The Blessing of Wind and Womb


As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. Ecclesiastes 11:5

The older I get the more I learn how much I don’t know. That must be wisdom. It doesn’t come with age, I have girls I encourage who are young and a lot wiser than I was. I was never street wise, and as believer at any early age, I thought if you were Christian you could be trusted. Maybe, it is a generational gap, I had a few mean girls I avoided but cyberspace has opened a new world to girls. I was naive, trusting. I believed in  people when I should have believed in the words of Christ I memorized. 

The more I learn about God, the less I realize how much I knew Him. Many people, even born again never walk in His best. Don’t ever underestimate Him. You can never put him in a box, it occurred to me that He doesn’t even need me, even though I was predestined to do the things He planned. I wondered why He would bless a nobody like me with the ability of words. But I have been writing since I was little. Still, He doesn’t need me, He just let’s me enjoy the gift. It is Him I trust.

I had dreams that didn’t pan out. I never understood why until I learned more about the adversary. I fought him in the ways I knew how, and He was merciful not to let me get devoured. He still is. That enemy has roamed most likely since I was being knit together, I had trouble being born, and as a child, I could not understand the work, the Maker of all things.

I didn’t as a girl or a woman and I doubt even as a mature one I don’t understand it. I never understood that my prayers were that important, that my words not only spoken but written and prayed carried such weight with Him, He didn’t need me to be a missionary, I was busy praying and studying healing, but I was hurting the enemy. I didn’t have to be on the mission field when He was. The battlefield was my mind, the enemy loves to go after the soul who has something to offer.

I wanted to do things, things I could not do, wasn’t smart enough or strong enough to do but He was. I prayed a lot of intercession, but the Holy Spirit was moving, in His power and in His love. He didn’t need me to be smart or strong, when I am, it is because He allows me to be. I learn more every day and it’s not that is not only  more of Him and less of me, it is more of Him and more of me, the me that He wants me to be.

I thought I may have been a little too proud of some of the things I had been gifted with and maybe that is why I needed slowing down, but that was not the case at all. I was under attack from that adversary.  Though I knew all the weapons of warfare, I cast down imaginations more that anyone, I think too much or rather thought too much. I tried to be in the Spirit and let every fiery dart be quenched. I held my shield of faith and stood firm. But I never saw myself, worthy and loved and I let way too many things hurt and hinder me.

I never knew the path of the wind that moved for me, He didn’t need me, He was able to accomplish what I could not, even if I had prayed for it. I never knew how I was knit together in the womb, with words and love, a nurturing and care giving way that blessed many, but was lost to quite a few who never appreciated the essence of words.

I still have a lot to learn and eternity will be plenty of time to grasp the love of God who created us so uniquely and so wonderfully made us, we don’t always understand the wind, or the womb, I’m sure it is why He hates abortion, how cruelly people can destroy lives, even the unborn, never allowing God to bring them into His good plan. But He gives us choices, and should you have had one, He forgives, for as I said we don’t always know His ways.

They are far above ours and they are love, divine love, holy and sacred love that is so far above what we can dream. It is in the wind of His gentle Spirit, still creating us, delivering us again, as we are born again. From the Spirit, from the rechem, pronounced with like it sounds with a hard ch sound. It is the word for womb in Hebrew, it is the root for compassion. So God allowed us to be born again out of the spiritual womb, by His compassion. We should be more aware of the spiritual realm and how He is blessing us with the wind from the womb. Rebecca Jones /stock photo



The Blessing of Friendship


Friendship is a blessing from the Lord. If you need a friend with a faith background ask the Lord to send you the best one. You may have lots of friends but one or two really close ones. True friendship is not at all like Facebook, though I meet nice people there. It’s not the same as up close and personal, face to face. I have a few Pinterest ones, I am close to.

I have had the opportunity to read so many blogs, they are written by women from different walks of life and different ages. Some have even mentioned that they have had older women as friends or neighbors who have helped them as young couples or parents. Personally, I love that idea. It may have been helpful to me. Someone, like family, but not an actual family member.

Older women, likewise, are to be reverent in their behavior, not slanderers or addicted to much wine, but teachers of good. In this way they can train the young women to love their husbands and children to be self-controlled, pure, managers of their households, kind, and subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be discredited. Titus 2:4,5

This is a great verse to consider in forming friendships. Women who are not behaving foolishly, not into gossip or judging, and not drunken, are good examples to follow. And marital advice from a Biblical standpoint is acceptable but no one has to be given every detail. Wisdom can teach the fruit of the Spirit, beginning with love and ending with self control. tempers can flare and cause trouble in marriage and communication is the key to keeping that threefold cord with God.

Lots of women are savvy shoppers like me. But even I have had to adjust some things when there are more people to feed. I try to keep the freezer stocked. And it’s nice to have coffee and doughnuts or muffins on occasion. If I visit, I try to take cookies, I have even taken sandwiches or soup. That way you have time to visit without cooking. It’s great if you have children the same age or someone has an older dependable one as a babysitter.

There are also things they can teach you about parenting. Discipline works for one but not another. I have seen some that nothing appears to work on. That’s when you really pray and leave them to the Lord. Especially true of many teenagers, I found art to be a good way to calm a situation.

As for being in subject to the husband, you may know I already think it is an equal partnership, maybe not even 50/50, but 100/100%, and definitely 100% to God, He’s the tie that binds hearts for a lifetime. Men will fall short of being as perfect a husband as Jesus is to the church, but the more they are accountable to Him and rightly divide the Word, the easier for the wife to feel secure and safe. No one wants to get romantic if you are always fighting.

If I sound like a perfect Proverbs 31 woman, I’m not perfect, He is, and as far as visiting and some other things, even praying for others, I have had to cut back I was so overdoing it. I had to rest in His love, so I may not be right up there in Titus 2, but I offer words of encouragement and there is five years of blogging here.

I’m sure I don’t have to tell my readers about the value of friends. But the truest friend is Jesus who is closer that a brother. And even though we may call wisdom our sister, who is wiser than He is? And you may not even be comfortable confiding some things even to a friend or best friend, perhaps there is something holding you back. Something that is a bother to your thinking or a memory too painful to share, share it with Jesus. You never have to ashamed before Him as a believer, He loves you and has forgiven you.  You can tell Him everything, He knows all about marriage and intimacy.

I pray you all have a blessed day, and take a moment to say hello to a friend, and be sure to make time for out best friend of all Jesus, He has taught the blessing of friendship. Rebecca Jones /stock photo…



The Blessing of Being the Curse


Before you think I’ve started talking in parables, I will explain it. You know, I guess I do that don’t I? I’ve studied Jesus so much. If you are like me you don’t put much stock in those things like being a jinx, Friday the 13th and superstition.

And I always heard that a causeless curse would not prosper. There are people who practice the occult and their intentions toward believers may be to harm, halt the gospel or worse. We have power and authority over all these things and the Holy Spirit guides the prayers. But believers are still falling prey to this.

Of course, we know why curses, causeless or otherwise, are destroyed and fall at the feet of Jesus, to no effect. Jesus, Himself, was accursed for us. Galatians 3:13 says that cursed is every man that hangs from a tree. He was crucified to break curses off us. Generational or otherwise. No power on earth is greater, we need not fear.

So if your great aunt so and so was a gypsy with a crystal ball or great, great, grandpa a bank robber, when you become a believer and renounce all this, you have chosen to live under grace, If there is a temptation to steal or real palms, you can resist it. In fact, your focus is to be on Him, not the past, not the enemy. Bind him all you like and he will be happy you spent more time on him or worrying or being afraid, he’s got your mind off Jesus, kept your from renewing it, praying and speaking His word and blessings. One of those  ” Gotcha. ” moments that are not for Kodak.

But there are other curses, we speak them over ourselves everyday. we are told in Deuteronomy 28, to choose life or death, blessings or curses. People pay such little attention to what they say, are so unfamiliar with Proverbs or that the Bible talks so much about what we say.

Many people believe that is just the way it is. Your mother was an alcoholic, you’ll end there as well. Your words over your life when lined up with God’s Word, and spoken in faith, hope and love will change that. If your father was a drug user, or there is mental illness, depression or cancer, it does not have to include you. That is not God’s snapshot of you.

The law of the Spirit of life has made me free from the law of sin and death. How about you? How are blessing or curses from our own lips or those of loved ones affecting you? Perhaps, no one has practiced witchcraft in your direction, no one is conjuring the dead. Though rebellion against God and His ways is equal to it. And we conjure up our own fears and worries and relive the past wondering what went wrong.

Don’t curse yourself with ” What if’s?” or accuse yourself or others with  “I told you so. ” Blaming or shaming is hurtful not helpful. Jewish people bless their children on Friday as their Sabbath begins. we have the power to bless and curse. And I’mt tell you to nit pick every little thing someones says or does, they will despise you, an don’t beat yourself up either, just be teachable,receptive, and walk in faith and love. Not everyone will be anxious to hear what you share, maybe not family.

They won’t consider themselves responsible for cursing you with words of criticism or comparison. If you can explain in love, forgive and move on or they receive it is different. if not, you do not have to languish any longer. Cancel those words over your life, I agree with you in Jesus name that the blood of Jesus break you free today wholly and completely, through and through, mentally, physically and spiritually. I bless you in His name to be restored to health, released from bondage, addictions and mental oppression.

Break off those labels of no good, lazy, worthless, crazy. Fat, skinny, obnoxious, overbearing, loud, crude or rude. Write them down, you know the truth about yourself, what others said hurt you, what you’ve said about yourself. Admit the truth, be honest, if you lie, cheat, steal or gossip, He knows anyway, you can’t lie to Him. he will forgive you and loose you and if you don’t know Jesus, he died to know you ask Him into your heart.

People say some stupid things, we all have, shouldn’t we want a lot more kindness and whole lot less stress and worry? Let the devil have it. Cast your care on Jesus, let Him deal with the adversary.

Adam allowed the enemy in and lived under a curse, Jesus blood in the garden of Gethsemane broke that curse. While there is a lot of mention of curses in the Bible, and even Paul mentions that he would be accursed to help others, it was Jesus who did that, And while God is love and not just putting a curse on you, He allows free will, gives you a choice of what to believe, and we take the consequences good or bad. i choose good.

I ask Jesus to give us the gift of His grace and break the chains over us, that we are not walking around like the ghost of Christmas past, dragging the chains we forged in life or others forged for us. Jesus broke these curses at the cross, it is finished! Forever may they be bound in His name and torment no more.

Believe me that is a picture the devil does not want developed, the image of you in Jesus, and he remembers what he thought was victory watching Jesus in agony, suffering, seeing His soul in hell, yet he had to give up the keys to it. And he would enjoying nothing more that burning that moment from his evil mind, if only it we a photograph he could and would or tear it to pieces, but he cannot it. It is seared into him and will damn the fallen angel who challenged God for His throne, forever. The lake of fire awaits him, not us. We are not broken, he is. A defeat foe, at the feet of Jesus. Separated by the shed blood, he cannot get through. That is a Kodak moment for us.

Now, choose to speak blessings and life over you and your family. No one can stop you from believing in His love or no one will stop Him from loving you. He captured the moment of your salvation and he makes you free. Don’t keep His sacrifice accursed by leaving Him on the cross, and holding back His blessing of being the curse. Rebecca Jones / pexels

The Blessing of Resurrection


Have you ever thought of the resurrection as a blessing. Jesus had confidence in His Father and the Holy Spirit not to leave Him in hell or the tomb. Lazarus was likely in Paradise and making his way to Abraham’s bosom.

He also probably never expected to hear Jesus calling Him back. I’m sure he thought resurrection was a blessing, the widow of Nain’s son, Jairus’ daughter. All had died, the girl a few minutes, the son, a day, and Lazarus, day four…Jesus spoke life and called him specifically. I’m sure He raised more.

Now lets look at Romans 4:17 which says that God in His wisdom calls things to be as though it were not. In effect, giving life for death. I often ask people to wait about turning off monitors when asking for prayer, recently, I put up a powerful prayer for a baby who the doctors and parents had decided to remove from life support. Give God every chance, it is not too hard for Him. I have seen at least five baby miracles, why not one more?

Not everyone shares that belief, and not everyone receives a miracle, but God provided one in Jesus, and of course I realize there are sometimes things we do not know. In some instances a person is just too tired of fighting, perhaps longing for heaven, may not have the strength to endure physical or mental challenges of recovering. Miracles can be instantaneous, some are longer, some pass us unnoticed everyday, like that we woke up and still breathing without even thinking about it. We take life for granted. We take love for granted and we take God for granted.

People will call you crazy if you run around declaring yourself well and you practically on your death bed, but you can choose to speak life or death as Proverbs 4:23 says. It is much more than name it and claim it, blab it grab it. Much more than faith or even faith hope and love. it is His unconditional agape love and the ability to receive it, share it and return it to Him in worship,

It is the greatest, it is love. For when all else fails, love does not. For God is love, if you can embrace His love for you and receive spiritual gifts, He will give them freely, He will lavish His love on you. He can resurrect anything or anyone, any dream anyone from any ailment or malady.

Jesus did not call the people dead, the daughter was asleep. His will was never death, it entered at the fall, a demon who’s cold and cruel hand is broken. the grip of the so called grim reaper crushed by the crucifixion of Christ. He will receive those who die in Him and He will resurrect you as well from death or anything else you lack.

In the season of spring when we should be refreshed and renewed, let’s be resurrected also. God’s wisdom calls peace to chaos, calm to storms, prosperity to lack, health to sickness and disease, strength to weakness, love to hate and so much more. What is God saying about you, all that good, those good plans for you. What are you believing? How about for a resurrection blessing?Rebecca Jones / Christianpix

The Luke 2:52 ProjectDanceWithJesus Linkup

Cup of Poison / The Blessing of Sacrifice



You will remember the words of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, if there is a way  to let this cup pass from me, yet He said not His will but the Father’s.

Well I could go into great detail about the Jewish wedding feast and the cups that were drunk from and even Passover, where there are four cups. Of course, Jesus was crucified at Passover and we are His beloved bride. Yet, in His sorrow and in human form He resisted the urge to give in.

I myself, have been harsh on people who pray if it is His will, when He plainly told a leper it was His will to heal him,and I apologize for that because Jesus utters the same words in effect, if there is a way, yet not my will but yours be done. He had no doubts, no unbelief, He was just in agony and that may be true of some of us. I have been there. So have you, and He understand above all people, yet He held on for the Father’s will, so that we could testify of His love, that we would beneficiaries of that will.

Jesus death redeemed from much. Much more that hell. He left us an inheritance. salvation includes so many promises, healing, spiritual gifts,  angelic protection. He didn’t call angels to save Him or He would have ruined God ‘s plan of redemption, His humanity was in torment. He was tortured profusely to save us.

I tried guarding my but I wasn’t good enough at it. I let His peace guard my heart as to doubts and I refuse to have an evil heart of unbelief. Hebrews 3:12  Jesus also asked His disciples if they could drink the cup. Jesus tasted a cup of death for us. The cup of poison is from the song Gethsemane from Jesus Christ Superstar. And it was a cup of poison, even like the myrrh they offered Him on the cross. He had to absorb it all, all the punishment and grief, refusing a tainted drink.

No one has ever borne so much pain, grief and sorrow. No ever one endured so much agony, the lashes. bruises, gashes from a crown of thorns, though we may find ourselves among thorns, dealing with thorny ground or even a thorn in the flesh. He purchased our souls and redeemed for us our peace. His peace, that came from such a great sacrifice. No one has ever had to drink such a cup of poison. No one is worthy, nor could they survive it. He was the only one worthy to open that book.

Just think all the wicked, vile and evil, pain and sickness, fears and grief, torments, He bore for us if we believed on His name. What generous grace and mercy. How many of us could or would even be here but not for His mercy and grace? So let’s be careful never to abuse that mercy and grace, but walk in faith and the true measure of His love by believing we are what He wants us to be.

He wants us to be fruitful, loving and tender hearted, full of compassion. He wants us to give freely and love freely the agape kind of love. He wants us to be believe in His healing touch and His spiritual gifts. He longs for us to know Him and His great sacrifice. What a glorious Lord we have. He is worthy of praise.

For He drank a cup of poison, no one else could or would have and was the only one pure enough to shed His blood, to be the once and forever sacrifice for all mankind. Just believe, He loves us so. And He freely gave the blessing of sacrifice. Rebecca Jones / pexels


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The Blessing of Perfection

My Post (14)

I promised earlier that we would explore the beauty of His Word, that could take a while. I’m often so amazed at His beauty and grace and what He has done that we have not even begun to grasp. The blessing of perfection may be a strange title. I read all the time how women are giving up the idea of a perfect life, a perfect house, the illusion of keeping up appearances, raising the perfect children, being the perfect wife to the perfect husband. Well, I’m asking you not to.

Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48. I have to admit I was holding myself to some pretty high standards and falling flat on my face which is a good place to pray. Don’t give up on perfection, we have a perfect Lord.

And remember, perfection doesn’t mean you have to scrub everything with a toothbrush, own every gadget, always be after bigger and better or be a fake and phony pretending you’ve got it all together. I don’t expect you to open the door wearing pearls at ten in the morning and no dishes in the sink. But you shouldn’t have to start throwing things in the closet if someone knocks I say that by the way with laundry sitting everywhere, so you won’t think I’m totally out of it. As people we are human, we are not perfect. We know better, or we wouldn’t need God. But He perfects us.

Social media gets a lot of blame and takes a hit for the Pinterest recipes and decor, but that’s okay. we like to try new dishes and what’s wrong with a little dream home to break up the monotony of day to day? And I know you can airbrush your photographs and make you look better, use a filter or delete what you consider not good enough. You can’t just delete people, even though I wished I could mute some with the remote.

We are stereotyping perfect into something wrong when it isn’t from God’s perspective, not the world’s idea of it. Perfect makeup and hair, the perfect curves in the perfect clothes, we aren’t going to look like runway models in the grocery line. But we are to be perfect as our Father is.

How? Loving, forgiving, and even holy. Oh, yeah, our lives are to be holy as He is as well. God is a tough act to follow, right? That’s why He sent Jesus as the perfect example. He will keep us in perfect peace, if we stay focused on Him.

How foolish can you be? After starting your new lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own human effort? Galatians 3:3

And it is His perfect love that casts out fear. Alone we are no match for fear. But we are not alone. He will never leave or forsake us. And it even says if we are afraid we are not made perfect in love. We all sense that, experience it, but it is never a good idea to act on it. Because we are believers we have His love. It is perfect and we are in it, so perfect often means mature.

I have people tell me, that’s  as good as it gets, hope it doesn’t get worse. Even a hint that I still should consider them a friend, even though they were ill and always would be. I was not discounting them as a friend, merely offering a prayer for healing, because it does get better, that’s not as good as it gets, that’s not all there is to it. I know because I am still here,

I hear people cop out all the time when they do something wrong, grown up and children, start to say ” Nobody’s perfect. ” No, they aren’t but He is and by His grace and only by His grace are we blessed with perfection. I can’t but He can, I’m not but He is. I have been defended from criticism with that statement,  I don’t need defending God has to do that to. I really am nothing without Him, but can do all things through Him. Isn’t that perfection?

I have had the compliment of being perfect, I laughed it off. Maybe, I shouldn’t have. I was just trying to not hurt feelings or come off as thinking I was better than another than someone else. I have had accusations, to the effect of ” holier than thou “. We are to live holy lives, right? For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16, New Living Translation

I have made my fair share of mistakes, and I know better than to compare my blog to others. Wouldn’t that make most of us quit? But the best decision was to trust Jesus. And to get to know Him better and better everyday. Father sees the perfection of Jesus in me, so that is the blessing of perfection.


public domain

P.S. I’m keeping my Pinterest boards, my perfect gardens, clothes, houses and loves. My perfect Lord is there too.  Now, that’s perfect. 🙂

Blessings To Count As Joy


Count it all joy, my brothers, ( or sisters ) when you meet trials of various kinds. James 1:2 ESV

Reading this in James 1:2, almost makes you want to give James the old one, two. What is joyful about all these things we go through? Other versions say count it or consider it joy. All those diverse or different temptations we encounter of fall into. New  Living even says  to consider it a great opportunity. I left you the link, so you can have fun reading it, too.

My friends, be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble. That’s contemporary for you. So here I go around the house with a horrible knee pain, that has thankfully subsided, trying to yuck it up, and force a smile or better yet laugh out loud because I know who bore the pain on the cross and who is inevitably the true healer of Isaiah.

I’m not beating my chest like the man praying and being glad he’s not like somebody else, but I am thankful not to be dragging myself through some Jerusalem street and hoping not to get trampled to find Jesus. All I have to do is call on Him. And rest, knowing He is a healing Jesus. He has taught me a lot about pain, that some pain comes with healing but that the majority of it is from the wicked one.

While vascular surgeons call it cosmetic, and it insurance doesn’t cover it. Jesus does, and more than that, He sees deeper, when you were shoved at the skating rink years ago, when in a hurry do something for someone the fall, on a broken sidewalk, the fall in the bathroom, another attack of the enemy. Though, I’m 56. I don’t think that way and that is good. I almost have to subtract my birth year, to get my age.

I consider myself still young. Fear is a weapon isn’t it? I began to notice those fallen and can’t get up commercials. I was hesitant about getting the mail. I have stared down other things in the past without going into detail. And yet, I was crying to Jesus in the middle of the night, and reaching for the Tylenol. And then there’s James, and he also said for believers to lay hands on the sick. So. I am a believer and I pray for myself. And I count it joy. Even if it is awful. Why?

The Holy Spirit said so through James. Why did He say that? Because He knows you don’t want to give up what God has for you, He is well aware of your faith, He knows ever attack of the enemy and plans God has given Him to bring you into, He knows just how to get you back in sync with Him. Okay, maybe I shouldn’t want to deck James, forgive me Lord, it’s the pain talking. You silence it with your healing word, speak the word over me. Isaiah 53:5, and then you give me rest.

I not only like the song I Get on my Knees, I like to pray there, it is an act of submission and yielding, and while I am still, Jehovah rapha is at work. Counting it all joy, Jesus even endured the cross and counted it joy for one day many of us would believe. Though many quote about taking up you cross and following Him, it is not something humanly able to bear, that’s why we need Him so. He carried for us.

I believe we are on the road to complete healing. I want to be. Jesus asked a man did He want to get well. My answer is yes and I am so grateful for what He has done in me and through me to help others know His love. It is time we see ourselves resurrected with Him as opposed to crucified with Him, at rest and seated in a heavenly place. It is a blessing to count as joy, whatever it is, because if it were not worth it, the enemy would not care about bothering with us, and Jesus would be being denied the joy of working in us. Rebecca Jones / Pexels / also Unite

The Blessing of Enjoying Jesus

Janko Furlic

I loved Jesus, from way back. I’m not sure I understood what I’m writing to you about back then. I was serious, studious. I told people about Him. But those growing up years are awkward. I was a tween. And I was a little betwixt and between. The old rugged cross I clung too, didn’t fit with the contemporary new church I went to. I had oily hair and wore dresses, because I though that’s what I needed to do. I needed a make over, not a do over, I was at alter calls all the time in the other churches though I was saved, I wasn’t enjoying Jesus. Actually, they were called rededication services.

Truthfully, I was disappointed with people and church. I got a haircut, wore make up and jeans. What a rebel. I still liked old hymns, not the depressing ones. I hadn’t quite found my niche, I wasn’t a little bit country or a little bit rock and roll, I was a mix of a lot of things. I was happy, many times, I loved Jesus. But I wasn’t enjoying Him. I know that may sound funny but it a phrase the Lord spoke to me about. I was letting other people’s problems in, I was trying to be the good Christian and help solve them. Their own impressions of Jesus, the ministers I heard, all influenced me and I needed to know Him for myself.

I tried to please Him, I tried to have faith. I was sure I was doing something wrong, when things went wrong and so often they did. I was looking to people and leaders and they were disappointing me. So don’t just listen to me, get to know Jesus for yourself. Because He is the one who died, and he is the love. The Holy Spirit is the teacher. He is the one I should have been looking to. There was an ominous looking painting of Him in our chapel, it had a blue tint to it. It was a little scary, I was afraid of His power  but I loved the love.

Between that and the crucified Christ I carried, I failed to see Him as my risen Lord, the lifter of my head, my best friend, bridegroom, that he had called my name and I was His beloved. I would ask if it it was okay to eat candy because I was always dieting or giving up mostly, I never got an answer until many years later and after much study and allowing His Spirit in deeply to do a work in me, that He answered. He was looking at my heart. I should have know that just from the no make up days. Oh, how I loved Jesus, and I know how to enjoy Him.

You have to look past, the beaten and bloodied, marred and even gruesome images, from which I still managed to see the beauty and sacrifice, into the eyes of risen love. We are His joy, He endured all of it for us to be His joy. Being crucified with Him doesn’t mean we have to be sour, with long dresses and faces. Or just so prim and proper that we can’t laugh out loud and be silly. I was wound so tight with fear and fear of the Lord at one point, I was just a mess.

Jesus is our life and He wants to be a part of it. He is our joy, I let too many people and things take it from me, Jesus said no man could take it, so it was me that was giving in, caving to other people’s ideals or idea or who they think Jesus is. He has to be everything to me, And some the people that appeared so overjoyed at times, well I’m sure they’ve had their moments also. Depression and oppression are two things that steal joy, the enemy will try to take it, but He’ll never get Jesus away from you, so rest and enjoy Him. He will carry your load and set you free.

As you see, I post every day. I want to share Jesus on a personal level, not ignoring what we go through but with the realization, He was crucified and us with Him, He doesn’t want us to really be. We no longer have to bear these burdens when we have a loving Lord. I load this blog with Him, you should see my Pinterest board. He is the sweetest name I know and I’m enjoying Jesus. Rebecca Jones/ Janko Fervic, thanks.



The Blessing of Being A Blessing


Jesus did say it was more blessed to give than to receive. For me, I think it may have been easier. I could always buy things and pick out clothes, coordinate for others better than myself. I like to pick out colors, just the right devotional, almost anything. I love being a blessing. I was blessed to be one.

I bought children clothes. I sent cards before there was e-mail. I was a savvy shopper one lady called me. I got a lot of bargains. I tried not to forget anyone. I even hosted online birthday parties for a while until I felt a stronger need to be available for the prayer wall. And of course, I wanted to keep up my  blog.

April has been our month to talk about blessings. I promised to focus this year on the beauty of His Word. We have had word studies, and a study of the Lord’s sweet heart. We have asked the Holy Spirit wind into our daily lives and now we are on blessings. April has brought me a few.

April is also the month for many causes as well, a month for rape survivors, so please help someone. Or share your testimony, the month chosen to protect against cruelty, those little fur friends who are blessings to us only remind us that others less fortunate need us. I have invited people to donate to their local shelter, I even donated towels and extra toys to my vet once. You could even help pay a vet bill or for spaying and neutering. I helped a girl in my old neighborhood round up feral cats, she had them spayed and released. They were not suitable pets, but would not have kittens year after year. Anything you can do would help even if adopting is not an option. And just like children, report abuse. God expects us to be good stewards, and protect the weak. Even a bag of dog food helps. And remember as summer approaches to get the word out about hot cars for children and pets, don’t leave them. And I  believe, that it is also a month for rape survivors, so please help someone.

And on a much lighter note April is also letter writing month, I am about to break out some cards get started. My one pen pal passed away a few years ago. She used to bring me soup and cornbread and stuffed eggs. She wrote to me even after I moved and I kept her in stationery. I even made her some and personalized it, she told me it went across the country. She wrote letters much like people did in the 40’s when husbands were overseas. She included the time and weather. And usually, a verse. Let’s think about surprising someone with a letter or at least a card, don’t you just love all those old postcards? I do.

I used to think I was having trouble receiving from God because I was more of a giver. Now, I’m not so sure, I think I let the takers, take my joy at times, and I don’t mean that I begrudge anything I gave or did. But I have learned to be careful to take more time for me, to rest, to not be drawn into everything, not to be concerned as much with what people think or expect of me, not to buy the comparison lie.

Let’s look at some verses. ” In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35

Remember, Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus, I did not see a record of it but not everything He said was written down, John even says that. He did mention blessings in the Beatitudes.

Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor. Proverbs 22:9, and this does not have to be literal bread but the bread of life, Himself, Jesus.

God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God. Matthew 5:8 He certainly blesses us to be a blessing. We are blessed to bless others, not only monetarily, but in many ways, time or  just listening, a kind word or deed that expects nothing in return, when we avoid gossip and hurtful talk. Invite someone to church or even lunch, let them sit at your table. I will leave a link to the Beatitudes,, and we not to have be-attitudes, know who we are in Jesus, so many still need His love, and so many believers are walking wounded having been in spiritual warfare and facing illnesses.

Let’s make an effort to be, in April and even everyday a blessing to our families and friends and even reach out to someone else. It is a blessing we must choose, and it is a blessing to be a blessing. Rebecca Jones / dreamstime stock photo

Gardening the Blessings


The Old Testament and New Testament are joined and continue a thread to the redemption of believers, while before they were the ones making the sacrifices, obeying numerous laws, depending on a High Priest to atone once a year for sins, Jesus brought us a better covenant and better promises.

Jesus made the sacrifice, He fulfilled the law and the prophets, and ushered in grace and truth. He gave us the commandment to love one another, and if you do, you’re not breaking the others. And He is our priest, He didn’t atone for us each year, but once and for all.

The verse in Proverbs, 4:23 says for us to guard our heart, for out of it flows the issues of life, fast forward to Phillipians 4:7 and it is the peace of God, that passes understanding that guards it. Though it is good to watch our words and pay attention to the things pertaining to the heart, we are not the sole guardians or gardeners of it as a believer. Jesus’ blood bought us with a price, forever sealed in a covenant of love that He keeps even if we fall short. He will leave us to our own devices, and wait for us to listen and be corrected.

Jesus is a much better guardian of my heart, He has protected it from bitter weeds, and sown better words, He protected me from insults and offences and lies, accusations of the enemy. And He has rooted me in love and grounded me firmly in a garden of His delight, where there is more joy than I can imagine.

Roses may have thorns, you prick your fingers and bleed, but His crown was thorns, and His thoughts were of me, as my heart broke at His sacrifice, His was broken for me, even before the crucifixion in the Garden of Gethsemane. As we are showered this spring with His blessings, let us guard and guarden/garden our hearts. Let the roses bloom, and wherever life plants you, do your best to bloom and shine with His glory. Turn your face to the Son.

And remember, He is the truth and perfecter of the heart. Mary Magdalene, mistook Him for a gardener at the tomb, let’s not mistake Him as the gardener of our heart. Rebecca Jones / stock photo