The phrase is not actually in the Bible but I did find ribbon in one place, and a few others instances of similar meaning.

Your lips are like scarlet ribbon; your mouth is inviting. Your cheeks are like rosy pomegranates behind your veil. Song of Solomon 4:3 New Living

Our lips should be speaking peace and praising the Lord, and I do realize how trying that can be at times, and in the world we live in. It is way to full of foul language, offensive and vile. There is too much violence and arguing in homes and on the streets. More and more, I a seeing disagreement I refuse to get into, railing on believers and some are even Christians going at each other. But it is time to pray and speak to the Lord, nonetheless, for He is coming and what a wonderful verse about the bride.

Cheeks of rosy pomegranate? The seeds, numbering 613, represented the laws of the Torah, but we are under grace in Jesus, He is our High Priest. Pomegranates were on the garment worn by the priest, sewn on the bottom, shouldn’t we be seeking to touch the hem? Seeds can also be sown, just as our words and praise, we are even sowing prayer and praise to Jesus.

Seeds can also refer to thoughts which become words. Psalm 139 says how much God thinks about us, but how much do we think about Him? Praise Him, and really believe His words, promises? The cheeks like rosy pomegranates, are behind the veil, the bridal veil. Jesus’ flesh was the veil that allowed us to enter in. Only the priest could enter before. Our bridegroom made us a way to the Father, the only way, a straight and narrow way. Our mouths should be inviting, He should always be in our hearts and words, because His presence is so near.

Other references are pertaining to the breastplate, being blue, which can symbolize heaven and held it on the chest of the priest. It is how he would consult God, those colored jewels represented the twelve tribes of Israel and the stones in Revelation. We can just call on Jesus, our High Priest, forever, as Hebrews tells us. It is used also for the fringe of the talit.

Jews would tie strings around their fingers to remember. Cord, thread, medallion or seal. It is a deeper study. A ribbon is a symbol and a reminder, and a ribbon of peace, yes, I believe the Holy Spirit, that we are sealed with is that ribbon. And while scarlet can be negative, our lips can also be touched with the coals of fire and the cleansing blood of Jesus and we can offer our love and praise to the one who first loved us, I John 4:19, we are to be pure and holy, ribbons of peace.

I just read a prophetic word about embracing the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, and  we are closer to Yom Kippor,  it said to go beyond the veil. So we should press into Jesus’ love and let Him kiss us with His peace, truly making us ribbons of peace.

Polina Kuzikova /Unsplash / Canva

The Coming Bridal Peace


I know that I have been writing about peace for a long time now and never have experience the pure peace of heaven that Jesus would really want us to have. Even though I have experienced peace, and a lot of it, I don’t believe that anyone has ever gotten to the place where He wants us to be, do we really know what He did for us to be redeemed or have His peace? I mean really, that kind of suffering and brutality.

And only today, I read a post about Rosh Hashanah and a prophetic word about stepping behind the veil it, where God is and praising Him. With the author, a married woman, there was a rude comment about women not teaching men, 1 Timothy 2:12, I found it offensive but did not care to start an argument. It would probably do no good anyway. I would say that was ignorance of how church was then, men and women separated, women often talked in church calling to them, asking question, being submissive. It is not like that now.

And the Holy Spirit does not give gifts except as He wills, not looking at Jew or Gentile, male or female but the heart. Should women be in submission? Yes, to husbands who are looking out for them and have their best interest at heart, It doesn’t mean compliance, obedience to being controlled or abuse. The husband might be head of the house but God outranks Him. Being submissive is merely, being on the same mission, So, who do women need to submit to? Jesus, the bridegroom that will not fail, but may do something in His time. But here is our story.

We read in Matthew 22:2 about a king who plans the wedding for his son, a parable of the Father, preparing the church, for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. The spiritual wedding of Jesus and His figurative bride. The father in the parable has the servants to go out and invite guests to fill that table and feast. Many won’t attend, they have other things to do.

There were even those who mistreated the servants and some were killed. The king was angry, sending troops to destroy their city. He then sent out servants to call both good and bad and anyone would come, the table was filled but when someone had no wedding garment, they were bound hand and foot and cast in outer darkness.

Our heavenly Father has been doing that also, inviting all who would come. If you are interested in Hebraic wedding customs, I have lots of posts on my blog, just type in a search. In Bible times, rich people had wedding garments, the more affluent had at least one set of nice clothes but many did not.

This was the natural way, I suppose people who did not have them would do what people might now, borrow, rent or buy the clothes but this is not about natural but supernatural clothing. The wedding garment He provided is His glory, the very righteousness of God. Jesus, the bridegroom bought or garment.

We could never be righteous without Him. In the Old Testament, it took circumcision, now we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. We would never have had the Spirit if Jesus had not come. John the Baptist refers to Him as the bridegroom, and himself the friend of the bridegroom.

Jesus refers to Himself that way explaining that the bridegroom will leave and that people will mourn and followers will fast. He give the parable of the virgins, some allow their oil to run out and have to buy it but we cannot buy His righteousness or Spirit or do enough works, though He has them for us to do in Him. We aren’t righteous or saved without Him and He is coming, and He even provided the wedding garment.

He paid and an enormous price for us to have eternal live and coming bridal peace. And should some not be clothed with the garment, the face the darkness of eternity without Him, many are called and few are chose, and so many are unprepared for this event.

But we await the coming bridal peace…

Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to Him. For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and His bride has prepared herself. Revelation 19:7 New Living

Elina Sazanova / Pexels / Canva

Bridal Peace


Let’s face it, I just did a post on this but here is more bridal peace. Getting married can be complex, all the plans and the wedding. Maybe, there is not a lot of peace associated with walking down the aisle. But there is another bridegroom, one that does not disappoint, and will never leave you or forsake you.

He may not always be doing what you want, when you want it, but He has your best interest at heart. He will let you grow as a woman, though still a child of God. He has given you a free will and knows you will make mistakes but He still loves and forgives you.

He can see if your heart is sincere, broken or troubled, even hardened. He always has made you a way of escape. He is the way of escape. He has all the answers because He is the answer. He is the way, truth and life, John 14:6. We would never be able go to the Father otherwise.

He is the Word, the light of God’s love. He cherishes His bride. God has both fatherly and motherly qualities and so does Jesus and the Spirit. ” Bride ” is a figurative term for the church. Do you remember walking the aisle to receive Him as Lord? I do. I was a child and it was fifty years ago but as real and even more precious now than then because I have grown into being beloved.

Husbands can find out how they should treat their wives and wives can read how they should be treated in Galatians 5:25. While we fall short of His glory and His idea of bridal peace, Romans, 23,24, there is grace for the believer and though it is like a Proverbs 31 woman, something that is unattainable, it is not. And not with the beloved bridegroom at the center of a marriage.

I realize that marriage is not always happy, it has trials. It is even mocked and unappreciated these days, ignored. There is even spiritual adultery. Is there anyone we are putting before God? Believe me, God takes marriage and His vows seriously. It is a covenant, cut into the flesh and blood of His beloved Son, our salvation.

So, our lives with Jesus should be a reflection of Him, and His peace, bridal peace from the beloved bridegroom. I think a lot of women have trouble seeing Jesus as a bridegroom, just like seeing God as a Father. We tend to put them into a category with earthly counterparts, when they are above humanity.

And yet, the Father gave the Son to us, had to look away from the cross for us to be saved, and Jesus, though God in the flesh, was human and went through all we do, and so much more than we could ever bear, He bore it. The only worthy sacrifice, once and for all of us who would believe.

Marriage is holy, a sanctuary for men and women. It is time to take a look and seek the prince of Peace, in order to have marital peace, His peace. I realize there are single women, divorced women and those who have had trauma and abuse, but He is ready to make it all new, so look to the beloved bridegroom whom you chose, but who really chose you, and if you don’t know Him, there is still some time left, but not very long.

The true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. John 1:9, and He is coming back. The bridegroom is coming with true bridal peace.

Pexels / Canva I will keep looking for a name.

Falling Into Peace


No, I don’t mean the season. I mean falling into the peace and presence of the Lord. You know what I mean. I see people with chronic illness, or either new and even more attacks, as we enter the High Holy days beginning with Rosh Hashanah now. perhaps iti s the season to fall into peace, His peace.

I know what it is like to fall literally, and not be able to get up, to have to have someone help you up and also for there to be no one to. Then we resort to call for help. That’s all well and good but let’s start calling for help before we need it.

We really don’t just fall into His peace, it is a gift, John 14:27 says, so it is up to us to receive that gift, if we don’t maybe we are just falling away from faith, grace and peace. It is our choice what to believe and expect. There are bad times yet but also better days coming. I’m not talking about falling from grace to damnation. I believe that if are truly saved that you are forever, but it is possible to fall into temptation, depression and even oppression. His grace is sufficient, as He told Paul.

But he had a lot of revelation and wrote so much by the Spirit, that he was a target of the enemy, just like Peter, he was sifted and so many of us are and don’t necessarily equate it with obeying the Lord, following after Him or realizing that we are either being tested by God or tempted by the enemy. We need to fall back into grace and peace.

This is a holy season among Jews and Christians who are interested in Hebraic roots. We may not understand it all but we know the one who does. So let’s take some time to be reflective, repentant and lean into His righteousness, respecting the sacrifice of Christ.

It is 5784 on the Jewish calendar, and what a time for the shofar to sound and the very Prince of Peace to appear, it is very possible that He could come in the fall and a time we don’t expect but the bridegroom is coming, and we will certainly be falling into peace. Could this be the year? We will see.

…so My word that proceeds from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and it will prosper where I send it. You will indeed go out with joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands so clap their hands. Isaiah 55:11, 12

furkanfdemir/Pexels / Canva

Grace And Peace


As we entered have September, don’t forget the Jewish New Year and Yom Kippor, the Day of Atonement, are few more days away and we must not forget either, the grace and peace that Jesus brought us by coming and paying the highest price for our redemption.

While the Jews celebrate their holidays, we can easily find ourselves to start planning ahead for our own, but what about the eternal days ahead with the Lord? Should we not be thanking Him, and be grateful for His willingness to give His life so we could spend and eternity with Him.

Unless, Jews are Messianic or convert to Christianity, they still themselves under the law, and many are given to not following a religion, but we know that because of Jesus, there is grace and He left us His peace, John 14:27. You will often see, grace and peace as a greeting in the New Testament, a reference to Jehovah Shalom, the God of peace.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Galatians 1:3-5

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:2

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. 2 Peter 1:2

There are several and I like what some of the definitions of peace are, inner call and well being. His peace is a whole new level of the spiritual aspects and attributes of God. Timothy is even told to have grace, mercy and peace to him.

Moses may have brought the law, but Jesus gave His life and fulfilled it all, paying for us with His sacrifice on the cross. One man’s sin caused chaos but one man’s sacrifice brought us into the the redemptive plan of God if we believe in His Son, and seek His Spirit, that is grace and truth and it brings peace.

Deeks Cy / Pexels / Canva

Peaceful Precious Thoughts


Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? Psalm 139:7

It occurred to me that there was a lot of peace in this psalm, precious prayers to pray from it. Where would we go if we did not have the Lord to turn to? The alternative is very bad indeed. We can’t escape His presence? And as believers we should not want to, nor could we.

I have been praying for ladies in a group. I decided to make pass along pins as well. Though I don’t always get to pray for as many people as I used to. I know the Spirit prays, and for me, Romans 8:26. But here are a few thoughts and prayers from this psalm.

Lord, you know me, whether I sit or stand or am on the go or asleep. I am always in your presence.

You put your hand on my head to bless me, and the knowledge you give me is so great, it is more than I can understand, yet, I trust you. I am always in your presence.

I know you are with me through all my trials, perfecting my faith in you. I may fail or fall but you never do. You’ve seen me at my worst, the darkest days of my life, and and managed every moment of it. Whether it is day or night or I am high above the heavens or in the lowest depths of despair, still I pray and trust, I am always in your presence.

You guide me along the seaside, through the valleys. You make the night to shine bright with hopeful stars, and the day even brighter. Wherever I am, you are there. I am always in your presence.

You watched me form in the womb, you planned me before I was born, every eyelash and dimple. You saw the deepest parts of my soul, my heart, created me in your image, spirit, with a soul which is the mind, will and emotions, and gave me a body and breathed on me. In the womb, the crib, my mother’s lap and beyond, I am always in your presence.

You think about me all the time! Precious thoughts and prayers that are universal and somehow. mine alone. I know the sands of the shore and the stars in the sky are innumerable, also the angels. Still, you call them all by name, just as you call mine, and I am yours. I am always in your presence.

I realize how human I am, I hate the enemies of God, the fear, the terror, those who would do evil toward me and disgrace your name, I find myself having difficulty being merciful to them, but you decide because you know hearts. Keep my heart in line with you, show me what I am doing wrong, keep me in peace. I am always in your presence.

I just wanted to write some prayerful and peaceful thoughts. I think I may have written my own psalm in a way. Some posts start out one way and end up another, perhaps we should all write a few psalms. We don’t have to copy them exactly just use our own words to convey the same sentiment, and I we always in His presence.

Ольга Солодилова / Pexels / Canva

Shattered Peace

Peace (1)

How many times do we read about Israel being at war or in captivity? There was always something going on in the Old Testament and even the New, as well as now before He returns. While this verse is from way back, it could well be prophetic. Jesus will hold this throne and He is King.

Those who fight against the LORD will be shattered. He thunders against them from heaven; the LORD judges throughout the earth. He gives power to His king; He increases the strength of His anointed one. 1 Samuel 2:10

That is something to look forward to, though we all hate that people may not make it to heaven, the efforts of the enemy are in vain, and they will fail. It is true, has caused a lot of God’s plans for us to be kept for another day in His hand. We have had dreams and lives shattered and broken, it is like prayers have been hindered, 1 Peter 3:7, and those prayers are not only those of husbands and wives but families, friends, churches. We should watch our words and actions and remain in His love to keep our faith strong in when it looks bleak, even shattered.

I know there are those of us who have failed to see the errors of our ways. We have been so wrapped in our own lives that we forget others. I had that conversation with a friend, I was very overlooked after returning from the hospital, she had the same sort of experience. I’m sure we all have in some way. Not visiting doesn’t always mean you ae not loved or prayed for, but when visits are non existent, well…it is also possible to pray amiss, to fall into doubt and even allow unbelief into your heart, which is dangerous, Hebrews 3:12.

We have all had our lives and dreams shattered, by the tactics of the devil and by such things as illness, death or divorce. Maybe, we never got the career or spouse we so wanted or had children. But we all have something in common as believers. We might have been shattered but He will shatter the enemy for us. And that is a wonderful thought!

Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, Or the golden bowl is broken, Or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, Or the wheel broken at the well. Ecclesiastes 12:6

Many of us were saved and churched from our youth. God has not forgotten us or our faithfulness, and He is ever faithful. God keeps His promises. I survived what I should not have, and not because of me but because He is good. Even if we are older, we can take comfort in the fact that He is coming again.

And while we have glimpses of His grace and experience His peace, in times of trouble, there will be a day when the peace that as shattered is no longer shattered, His peace will be forever, we will be forever young and healed in His presence. He is waiting for us to believe Him and expect that prayer to be answered now. And should you not know Jesus, it is not too late to get to know Him, but one day it will be when those who fight against the Lord are shattered.

Whatever the situation, the blood of the lamb, in a mixture, mended broken vessels then, how much more will the blood of Jesus mend us now? Nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing shattered, that is the true definition of peace. His peace.

Alexander Grey / Pexels / Canva