Friday Bonus / Here Comes the Bride

Here comes the bride, an old song played at weddings for generations. From screwball comedies to genteel southern gatherings on the lawn, in homes, churches, courthouses, the notes carry over to the bride walking down the aisle or joining hands in what should be holy matrimony. Sometimes on an old church organ or piano, perhaps, the occasional sour note.

The the bride is coming. The church, it is about to go to the wedding, the figurative, spiritual marriage to Jesus Christ. I know I don’t deserve such a bridegroom. None of us do. I’ve been defending myself against untruths again when I know I shouldn’t. But He is my righteousness, my peace, and had paid the price for me so my repentant heart can once again rest in His mercy. I let my thoughts be unclouded by His grace. His amazing grace.

I’m ready, for Him to come, how about you? I would love to be gathering for the wedding feast, beholding His face at the head of our table. And yet, another part of me, that could be the flesh, or even the soul of me that is restored and knows the difficulties I have endured, feels a little, okay, a lot inadequate to behold Him.

To see Him in all His glory, face to face, should melt everything from us that hinders our being able to be at the table and accompany Him into a blissful, wedded eternity.  Shouldn’t we already be seeing Him everyday? In ourselves, our actions and words? In the love we show people? I read it in many of the words of my fellow bloggers, in my own.

I question myself as to how much I am living it though other than ministering to people who already know the Lord. My words appear to be hollow and not ring true to some. The unbelief and false accusations are not persecution in the sense of the word, not like in other countries but still hurtful builds up over time. I know it makes your reward great in heaven and we can leap for joy but you don’t really feel like it. Compared to the horrendous  abuse of others though, I can rejoice, and pray for them too, for as believers, they are going to attend that dinner as well. I pray for their strength. And it hurts that sometimes, believers don’t understand me,

If we all lose ourselves in that pity party of unworthiness, we will lose out on the time we still have to prepare, to walk more closely, not waste our days. We still have time to study, to rightly divide. To praise, to worship in the secrecy of our prayer closet. we still have time to pray for lost souls. We still have time to invite souls to the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. So many still don’t have the royal attire of righteousness He prepared.

When the wedding procession starts, it may not be, Here Comes the Bride, but the music will resonate over all of heaven as we see Him face to face. Angel voices raised in song and golden wings that unfurl. Just writing this make me feel unworthy today, and I am not unworthy because of Him and only because of Him. Salvation is by grace, a gift that is not earned but received.

And so is His grace, His amazing grace, how sweet the sound, I suppose there are many beautiful hymns to be sung and any number of lyrics to replace an old standard, I am just so glad to be included in this ceremony. Here comes the bride and this really is a royal wedding.  Rebecca Jones / pexels

The Miracle, Heaven in My Heart


I worried, “What if I failed? What if I succeeded? ” The seeds of fear had been sown into me early on. I can’t blame anyone. I knew God’s Word. I just didn’t know what I was doing wrong.  No one appeared to notice my writing ability, but God noticed, and He wasn’t the only one, the enemy noticed. I got lots of rejection, and it was real. I wasn’t the half empty glass. Fear creeps and seeps in, sometimes it just overtakes you, but it is  a lie.

Those were awkward years, and the Lord knew all that turmoil in me. I was just so torn on the inside devoted to Christ but not seeing many of my prayers come to pass. I never had enough money, never wanted to be in debt. At twenty four, I was given a diagnosis, I refused to accept. I was always desperate to get a job, lose weight, have some money. The thing about it, He was answering and fear was the devil’s attempt to delay, though I never knew it, because I was busy being good. I had no idea how to rest in Him. even rest now can feel like work, because it is such a part of us, to fell guilt or not be lazy. we have to find that space, it is usually the prayer closet

The mean people I encountered at times, and even a lady at the supermarket, could just wreck my day.  It was like I had a sign on my back that said, ” Kick me. ” But I never stopped writing or believing He would heal me, I pressed my heart right into Jesus.  I was determined to walk by faith. And I didn’t even know that. It is funny how much we think we know about God, and how little we actually do.

Indeed, it seemed as if  I was being punished for just loving Jesus, expecting His perfect will to come to pass, how often I heard, if it be thy will. He laid out His will I performing miracles, at least, to me. He died for me, if He loves me that much, He would not want me to have the life I do. Perhaps, some of it refined me, burned off the rough edges or chaff, but I’m not sure of that, I think I was just blessed to know His love, and I believed it, though I  feared His power, in a way. I knew He would heal me, writing was just one way.

I never knew until the other day, that I carried heaven in my heart because He was there, He was my miracle and so close, as a whisper and prayer. He sustained me through everything, and blessed me in many ways, I was looking at problems when He was the solution. I had hope, but He is the hope that never fails, I could fail, even natural love fails but He couldn’t. His love never fails. If only I had known.

Choosing to rest in Him and know He did answer prayers was a major decision of breakthrough, resting in His finished work, waiting to be His masterpiece. I realized He was the one who completes me. he has completed me. Don’t we all stand in His victory and resist the enemy of our souls, who is still delusional enough to think he can defeat Jesus by defeating us. I have an eye for beauty, and I can see it in the Lord’s work me, and I can see it in the darkness and agony of a cross, in shed blood and a crown of thorns.

If you, like me have been carrying burdens, it’s time to put them down and let His miracle power destroy the yokes of bondage, that we are not slaves to, especially having the Holy Spirit in us. He sent us the teacher, the Comforter, the power of His love. If you have truly accepted Jesus as Lord, you too, carry heaven in your heart and that is nothing short of a miracle. We cannot be literally born again, but our spirits are new, and can be refreshed and renewed as often as needed.

Love never fails because Jesus never fails. I may fail but He is my covenant keeper and I keep His words, He is my miracle, day by day, and I carry heaven in my heart, so yes, by His wounds I am healed. Rebecca Jones / Garon Piceli, thank you.


Even More Miracles

I promised to talk about miracles this month and we have. The miracles of Jesus, some amazing stories from the past and a few recent ones, even some of the prayer board. The Holy Spirit is moving in love if we will allow Him to show the miraculous. I wanted to write about even more more miracles to keep us inspired.

A seven month old puppy pushes a boy out of the path of an out of control car, and takes the hit, having only a broken leg. And  three ultrasounds show a woman’s baby dead, her husband’s prayers start the heart. In China, a woman believing she is four months pregnant is actually six, when she thinks she has miscarried a still born girl, her mother buries the baby. The doctors tell her she should have had the baby examined, unaware the mother in law had buried her, she is dug up and still breathing after two hours. Money was raised for her preemie care.

Dr. Donald Chitty was marine in Vietnam, with twelve purple hearts to his credit. Thanks for that service, sir. He was so injured at one point he was put into a body bag. He became a pastor in New Mexico. A woman flips her van after dropping off her children at school, it lands in a church parking lot. The paramedic who opens her door told her he thought he needed a body bag, she had a badly broken ankle, said the Lord held her in her seat. I know this story, personally. Just last week a fellow blogger had a son survive a horrific crash.

Did you know that Violet Jessup not only survived the sinking of the Titanic, but the sinking of the sister ship Brittanic as well. So many more people have been hit by lightning, a soccer player, even my mother’s cousin who was cooking when it hit her stove and burned her stockings.

You will always read about dramatic rescues of pets and people and they’re a so many, a dog found in a garbage can, nursed back to health and adopted a woman holds her horse’s head out of the mud until help arrives. Stories of love and courage and devotion, that amaze you with miraculous results from impending disaster.

The people who searched through the ice for a boy who fell in, trying to hook his coat they use the utmost caution after forty five minutes, they have him. A man runs with him to the ambulance, he survives even after being in frigid waters for that length of time and make total recovery. That is a miracle.

We have seen a baby taken from a well and miners from a shaft. Go back a look for yourself at some of the fantastic stories recorded or captured on film that has been truly miraculous over the last few decades. And you see them all the time, there are so many healed in service that are not always reported.

Though people do not always receive a miracle, something unexplained by any other means, they are there. God is still on the throne and He is merciful and just. We don’t know everything, but we do know love and God is love, and He is creating even more miracles. Rebecca Jones / stock photo

  • And just a couple of days ago I received a praise report, a woman in ICU has recovered and been sent to a regular room. she is now able to laugh and speak to her mother. She told her that her grandmother and her dog sent her back from heaven.

The workplace of the classic blue desk and white chair

Unlimited Miracles


You know those phone adds that promise unlimited minutes, well God is still the God of miracles and He really is unlimited, In power, in love, forgiveness and even grace and favor. And Jesus left us His peace. Wow, unlimited peace.

But we don’t all have that do we? We should be all smiles all the time, or at least have more joyful days and show the delight on these women’s faces more often that not. I am really concerned at how the enemy of our souls has thrown a snare of darkness at believers, that appears to have taken us captive.

And he is the real identity thief. Stealing the ability from us to believe who we are in Christ and to wield the sword of the Spirit over him, we lose ourselves in depression, grief and sometimes self pity. And still we are more than conquerors through Him, we have to reclaim that in love. Love one another deeply from the heart and pray. Bless someone in any way we can even if we ourselves are in a spiritual battle. That is how we win what Jesus already won.

Jesus wanted our joy to be full. It can’t be if we are hurting, ill, facing something we don’t understand or know how to combat. We certainly can’t in fear and worry. Jesus said the days were sufficiently evil, and we are to use our time wisely because of that reason. We should spend more time in prayer than worry, in His love, instead of caving to the wicked one’s defeatist lies.

Let’s stop starving ourselves and feast on the goodness of God. Let’s stop being thirsty for His presence and drink deeply from the living waters and thirst no more. Let stop hungering and thirsting after righteousness and realized He is our righteousness. Our filthy rags are changed into royal robes.

Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. Psalm 78:41, This is King James, I used it because we don’t want to limit Him. Other translations say pained the Holy One or provoked Him, or even suggest putting boundaries on Him. You may want to read the whole Psalm and translations.

Using the word boundary, suggests we are binding Him, remember Matthew 16:19, binding and loosing, no man could bind the madman at the tombs, until Jesus freed him. We do not want to bind the Lord in heaven or limit Him in any way. Jesus was bound as He was led away, to be scourged and crucified but He allowed them to, John’s account is specific.

Father, in Jesus name, I want to declare the limits off of you, your hands are not bound, as to how to help those in need of your love and peace today, those who want the fullness of joy to remain, those who desire to touch the hem of your garment, those who are desperate for the chains of depression  to break and the shackles of addiction to fall away.

We don’t want to, in any way, want to allow the enemy to steal our identity in you. We know and believe who we are in Christ, and abide in His love, and we know you are full of unmerited favor and unlimited miracles. Rebecca Jones / Katy Belcher, thank you.

Creating An Atmosphere For Miracles


I have always liked to read about miracles. I always felt I had one. My life was one, I had trouble being born, my mother and I both could have died. I’m sure I must have always loved Jesus too. From the moment I was born. Babies are fresh from heaven and know what it is like to like in perfect love. They are safe in the womb, just they were in the spiritual womb of God’s heart. i recently heard the testimony of a lady who overheard her daughter talking to her baby, she was asking her about heaven, stating she was beginning to forget. She was wanting the baby to tell her, but there was only baby talk.

And yet a fallen world of creation waits for miracles, but so does Jesus. I know it troubles people who have suffered a loss, as to why they did not receive a miracle. I am of the mindset now, after seeing quite a few that He does want to perform more. Fear has kept us from using the Word boldly, we have forgotten that we are the beloved children of a loving Father. Prolonged illness, depression and worry robs us.

I wanted to come up with the idea of an atmosphere that was conducive to miracle. Hospitals are places of medical miracles, and perhaps some life and death, but I have sat in halls, feeling the Holy Spirit’s presence, and an emptiness that there was no one believing for one. Surely, that grieves the Lord. Nursing homes and hospices are about the same, and even worse. Though there are people who may visit, sing or pray, read the Bible, in the years I visited, I never saw a real miracle. even a lady who took her mother in law home to die, has not seen a miracle, five years later, at home, she is alive, but barely. God is merciful and so should we be, and the Holy Spirit can tell you when to say goodbye and when to hold on to that prayer for a miracle.

Even if you can feel the life draining out of you and your body shutting down, your soul may be active, a mind full of faith and hope, a will to live. And your emotions are part of your soul, you can be angry. Get mad at the enemy who would steal, kill or destroy.  You know he is behind it, God has good plans. Sometimes people can’t fight, they are weary. They give in. They give up. I know not everyone believes in, or will receive a miracle, even believers. The devil is deceptive, he wants you not to believe.

I am not God, I cannot do His work really, I just tell others about Jesus and how He sent the Holy Spirit to be our teacher. I know how much He really loves us. So what about our place for miracles? What is the atmosphere we could create for them, to occur. We have had revivals, praise music. I think it is worship, soft music, gentle and peaceful rhythms that float effortlessly through the soul, and spirit and body. It is quiet and rest. The rest of faith, the Sabbath rest, of Hebrews 4.

It may be prostrate, motionless, being still to know He is God. It may be silence in a prayer closet. It may not be in church at all. That we be wonderful though. It is being with Him, one with the Lord, like Jesus, the intimacy of His love that knows every hurt, every bruise and scar. Only He can mend the brokenhearted, we just apply the band aid or plaster as they say in England. It may be tears in a bottle, knowing Jesus wept for us.

It may mean hours of studying to rightly divide His Word, it may mean communion and Communion, it may mean rest and more rest, putting aside every weight that besets our heart. It may mean turning off electronics, and reading a real Bible, sometimes, He just needs to know we are serious, not shallow like the rich young ruler who, like the Jews, who wanted the Ten Commandments instead of God ruling, he placed faith in his own ability. We should be placing faith in His.

He’s the healing Jesus, the deliverer, the one who mends broken hearts. He desires to leave us His peace, He already has in John 14:27, He gave it and we should receive it just like salvation. Shaloam peace, the peace that passes understanding, It is like His last will and Testament, for He willed us His peace. He and His presence in our lives, that’s the place for miracles. Rebecca Jones / pexels

Inspire Me Monday

Sunday Bonus: The Miracle of Motherhood


The Mother’s Day post I put up earlier was for all types of mothers, grieving ones, exhausted ones and yes, hopeful ones. I have mothered a lot of children in daycare, now it looks as if foster care could be on the horizon, that is still a matter of prayer as I am still doing the prayer wall, the blogs, and ministering to as many as I can through them, I have been helping out with a couple.

Children are a gift from the Lord, a reward for love. However, it doesn’t always goes a planned. It works the same in the natural, but the physical is not always love, and children suffer. Nine months of planning, and pink or blue are too often overshadowed by drug use or abusive relationships.

It tears at the heart rather than tugs, tugging is seeing the little cuties laughing and happy, tasting bananas for the first time, discovering their toes, saying mama or da-da, snuggling with a blankie. Decorating nurseries, the baby showers, picking names. Gender reveals.

Tears, and tears that are shed in prayer, are more what has come my way recently, the blessing of miraculous babies, the sad passing of some that God must have just had to take for some reason. The abuse stories and neglect, the mothers who have chosen a life of partying and drugs over their own children, some on purpose, some out of their own painful past and not knowing or receiving God’s love.

In the last month, I have read about a woman with over 30+ negative pregnancy tests, one woman with a second miscarriage, thinking of adoption. Women suffering post partum, one with three under five years old. A young photographer, welcoming her fourth, ready to make him a model, as long as he is still. I know someone who adopted a girl from foster care at eighteen, and considers her completely her daughter and even now has a granddaughter. Isn’t that a wonderful attitude, her pain of infertility has been turned to joy. I have read of another woman who took in a baby who needed a major surgery. Of a little girl so neglected, and so starved, she has a feeding tube and wears a halo. These children are difficult to place.

I had to be re-fingerprinted, to be in contact with some of these children, like I said I have not actually completed the foster care program. I only help out. I read the papers, the list of children is disconcerting, Will you accept, cutters, pyromaniacs, runaways, thieves, some with gender identity problems, to name a few. That list was horrible, no wonder these children are hard to place. It takes the right person, the strong faith, the ability to hang in there, not judge be willing to step out in faith, to be firm, to pray powerful prayers and be determined not to let the devil have these souls. And we would definitely have to have breaks from these children. Honestly, I am not sure that I am that person, are you? I have no medical knowledge, either. Even stepping out to blog with my writing ability, was a leap of a faith, a wing and a prayer.

I suppose I am remembering talking to addicts when cocaine was more important thandeciding the children’s future. Their future still is in the hands of the Lord, they are covered in prayer. But then I guess, why not me? I taught children about Jesus for years, and i know I can let go because He goes with them.

I am praying for the children, adopted or not, in foster care or not and I hope you will join me. Admittedly, there are some I know that really need a group home or some kind of rehabilitation. But there are others, I know of that are thriving with love and attention and that firm and loving discipline, who are being taught faith and the love of Jesus. I just found out about two I know of who I never knew were adopted, and would never have known they went through drug withdrawals.

So, you see, if you are willing and able to put in the love and effort, God can match you with just the right child. There are even open adoptions. Some people are willing to give up parental rights, others should be, most would have to be dealt with through CPS, Child Protective Services, or DFACS as we know it, Department of Family and Child Services. I know some of these people I would not want to deal with, even though I know we are to forgive.

It is difficult to raise a child while the mother is addicted or in prison and then them show up and the court return them. I realize that it is the goal to reunite families, Jesus is the best one to do that, so it may take a willingness to let go, start over with a new child and remember, His eye is on that sparrow. I have counseled, even though I am not a counselor, either, two year olds and teens.

And those mothers who had abortions, I prayed they would realize that they didn’t know Jesus then. He is not punishing you, you are still capable. And should you not know, Him ask Him to forgive you and set His love on you. Forgive yourselves, that may be one of the reasons there is still so much abuse, no one breaks the cycle, or are not willing to forgive themselves and their parents, to let Jesus heal a broken heart. And then again there are those who think they can do no wrong, are not under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, who have trampled His mercy and grace. I know people who should be dead or in jail who walk around freely flaunting their freedom, expecting others to see them as they seen themselves, now God looks at the heart, He really knows and we too, by His Spirit can perceive, and know His plans for good.

Children are on His heart, and He has their best interest at heart. People think He allows things and He does because people abuse their free will. There are others to speak on behalf and help those who cannot make decisions or care for themselves.

So will you pray for me, for these bad ones, abused ones, violent ones, and even consider fostering or adoption of a child in need or with medical needs. Or at least support someone who does. Ask people at church. Start a prayer group for children. Or a M.O.P.S.  group. Say, F.M.S., Feed My Sheep, FEMS, you get the idea. And these are just children here. What about abroad? We really should be praying.

What do you say when a little girl with burns says, ” Do you want me, no one ever wanted me. ”  No one she be nobody’s child. They may not be saved yet, but He is calling them to His love, He will call them by name and they will be His and yours and mine. Rebecca Jones /stock photo / various translations

But God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5:8

Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, He. Himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death He might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil. Hebrews 2:14

So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when He adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15

And whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me. Matthew 18:5

  • My decision on this right now is to keep blogging and helping out as much as I can. I will see what happens after much needed summer break, though I will continue to post here.

What Is a Miracle?

An effect or extraordinary event in the physical world that surpasses all known human or natural powers and is ascribed to a supernatural cause.
Such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God.
A wonder; marvel. These are some of the definitions of a miracle.
If you think about it babies are miracles, we all are. Birth an life just are creative and miraculous, we a right from the heart of God. I think words are, they give the power to  create and to heal and to love and God used them to create the world from nothing. He commanded the light to be and it was.
We talked about the miracles of Jesus, healing and stopping the enemy with a word. Not just a mere word but God’s Word. A lady bug is a miracle or a butterfly, and what about whale? Maybe, there are wonders we have not seen, what about the stars and galaxies and how far they reach?
Miracles may be the accidents we avoid. The twisters that move across the plains and away from cities. The day you aren’t at work or school when a gunman arrives. It is finding missing children, there were two taken last month here. Thankfully,they were left on the side of the road, a news crew found the baby. This is why you should never leave them in the car, even to run a gas station, not pets or children,and especially in the heat of summer.
Miracles are the people who jump into swollen rivers to save you or run into flames. A miracle is a man taking his hands off the wheel and saying ” God help us. ” And watching the truck that should have hit him go on past. Jesus must have steered. Miracles are man in a truck on fire colliding with a gas truck. He prays and suddenly one the outside watching it burn. His Bible and a book about faith are on His dashboard. A woman who survives a fireball on a plane on the tarmac, and telling news crews the Lord saved her. There is no other way she got through it.
It is cheating death. It is survival in blizzards. the families lost in snowstorms. A boy who had drowned for about 45 minutes, returning to life. Miracles are sometimes medical, technological but a true miracle is supernatural, something only Jesus could do. Saving a soul is a miracle.
What do think is a miracle or has been miraculous in you life. You can give Him praise for it. And expect with return ever closer to see more. Healing is a miracle. Joy and peace are miracles to me. But the lavish love of a God who gave His Son for me is the greatest miracle of all.
It is my prayer you have been or will be touched with a miracle, however great or however small you need it to be. Rebecca Jones /Pete Bellis, Unsplash, thank you. I love your work.
Spiritual Sundays links to Sunday Scriptural Blessings

Everyday Miracles


Everyday miracles are just that miracles that happen everyday. The sun rises and sets, because God said to. It even stood still for Joshua, not an everyday occurrence. Flowers bloom, the stars come out. Bluebirds fly and rivers flow, clouds float, the Holy Spirit breezes are blowing.

The robins sing, even bees fly because God told them to. They are aerodynamically too heavy. The seasons change, even though they linger here and there. the calendar we use is not exactly His. He is still on the time line He created. Even great mathematicians and people who have come up with certain dates, of past events from the Bible, aren’t privy to every millisecond of every rotation of the earth, it’s exact date of creation. Only God can tell His Son when to return, though He left clues. And it appears to be near a feast day, or possibly in the fall. No one knows the day or hour, yet, feast days are called over a two day period, with a final trumpet, day or hour, is a hint.

Babies are born, everyday. An everyday miracle. A baby survives surgery and is healed, a fabulous miracle. The fact we are breathing, can walk and talk are everyday miracles. The parking spot you get, the delivery man or service technician, that is scheduled, arrives on time. Your 3:00 doctor’s appointment let’s you in, at 3:10, not 4:30. A friend calls to take you to lunch. All these thing are everyday miracles, that we often overlook. That someone is nice in the grocery line, the children are not too noisy, everyday miracles, or even some kindness show by a stranger, an everyday angel.

Just the early morning quiet, or the late night kind like I like. Peaceful sleep that is deep and healing and even a nap, not an everyday miracle but it should be. The rest of Jesus that floats over you like a lazy white cloud in the afternoon, it’s not an everyday miracle but it should be. We should have confidence in Him, He even slept through a storm, and probably went right back after calming it and a boat full of disciples.

Today, everyday, let’s be thankful for and look for, even expect everyday miracles. He is still on the throne. Though creation groans for His soon return, it is in obedience, giving us the everyday sense of smell to enjoy roses, and everyday miracle, a woman’s son had lost his sense of smell with a head injury walks in and recognizes cabbage, a healing miracle.

May is the month I chose to write about miracles, why shouldn’t there be some? Let’s expect everyday miracles and even bigger ones, and if you receive one, after reading my blog, please be sure to comment. I’d love to hear the healing kind, the big or small, or just something you know is an everyday miracle. Rebecca Jones / pexels

Resting and Sleeping Miracles


I can’t tell you how funny this post title may sound but I assure your it is true. If I told you how much I had been sleeping lately you would wonder how I even turn out a blog or get anything done, well, I do, and the best part is the healing and the peace that is overtaking me.

If your are not familiar with Psalm 127, read it. I actually says that it does no good to get up early or stay up late, and that He gives sleep to the beloved. Who is the beloved? Me. And you. As a believer, we have been accepted by the Father into the beloved, His Son, Jesus.

Getting up early or staying up late won’t do you any good. Now, should you have a schedule that allows a little prayer time in there, that’s okay. I do stay up late, because I can sleep later. Just the quiet around my house, even with relatives from 5 to 75, there is a peace after midnight, that is just heaven.

Remember, Jesus talks about worry in Matthew, we’re toiling and spinning, aren’t we, laboring in vain? He said worry would not add to your stature, and I went on with a bad back, He that paid the price to be healed. Truthfully, I got better and worse, over and again, though I believed in miracles, I used to say I believe I’d be better if I could just sleep a month, but not be in a coma. That was the Lord telling me to sleep. He’ll get you up if necessary, I don’t even answer the phone now, or during prayer time. If it’s an emergency, dial 911, if it’s something I need to know about, He’ll tell me. If it’s the telemarketers,who cares?

Learning about His rest, the sabbath rest, knowing God and Jesus rest in their finished work, makes me able to. Healing has been accomplished, my part was to receive, not to struggle, earn it, be good enough, I can’t do it, He did it. So the beloved just sleeps. ZZZzzz.

God designed the body to function, to live forever, to heal and repair itself, I even know when I need to eat certain things, basically, I eat whatever and however much I want, because I burn that up, I eat BBQ chips or crisps, for my Brit friends, I will eat some candy or dark chocolate, But I know when I need apples or raisins, even figs. I eat a lot of beans and protein. Basically, I’ve quit dieting because that just caught me up in myself, instead of Jesus. Back in the day, and now even to some extent Christians were into the health and fitness, diets and organic, water drinking and so on. I know that is something Jesus can take care of too. He saves us completely.

Even healthy people die. I almost worried myself to death over trying to do what everybody said I should. Now, I just listen to a God who loves me and lets me rest, and I can rest, no one, and no demon or devil is going to run me ever again. The Holy Spirit will guide you into truth, For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17.

Jesus raised a 12 year old girl, who was dead and He used the term sleeping. Jesus  wouldn’t say dead because in His presence, you’re not going to stay dead are you? Not spiritually, and not even physically, it’s possible. Get her up and give her some thing to eat. Actually, I have to backtrack on that, He finally had to tell the disciples that Lazarus was dead, they didn’t get it.

There is a popular saying that goes, ” Let her sleep, when she wakes up, she will move mountains. ” I agree, she will, but it’s really the Lord through her, just like any healing comes, even through a healing minister, faith healer is an awful term, it disqualifies believers all the time, it did me, because it’s emphasizing that your not good enough or don’t have enough faith. Faith does come by hearing, it does grow and be taken by the enemy, but God knows hearts, He knows when you believe. And He knows love.

So let’s just rest and sleep, we will wake to miracles. Rebecca Jones / pexels

DanceWithJesus LinkupThe Luke 2:52 Project

Anointed Miracles


The word anointing merely means to put on oil, smear it on, pour it on. Remember, Jesus was anointed. Acts 10:38 Likewise, we as believers are blessed with gifts and talents by the Holy Spirit as we grow in grace and follow after love, the greatest gift of all. That is what we are to do.

We can never love Jesus as much as He does us. It got Peter into trouble didn’t it? He bragged about His love of Jesus, and yes, he did, phileo – friend, but not agape, divine. It was not long before the devil tried to sift him. He denied Him three times even with cursing. Yet, Jesus restored him after he repented.

The Lord anoints what we do, by the Holy Spirit. He pours the oil of His Spirit all over us and our work, but we have to receive it. The anointing of the Holy Spirit has to be protected, guarded  by the peace that passes understanding. I have found it difficult to guard my own heart, mouth and even mind, at times. Actually, a lot of the time.

That is why we need His anointing, to break the yokes that befall us and bedevil us as we do our best to follow His will. John was the disciple who got it right, he is the one leaning into Jesus at the Last Supper, while Peter, is loud and boisterous about who will betray Jesus, John is relaxed knowing it’s not him. He is the only one who records himself as the disciple Jesus loved. I guess the others never thought of it. I know that ‘s why I relate to John, he got Jesus.

About the Holy Spirit anointing, Therefore, He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them. Hebrews 7:25 The bride knows the Holy Spirit intimately as the beautiful and gentle person of the trinity and the presence within her! His anointing is on my writing as well as other interests, and my prayer life, and teaching and learning ability.

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. John 16:63  But he   ( or she ) who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with Him. 1 Corinthians 6:17, just as He is one with the Father, John 10:30, 17:21.

See what a close knit family, the intimacy of marriage in a spiritual sense. Who knows us better than family or friends? The Holy Spirit does. This is why we should desire and guard, also by the Spirit, the anointing. Like I said I tried to protect my heart and others but He was protecting me more. I love Him, but He loves me more.

I have really worked on my Holy Spirit board this week and shared it. I will leave you a link, and I hope you will take time to know how precious the love of Jesus is, by His Spirit, and by the anointing, which in the Greek is chrisma, I don’t really care if you are charismatic or not, I hope you know that love, and there are appointed times for the miraculous, and even anointed miracles. Rebecca Jones / public domain

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