Keep Searching ( My 100th Post )


Thank you Jesus, my 100th post!  I kept searching, seeking and knocking and all the while He’s been beside me all the way. While I was looking for Him, He chose me. While I sought Him, He’d bought  my redemption long ago.  While I prayed, He was praying for me. When I cried, He had cried for me. When I needed mercy, He was merciful. And when I had no peace, I didn’t know that I was losing His peace, like my joy through cares and trials.  He was not just beside me, but inside me, but the mind of Christ must be in us, and our own minds renewed and in some cases restored. So keep searching, for that heartfelt and treasured Prince of Peace, and know He will never leave you, His Spirit may not feel close, but He is. Don’t worry, if you don’t find Him, He knows exactly how to catch up you….and the update.

This was my short little 100th post, I have now over 1500 more on all topics, truly by His grace. And to three other blogs. I have had lots of wonderful comments and met lots of great fellow bloggers. Not giving up is the main way to blog, especially if the Lord has given you a voice for Him, and the Word says He does.

Quitting isn’t an option for me, though there have been times I thought I may have to, but I just could not. The pressure to quit made me more determined. Not to be show off or smarty, or even to get vengeance, that is the Lord’s. It was just that I need to keep believing even when things did not look good. He was there walking me through it.

Writing a blog doesn’t have to be demanding. You don’t even have to post everyday like I do. If you do you can do just a short one. Sometimes, just in the quiet of the night I will post verses to Pinterest of Instagram which I joined recently.

I don’t run a business, or at least not yet, and I still don’t know a lot about computers and some things I wish I did. The main thing is to listen to the Lord’s leading, always trust the Holy Spirit as the Comforter and to guide you to truth as Jesus said.

Don’t be afraid as He also said, to try, to make mistakes or to take a break if necessary. Or to reach out to ask for help. I pray this might help someone, this is my main blog and that is what is was designed to do, God breathed and inspired, you might say, to inspire and encourage women. Rebecca Jones / public domain

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