A Clean Sweep


This post just couldn’t wait for the New Year’s. It wouldn’t be too late, but God is always on time. I wanted to add some words of wisdom to the blog for December. Wise women will seek Him.

This can be a hectic month, filled with falalala, but we want to keep our focus on the Lord as believers, to keep Christ in Christmas. We all love and desire gifts, but Jesus would have us seek His wisdom and ask for gifts of the Holy Spirit. The gifts are found in Corinthians, keep reading after the love chapter.

We will get into some of those later, but all the gifts that come from the Father of lights are perfect, timely. We sometimes miss them altogether. Many times we are protected in the spirit realm and don’t even realize how close danger was. I saw a program where a man was stalking another one, offering him a lot of money to work for him and was actually planning to kill him and he and his wife make off with millions of life insurance. On his way there, to go to work, this man’s mother called enticing him with southern beans and cornbread. That call saved his life. Unfortunately , the killer found another victim.

Jesus speak of this, ” When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, ( or woman ) it roams through waterless ( or dry ) places looking for rest, and not finding rest, it then says, I’ll go back to my house where I came from.” Luke 11:24

What have we been studying? Rest! Resting in His peace. Demons have no rest. they don’t want us to have his rest. I know, I’ve been driven by worry and fear, oppressed by sickness, plagued by people who aren’t interested and confused. I understand people being concerned of  being labeled, stereotyped. The mental illness stigma.

But depression, oppression, is far from possession. I read of a woman who stated that mental issues were frowned upon in the black church she attended. That is a shame, because pastors and teachers should be aware that people are overworked, overwrought, it is not necessarily a lack of faith, maybe they are praying. The devil’s attacks are personal, vicious and vile. The enemy goes after sensitive people. And he goes after children. And he will use what works. Fear oppressed my family.

I encourage you to realize that most if not all afflictions are demons with names. Depression, cancer, hate, violence, murder. They tend to graduate, escalate, I’ve seen, lies turn to stealing, and stealing into drugs and promiscuity, into having children, child abuse. And I’ve seen those children suffer, be neglected, defiant, lie, steal, fight. The cycle is endless unless we as believers start lifting up each other in prayer. Of course, we were meant to help sinners. Jesus came to save the lost.

But He came to *completely save us. His desire is to give us shaloam peace. His rest. The devil is a thief, a liar, he has no right to accuse me or you, no right to stand where the blood of Jesus is. It’s not lie in the days of Job.

Our minds, wills and emotions are our souls. Let’s start sweeping. If you dream of sweeping, mopping, painting, even going to the bathroom, they are good dreams, cleaning and eliminating. You may experience these dreams as you pray, and make changes to your life. The Holy Spirit uses dreams and visions, sometimes open visions. I urge caution in who you put trust in, trust Jesus, the Holy Spirit. Not just anyone.

I don’t know about you but I have made every effort to keep my mind and heart filled with the love of Jesus. I have prayed the protection of the blood over my family. You’re not crazy, if the attacks appear to be personal, they are. If God has a blessing in store, a gift a calling, the devil will try to thwart your efforts to add to the kingdom, to attack your body to prevent you from blessing the body of Christ. Maybe, even bringing healing to it.  Jesus took punishment, the devil dishes it out.

Let’s give lasting gifts this year, encouragement, uplifting prayer, a word of praise for a job well done, even a thank you. Let’s spend quality time, instead of money on those we love, and appreciated, and sometimes fail to tell them so. Let’s give gifts that will take us into eternity. Let’s give the devil, a kick in behind, sweep him out of our house, literally and spiritual. I look at clutter around and I’m making progress. But as my real house has doubled with those needing my help, I find it all the more important not to allow spiritual clutter. I invited them into my peace, not their problems into me.

I have experienced chaos and confusion. But have the spiritual authority to deal with it. To be a wise woman, never argue with the devil, or those in his camp. They always want the last word,will try to usurp authority, and more than anything, humiliate you publicly. No, your patience possess your soul. In still, quiet obedience to God, you are already victorious.

Draw near to Him, ask Him to help you sweep out the cobwebs, I see one now in a corner. Help us Lord to sweep out the enemies lies, to lean into your love and rest. And let the demons go and roam, stay filled with the Spirit. Submit to God and they flee. We’re no match for him on our own, don’t even try to out quote Scripture, he’s been around a longtime and will try those mind games. Use the Word on Him, but don’t fall into his traps, Adam and Eve were perfect and he tricked them. We should know better but do we?

Father, in Jesus name, I lift up my friends in Christ. We have a better name than those of anything else, we have your name above names. So I ask you to help us sweep our souls, and fill us with your grace and truth, and shaloam peace. And we as believers, cast out those demonic influences, and bind them, loose them from their assignments. They can flee to chains in outer darkness, or where Jesus sends them, never to return. Your words are spirit and life, may the fill our mouths. And let the living water of your Spirit bubble up in us with praise. Even if my house is a little overloaded and overwhelmed, my spiritual house is clean and sparkling with your goodness and grace.

It won’t wait for New Year’s, it won’t wait for spring. Let’s clean house now. And let the Prince of Peace reign over our holidays. We are wise to seek Him. Rebecca Jones

  • Therefore He is able to save completely those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to intercede for them. Hebrews 7:25
  • In keeping with Holley’s theme, But whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm. Proverbs 1:33

Spiritual Eyes


Are you even familiar with this phrase? Seeing with spirit eyes. I heard it recently. When you pray in the Spirit, Jesus will allow you have sort of mental pictures, occasionally, He allows you to see in the spirit realm, that is a gift and not one to be taken lightly. It requires prayer, discipline and discernment. Trust me, you would not really want to see all snakes and scorpions we have to trample on or even foul, unclean or tormenting and evil spirits. He works that way in dreams also.

Discernment is a fantastic spiritual gift. The Spirit will allow you to head off certain attacks, pray things away, recently, a prayer I prayed for myself, I thought, turned out to be for someone else and could have had dire consequences. He didn’t specify the who or what, but the urgency was something  I’d dealt with personally, so I thought it was me. He is not always specific but exact. You will see as you ask for the gifts of the Spirit and learn to walk in them. He will never frighten you but warn you. All fear and pain, evil, trickery, is from the wicked one. And mockery, even from fellow believers, he blinds the minds of them that believe not.

You can be a Christian, a believer, and still not believe in or operate in the gifts of the Spirit. In that respect, he has blinded your mind in a specific area, even a mind that knows Christ.  The Bible also speaks of those who have ears but will not hear. Why? Because if they did see or hear, they would understand and He would heal them. God is so, so merciful. I hear people all the time wanting to argue why people are not healed.

I can quote you the arguments and verses. I did so on post the other day. One lady doesn’t believe He heals everyone. One wonders why He healed unbelievers and not believers One questions sins or sins of the parents. One acknowledges, greater things we would do, but only in the scope of going over the world. He told His disciples to heal the sick and cast out the devil. We are not technically disciples, John was the last.

He made us to sit in heavenly places, accepted us into the beloved, made us kings and priests, and gave us the Holy Spirit to walk in, as much or a little as we desire. The lady writing the blog, doesn’t believe that our words have a lot to do with it, but the Bible clearly states that they do. Even Jesus chose His words wisely and listened to His Father. They also weren’t happy about whether faith heals.

God is not stupid. He knows how little or much faith we have and works with you accordingly. More than that, He is wiser, knows hearts and intentions. He told people their faith made them whole, and it does. It is important, but it takes more than a confession or profession of faith, it is faith, hope and love. It is a mixture, a recipe or formula, if you will. But then, the devil pokes and prods you, you have doubts, doubt can turn to unbelief and unbelief to evil, you’re still saved but you turned your heart away.

One lady had two children with disabilities, she said He may or may not heal them but had a plan for them. He has a plan for them, and He is willing to heal if only she could believe. Somehow, we can all look into our hearts and believe. Hopefully, that faith won’t be little or short lived. God is not the author of confusion but of peace and focus on Jesus is the answer, we don’t want to ever lose sight of the healer and His sacrifice or a firm belief in Isaiah 53. Too many are critical of those in faith, those in faith are sometimes condescending, and can’t see why some cannot believe, I can. Somehow, we disqualify ourselves from healing, or let others.

We don’t even understand why we don’t get healed. I will tell you that I got healed. And the devil will try to take it. The Lord is gentle, holy, quiet and still. The devil is subtle and sneaky, in attempt to copy that. You need discernment! Jesus forgave sin and healed at the  same time. He healed unbelievers to show the religious. He could do no mightyworks because of unbelief. He did heal all who asked. Yes, the enemy will come after your health.

You are worthy. He died to make you worthy. You are the righteousness of God. He died to make you so. Don’t believe the lies of unbelievers or even fellow Christians, He is not punishing you, He took that for you.  He is not teaching you a lesson, the Holy Spirit is your teacher. The devil will hurt you if you give him authourity, the Lord never will, even if you come under His power, the baptism of the Holy Spirit or what is known as slain in the Spirit. Some don’t care for the term, slain, it is because John says I fell as dead. He simply overpowers or overtakes you as the case may be. And that is protecting you.

I used to lay hands on the television, try to jump up and down. I ran my self ragged under enemy attack. But you don’t have to be that frenetic, frenzied or chaotic. There is much more power in still, calm, peaceful worship. Then you will find you are more active and energetic. He will sort of hold onto you, He kept me in rest and I did very little for a while and He will now stop me from overdoing. I really want to see you healed. I love Him so much. And I love you enough to be truthful, you have to hold on. He is the healer.

He is the Healer, the devil can’t stop your miracle. His name is Jesus. He took our place. So don’t worry, just believe and let the Holy Spirit acquaint you with Isaiah 53’s Jesus, the one who took everything to give us everything. Let’s agree to disagree, and be kinder. Remember, Jesus looked at them and loved them. He had spiritual eyes. Rebecca Jones / free range stock

A Woman of Wisdom


Becoming a woman of wisdom does not come with age. It is not automatic, I have seen silly older women and I read the blog of a college student that is loaded with wisdom I find helpful as I turn 55 this weekend. I will not despise youth, if God or His gifts or wisdom is in it. Besides, He renews my youth.

Growing older does not make you wise, older women can made bad decisions, lean on the feelings and not faith. They doubt, they become double minded. They too, need to renew their minds in Christ. I did the month of rest articles, I usually do something that is inspired or something I’m studying about. But as we start getting into December and the start of Advent, I decided to put in some articles on wisdom.

So amid the post of topics such as gifts of the Spirit, the Advent names of Christ. And hopefully, the posts of the beauty of salvation and the sweetness of the baby Jesus’ birth, and the sweeter story of His sacrifice, I will mix in a few  days of wisdom topics.

Wisdom is portrayed as a woman in Proverbs 4. Wisdom is the principle thing. the most important thing. The wisdom is calling out to everyone in the street, calling to anyone who will hear her. Now, of course there are wise men, sages. And God has the qualities and personalities of both men and women, yet He is definitely, male. He is Abba, Father.

Knowledge speaks while wisdom listens, wisdom knows when to speak and when to be silent. Arguing rarely settles anything, then tends to worsen a problem. If someone wants to argue they will often mask the real issue in a small, insignificant problem. If you can’t draw someone out, spouse or child or someone you need to minister to or counsel, if you know they won’t be forthcoming, you may be able to pick up on a deeper emotion, or jealousy or fear. The Holy Spirit know everything and will clue you in.

I hear people all the time say that no one is perfect. I hear that in a tone of implying that I’m ” a know it all. ” I don’t!  But I know who does. And He is always right. The Holy Spirit is a gift, He is the Spirit of Wisdom, and this season we should seek Jesus, the wise men followed a star to Bethlehem having great wisdom, being educated and astronomers. Wise men still seek Him, wise women will too. Rebecca Jones / pickup image

We Give Thanks To You


We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign. Revelation 11:17

I just want to close out the Thanksgiving weekend with a note of praise. He is worthy of all praise and deserves it everyday. Let’s take time out of our busy schedules to taste and see that He is good and still do our best to rest in His peace and presence everyday. If Jesus is Lord of your life, He should get first place, talk to Him in the morning, pray in evening. May His glory overtake us during the holiday season and beginning of Advent.

Remember to be thankful and humble before Him and strive to walk in His ways, the harvest is ready and many are still longing for His grace and each of us can be the person who will speak just the right word into someone else’s life. Rebecca Jones

Milk & Honey


If the Lord delights in us, He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land that flows with milk and honey. Numbers 14:8

We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. Numbers 13:27 ( the spies and giants )

While there are other verses about milk and honey, these stand out.  The first one because of His promise, note the word if, and this is old covenant. they were trying to obey the Ten Commandments when God wanted to reign over them. The Jews cried out for Him to command them, they sent Moses and didn’t want to talk to Him.  Yet, God walked and talked with Adam, Enoch, and Abraham.

Fast forward to Jesus with His new commandment to love, you fulfill all the rest, as He did. Grace and Truth came through Him. Yet, people are still basing their salvation on works. That’s not the way it works! Not then, not now! He has works for us to do, and we should work. But He has plan for us to rest in His love and bring us into that place….not if, or and, or but…but.. perhaps when we allow the sincere milk of the word to  flow like honey into mouths and bellies, and out comes that living water and hunger and thirst for Him.  Yes, He still has a land of milk and honey for us, but only two spies were convinced .

With Thanksgiving behind us and the holiday rush on, not many people are really delving into this promise, I suppose. Yet, He is faithful and there surely are more than two.

Rebecca Jones Unsplash

Proclaim The Name


Do you ever pray those quick prayers, and add Jesus name? Yes, me too. On a couple of occasions the prayers were pretty important and were answered. There was a delay but now I understand what happened to me. Don’t let it happen to you.

Angels came as soon as Daniel prayed. But there was a spiritual battle going on. Three weeks later the angel came, perhaps an archangel or even Jesus, I’d have to double check. With a new and better covenant in place, we have access to the throne.

It’s shouldn’t take long to get prayers answered. The devil will try to thwart those answers or plans or put himself into the path of the answer. And he is the discourage, tormentor, it’s not his job, he’s not on God’s payroll. And He has even lost his access to heaven where he stood and accused Job. He can’t get past that blood. But he can annoy, delay, pester and even deceive.

I once had a job that I wanted very badly. When I never heard from the production company, I thought God must not want me in Los Angeles. I was wrong, I lived in Atlanta, there’s a lot of crime going on there as well. Later, in prayer I realized He answered that and so much more.

Doubt and unbelief are thieves, I’m sure I knew God was my protection, I believed in angels but I still believed a lie, when I should have just hung on in prayer. Surround yourself  with believers, and not those prone to jealousy. God can bless everyone. I once had someone tell me she was jealous because I wasn’t working. I was babysitting! I know that’s work. My so called real jobs never panned out. I was applying at retail stores at the mall, even trying to get hired for the holidays. I applied at a bank, a jewelry store.

I was always back in daycare, trying to write, getting rejected. A vicious cycle. But God’s promises are yes and amen. I had people tell me He said no. I think He said wait, I’ve got even better and I will restore the wasted years. Now, I’m sure of it.

Remember, His name isn’t a magic word. Though abracadabra has Hebraic roots, I speak, therefore I create. No, it’s more than that, it is above all names, whatever they may be sickness, pain, poverty. Remember, your putting your trust that everything you ask for in His name He will do, not because we are good but because He is. Rebecca Jones

Soul Well


We have all heard the phrase well with my soul, but are our souls well? Are they bringing up pure and clear, cool living waters? Or are our buckets leaky? Squeaky or creaky as the come winding up? Are they full of dirt, dank  or stagnated. Would someone leave as parched as they came if they came to drink from your well?

A few days ago, I heard about some of the neighbors in my old Atlanta block having found a sink hole under their house. I suppose they were looking at a heating unit. As it turns out, it was an old well. And it could have been forty or more feet. Many houses on that block had them. The houses were built, I’d say in the 20’s 0r 30’s. In about 1915 or so there were still lots of dirt roads.

We are also right in the middle of where a battle occurred during the Civil War. I never found any artifacts or anything. But I read a lot of history, there was a little girl who kept a diary, in the 1860’s. She lived four streets away. So did deep enough, you may find lots of things, relics. Remains, I don’t know.

The people who moved in later filled them in. Probably to keep the little ones from falling in or breaking a leg themselves if the ventured out. In the Bible, Jacob’s wells were filled by enemies. They we redug. Jesus is sitting on it talking with the woman at the well. Some people have taken to calling her Sam, short for Samaritan. I like Zoe, for her water came to life and that is the meaning. He went out of His way to find her. Well, He knew where she was. She was lost. Much like we are.

Even the best of us can get lost, not unsaved but lost along the way, like a sheep wandering off. It take the Lord to guide us, he will go out of His way for us, to find us, fill us up, be fore we go out of our minds of Christ. He loves us so much. He is living water. Even if our wells are deep. His well is deeper still. Even if we are filled, He can overflow us.

Are our souls well? Or like the wells left by our ancestors filled in, dank, stagnated, or even God forbid snaky? Be careful what you put in your mind, will and emotions. For that is what makes up your soul. Be careful what you think and read and see. Be careful that you want more than anything to walk worthy of your gift and calling. Be careful not to let your emotions get the better or you. I have had to deal with self control. Something I wanted to do, a maternal sort of impulse was wrong. And other times, I’ve struggled with my own self control in teaching discipline. I am working on walking away from things that are not my assignment. I felt such a tugging throughout my spirit one day, and the Holy Spirit when asked by me, put the phrase ” digging up the well of Jacob ” into my head.

I know my well was full after years of pain and struggle, heartache, backache, you name it. Surely, people had thrown rocks, concrete blocks, sticks, glass, garbage and what not over the years. Your living water is deep in your belly, sometimes, I feel it coming up, a little below the navel. Speaking in tongues bubbles it up. So go ahead, if your parched or dry, let Jesus redig your well and drink the living water, and never thirst again. Rebecca Jones / Cole Patrick Unsplash

Give Thanks To The Lord


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. Make known His name among the people. The Israelites sang before they went into battle. The enemy didn’t stand a chance. It’s good to thank Him, I thank Him everyday, all the time. Unfortunately, I guess I still have my moments of anxiety and anger. I’ve really been dealing with anger, I am so mad at the devil, I could spit fire on him if I could. Maybe, I can when pick up that sword of the spirit.

Ever since I heard about being mad at the devil, it’s like there he is still hurting and oppressing my family and I can’t get them to see it. Sometimes, it’s even like I’m the bad guy. But I am thankful nevertheless because I am alive thanks to Jesus. I came way to close for comfort, and yes, a warning dream saved me. I’m not sure anyone gets that.

But it is true, while I don’t discount near death experiences, I don’t necessarily accept them as gospel either. I have a blessed and thankful heart. It beats strong in the Lord and with the precious love of Jesus.

It is the home of my beloved and He is forever welcome there. It is a secret place of prayer worship and praise. I sing His praises. My mouth may not always be in the right place but my heart is. I am truly blessed and thankful.

Even if this turns out to be one of the Thanksgivings where I’m at the back of the line again. I won’t worry about it, because He that is in me is greater than He that is in the world. I may not always be salt and light, but I’m not a pillar of salt and I won’t look back. I look ahead to good days, blessed coming and going and with a full kneading bowl, multiplied loaves of bread, I will be the head and not the tail, lend and not borrow.

For the Lord is my maker, my Abba, provider, protector,and peace. I just want some joy for mourning and beauty for ashes. I’ll wear a garment of praise for Thanksgiving, and give thanks to the Lord for He is good. Rebecca Jones / public domain

When It All Closes In



I didn’t expect much traffic as they call it, with people preparing for Thanksgiving so I went ahead and posted a couple of things I’d written already. But today, this title that I had not finished, just spoke to me. I was cleaning and getting ready for Thursday’s dinner. There is already a commotion in the house.

I don’t mind active or even energetic but outrageous, would describe the volume of noise. I like for people to know that there is peace in Jesus. He is the calm in the storm and I must keep it in spite of what goes on around me. So, If you’re a husband with a nagging wife, let Jesus be your patience. Ask Him to be. If you’re a wife with an obnoxious, overbearing husband, Jesus is your patience as well. ( Never stay in an abusive and dangerous place. )

If you are ready to snatch you hair out with unruly children or gone wild teens, turn them over to Jesus. Ask Him to discipline them and thank Him for doing it.  The word of God is quick and razor sharp, use it. Never argue with the devil or against a person who’s on the wrong side of the argument. Arguing with a child make us look childish. And with a fool, makes us foolish. I’m planning to reread Proverbs myself as this has come up with me time and time again. I am not judging. I don’t like arguing about God’s Word and I’m not going to, but I also don’t like the railing or false accusations, or judgement that I’m always wrong.

People do stupid things. The prophet Jeremiah said that all men are stupid, and he spoke for God. God even said that all men are liars. So in these days, it is important to know Jesus and listen for His leading, listen to the Holy Spirit and discern and try spirits.

Between work, school, and keeping house, trying to serve the Lord and being kind to those who usually are not in return and planning dinners for people who really don’t care or even those who do, it can be a hassle, along with shopping for people who return things or fighting crowds. You can really get worked up.

I have given up so many things trying to people please. Now I want to God please. He is the rewarder of my faith. He’s seen everything and knows hearts better than I. When it all starts to close in and you feel trapped in an MRI, look to Jesus. ( Doesn’t that mean Magnetic Resonance Imager or something? )

I was praying today. Jesus, thank you, You are my peace. You are my joy. You are the lifter of my head. You are my patience. You’re my strength and my shield. Your eye is on this child and you grace abounds to me. I’ve been so tired, I studied rest, I received rest. I hope to remain in His I have to trust in Him, when the enemy lurks about like a roaring lion. Jesus is the Lion of Judah. He’s a King who doesn’t have to roar. But He can if He needs to. I think I may have to as Him to. So like a shofar, Lord, roar when the enemies come after your sheep.

I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and if it’s all closing in. Just call on Jesus. Rebecca Jones / stock photo

He Completes Me


How does Jesus complete us? Ideally, the relationship should be as husband and wife. Loving, intimate and one. Jesus said that He and the Father were one, because the Holy Spirit was in Him. If both the husband and wife are believers with the Holy Spirit, they are also one, like I said,  that’s how it should be. But for everyone that is no so, it is something to aspire to.

Like a masterpiece or a fine painting, we are God’s workmanship. He perfects us, completes us. But we must let Him or allow Him to add brush strokes, frame our canvas. We must go through the flame to become as fine gold, silver, or a delicate piece of china or sculpture. We have to be molded, pounded, spun on a wheel in the potter’s hands we become chosen vessels, vessels of honor.

If we are stone, He chips away at our exterior. There are marble quarries here in Georgia. Our state capitol has lots of marble. All of it had to be crafted, cut from the quarry, chiseled into stairs, floors, statues or whatever it was asked to be.

If we are diamonds we have been pressed hard over a period of time, and will not break. We are cut to precision by the Master craftsman, pure flawless, sparkling. Well rounded and multi faceted, we are exquisite. And we come in pink and chocolate.

If we are are flowers, we blossom like the rose.  If we are birds, we are doves of peace but soar like eagles. If we are poems, our words praise His holy name. If we are books we tell thelove stories that He writes on hearts. If we are ships we sail upon the wind of His Spirit.

If we are seasons, we change colors. We blend, we bend but never break. We are crisp, autumn days and winters white as snow, the breath of spring and the joy of summer. We are all celebrating, everyday is a holiday because the Lord has made it and we will be glad in it.

If we are a pray, we whisper His name. If we are musical instruments we are melodious. If we are are a song, He sings with us. And dances with delight. How does He complete us? He already has, by sending His Son, now we must find our new butterfly life in Him, hidden. A secret He will reveal to each of us in His time. And He has made all things beautiful, and He completes us. Rebecca Jones