Is Time Running Out?

Nathan Dunlao

I like hour glasses, watching the sand slip through. But is time running out? Chronologically speaking we are in the last of the church ages. Jesus promised to be with us until the end of the age, or for His Spirit to be and we will of course be, as believers  with Him for eternity.

The doomsday clock has been moved up from five minutes until midnight to a little closer. What people are expecting is anyone’s guess. The zombie apocalypse, alien abductions, nuclear war, global warming, just extinction. Time is running out alright. But not for these things, time will run out for the church age, and the time of the Great Tribulation will happen.

It may include some the aforementioned in a spiritual and physical way as well. Though some believe the church goes through this I do not. I believe in a Rapture of the church, or catching away. People will waste time arguing that when souls are stake. Deception is at work in the world and I’m sorry to say in the church.

Being a believer in Christ, His blood shed for you, accepting His salvation is all that saves you for eternity. There is grace but people abuse that and sin right on. There are people being entertained by walking dead when they, themselves are walking dead without Christ.

It does not matter your marital status age or wealth. You have to make the decision  to believe in Christ or not. No one can make it for you, and He is coming for His own, and then when the man of sin is revealed, the Anti Chirst. there will be a false peace, wars, demons unleashed, violence, death, destruction like never before, people will pray to die and cannot. And if you ever receive that mark, you will be doomed to an eternal hell.

People are very willing to believe in aliens, zombies, even a guy in a red suit. But do they believe in a God who loved so much that He would by His Spirit place a child into the womb of a virgin, whose bloodline was pure because of sacrifices past that God honored, that she would give birth to Jesus, and God would allow Him to be crucified, go into hell and retrieve the keys of death, hell and the grave, so that we would have the chance to believe, that He would have His literal flesh torn, so that we could by receiving His Spirit at salvation go to God in prayer.

Such love is unimaginable in a way, would any of us give up or child to save undeserving people, God did. Is time running out? Yes, it is. God sent Jesus at the right time and will send Him again  gather believers before this terrible time comes. Will you receive Him as Lord or enter such a time of chaos as never seen before.

I had a friend who had to evacuate the fire in Australia, I have talked to people in California, one woman’s daughter lost her house. A pastor prayed about stopping the enemy from devouring her state. With so much going on in the world and turmoil on every side, isn’t it better to have a peace that He is Lord and we are safe in Him.

Some people believe that having a hope in a Pre Tribulation Rapture is silly, a sort of cop out, but it is there in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. Jesus revealed it to Paul, and the book of Revelation to John. Someone did not make it up in the 1800’s. The Great Tribulation has not taken place not already.

Please don’t think there will be plenty of time to repent. He could come at any time, and when you least expect it. He left clues, He could come at a time of the fall feasts or at any time, we are nearing Purim, when Haman tried to destroy the Jews and look what is going on in the world now. It will soon be Passover and Pentecost.

The world will still hear about Christ but the two witness will die in the streets, Jews will try to offer sacrifices but it will be stopped, the only one who can stop the pure evil is Jesus Christ. Do you know Him?

This post is not to frighten anyone but to give you hope in a lost and dying world for a better one to come, and you may not even see death should He come soon. Is time running out, yes. But time will never run out because there is eternity, it is just how you choose to spend it or I should say where.

Time is running out for people to choose Jesus or reject Him. In heaven we will need  no time, and the seven years of the Great Tribulation equals the marriage Supper of the Lamb. Jewish weddings lasted seven days. How God keeps time as far as the weeks and years, I am not smart enough to calculate, if a day is a thousand years with Him, I just choose to believe in His love. And to let Him make it beautiful in His time.

Nathan Dunlao / Unsplash

A Peaceful New Year?

Well, 2020 is almost history and we are wondering about 2021. There may be celebrations but as we ring in a New Year are we going to have a peaceful one? As I write this, families are struggling, Covid is still a threat, social distancing, stores closed or limited so  many people and you must wear a mask.

People are wondering about unemployment, insurance, stimulus checks, what the election will do or not do for the country. Personally, I have prayed for the people in authority as the Bible says so we can have peace, and I know it is only as much as possible. Whether I agree with the politics or not, I will.

And we must not forget to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as we are ever closer to the return of the Prince of Peace and His government will one day never end. He is the only one who can and ever will rule in absolute peace. So, until then, we must pray for peace, speak peace to ourselves and others, to the body of Christ as a whole, we are members of one body by the Spirit, just like we are Americans.

While we are citizens, and of different nations as well, we are just passing through this world, we are citizens of heaven, and we should carry the gospel of peace and share it with others. We cannot do that without His peace, and we know it is a gift for He said He left it and it was not like the world’s peace. John 14:27.

A peaceful New Year, you can count on adversity, fear and strife and the regular flow of day to day problems and even a ramping up of spiritual attacks at times. And the enemy knows his time is short, but we have a peaceful forever to look forward to, and it can begin with a peaceful 2021, it is our choice.

We can choose fear of faith, speak death or life, we can let the storms shake us or Jesus wake us and we will agree with Him and say, ” Peace, be still! ” If you don’t know Jesus as Lord, He died to save you and He loves you, and wants you to receive Him as Lord and to instill and even infuse your heart with peace.

Isn’t it nice to be able to say, ” Oh, well God’s got that. ” When there isn’t enough money to go around, somehow it does, neighbors show up with dinners when you are low on groceries. I have some things go very wrong over the holidays, and yet there were roses for birthdays and a couple of nice gifts, I even saved money on a pair of shoes. God’s got it, He is for us not against us, nothing separates us from His love.

When God shows up the devil has to go, but we have to let Him, let’s submit to God’s authority no matter who is in authority or what the circumstances of our lives, budgets and the family problems and strife. We choose to receive the peace Jesus left us, God sent Him and He sent us the Spirit. We choose peace, it is a choice, you know.

Whether or not we have peaceful New Year, is not up to politicians or ministers or anyone, not up to circumstances or situations, it is up to us as believers in Jesus to receive His peace.

Oliana Gruzdeva / Pixabay

Knowing Jesus Knowing Peace

There used to be signs you would see or stickers that said ” No Jesus, No Peace. ” And while that is true, we want to focus more on knowing Jesus and knowing peace. I have always has His peace as a gift, as a believer and so have you but have you realized it, drawn strength from it, been comforted by it.

I have, and then there have been times of overwhelming cares and even weights of the world. I allowed fear and worry to trouble my heart and that was against John 14:27. Is your sleep disturber or your day in shambles, are you are believer as we close out our December of Christmas Peace, let’s remember it is not just for Christmas or Easter, resurrection Day, it is for everyday.

It is for such a time as this and even with the turmoil that goes on in our daily lives, the screaming children, homework, angry bosses or spouses, overdrawn bank accounts, credit card debt, bills to pay, groceries to buy, laundry to do. His peace is for now,

I am in no way making light of these matters, Jesus know the “real ” problems we have and will encounter but He also knows out heart and whether or not we know Him as Lord, just being saved, a casual Christian, or if we really put Him first. That’s why He can speak to and calm these weary and troubled hearts and replace everything else with His peace.

We may not know what is coming next but we can know His peace is already there ahead of us. We may not be able to relax, but we know He calms the storm and if not the storm, the child. We may not know everything even with a working knowledge or even a degree in theology, but we know who does know everything.

Jesus cares for us deeply because He is the one who made the greatest sacrifice for all of us, and we are going to talk about that in January, and His desire is to know us intimately as in a marriage. Only this is deeper than that it goes to the spirit, His Spirit, loving and guiding us out of the darkness into the light and from the wicked one who casts a false light and peace, yet deceives and destroys.

I pray for us to the His peace, no matter what the New Year brings or doesn’t bring. If you need to go back and study His peace, there are lots of post on my blog and others and read about peace from the Word, ask the Spirit to lead you in the paths of righteousness and peace. His grace is enough for us all.

And I wish you a Happy, Joyous and Blessed New Year 2021,22, 23 and I will leave you His peace once more.

Peace I leave to you as a gift of mind and heart, my peace I give you, not as the world gives you, Give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled or afraid. John 14:27

And remember…

He, Himself, is our peace. Ephesians 2:14


Peace For The Quick

As we move into a New Year, I am not forgetting peace at all. I want to remind you of His peace and for us to keep on reminding ourselves and our souls in the New Year. We can use it more than ever, but I wanted to use this post I wrote and filed away, we are going to be judged and we need to know that as believers. And to have His peace over it, not to be a fearful soul but a faithful one.

He is not going to open His books and go over everything one by one, you said a bad word when you were twelve, lied to your mother about stealing cookies or silly things, He will open it and say well done or depart from me, and there will be crowns and rewards. Works that are worthless and not of God, not done in love are burned.

Salvation is a gift, we can never earn it or be good enough, but Jesus redeemed us and we overcome by His blood and our testimony, that is the only way. So I want you to have some peace as I close the year with this study.

I have to confess. I get into deep theology. Sometimes, I can mull over a verse, and sometimes they just pop into my spirit out of the blue, my blue heaven, I would imagine or the Holy Spirit quickening that brain of mine that has often felt fried even without drugs, who needs them? Except for reasonable medication, it is not my idea of fun, or recreation.

Yes, my brain has been in a blender at times listening to the end time  prophecies and eschatology. I like a good mystery and the Bible is full of them. Did you know there are four levels of studying? Yes, Jewish teaching again, simple or surface is first , I will post all of them at the end. I had to settle myself in the Spirit or let Him settle me. I had so much going on, so much I already knew, wanted to learn and some things I just didn’t get the hang of. I admit learning from some deep teachers but none as deep as the Spirit Himself, deep calling to deep.

I had a dream once about an explosion and then something was wrong with the sun. It sure has some meaning. We are ever closer. So my verse pops up, just who are the quick and the dead He comes to judge? Simple answer, we all are. More detailed answer.

The dead are obviously those who are dead and in Christ or hell already, they have died and faced the judgement already, the dead also face the Great White Throne’s second death. Whether that happens when you die or is all wrapped up in Revelation, it will happen. This is why it is so important to know Jesus as Lord. Eternity is a long time, longer still in hell.

You are judged for your words and deeds, every thought and intent of the heart. That should be a sobering thought, though God doesn’t want your love out fear but faith and the belief in the death and resurrection of His Son to even allow you in. The quick, believers are that, though some are quicker than others and I don’t mean like a foot race. I mean to understand the mysteries of God, and to obey Him. Quick learners, quick studies, not necessarily with genius IQ’s, but who study to rightly divide and are perceptive and receptive to the Spirit.

There is a spiritual application as well, after we are born again, crucified with Christ, a sort of spiritual death, we are judged and are expected to live the new live that is hidden in Him, to accomplish what He has set before us. Though we may not always do it exactly, there is always intercession, He has been good about that.

How many times do you tell a child? Once should be enough, but that doesn’t happen two, three, depending on the age, but many times it is just a never ending battle, it should not be that way nor with God’s children, we need to get it. It takes more for some than others. And still some never listen, so it is with God and His children. We are all His in a way as created beings, spirits but not all are believers, obedient, quickened by His Spirit. Some hear and don’t listen, some won’t listen. Have you really believed that you are adopted by God, are His beloved child, crying Abba Father?

Any spirit that is not alive is dead, the devil is an old dead spirit, a fallen angel, demons are dead, works can be dead. Words can be dead, of no effect or not life giving. And while believers are not possessed they can be very oppressed. So many walk around with the         ” dead things ” hanging over them. That is what the mad man in the tombs was carrying but Jesus must have heard his cry, and come even through the demonic storm. The old lives, sin and temptations to go back, but don’t accept that, the Spirit will quicken you mortal body. If you have the Holy Spirit and especially the baptism, your are quickened.

Who shall give account to Him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead? 1 Peter 4:5

Most translations will say living and dead. Here are a few more verses.

And He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the One appointed by God to judge the living and the dead. Acts 10:42

For this reason Christ died and returned to life, so that He might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. Romans 14:9

So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:12

I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Timothy 4:1

Do not complain about one another, brothers, so that you will not be judged. Look, the Judge is standing at the door! James 5:9

But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you. Romans 8:11 KJV other translations say give life, it means the same.

So let’s be quicker to listen, slower to speak, and not as judgemental and condemning but judge righteously and wisely by the Spirit, for one day we will be at the Bema judgement for believers, while others face a Great White Throne. And Bema is better, and I hope you receive both the quickening in the Spirit and His peace, and Jesus as Lord if you don’t know Him, He loves you.

There is peace for the quick and the dead in Christ, but not those who don’t know Him. And eternal peace is something worth studying.

And our Hebrew lesson. Sometimes called Pardes from the letters.

Peshat (פְּשָׁט) –  surface, you can pick it right up. God is love. 1 John 4:18

Remez (רֶמֶז) –  a hint, deep or symbolic, allegorical.  Behold the Lamb of God. John 1:29

Derash (דְּרַשׁ) – from Hebrew darash to inquire or seek, like Matthew 7:7-10, ask, seek, knock or possibly putting out a fleece.

Sod(סוֹד) sounds like sowed, secret, a mystery. Something by revelation or inspiration. Like Jesus teaching Paul or giving John Revelation. And when Peter finally got that He was the Messiah.

Remember His Peace

As we near the end of our December study on peace, I want to restate it was a gift He left, and it is the Spirit. We have to remember His promises and peace is one of them. I know there has been a lot going on and with the uncertainty of the world and the people in it, we can be sure that the Prince of Peace has us on His mind and offers His peace to us.

So let’s look at few favorite verses, shall we? You might want to memorize them, journal them or put them on your phone or even post it notes. Bookmark them, highlight them, meditate on them.

The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

Great peace have they that love you and nothing can make them stumble. Psalm 119:162

He will be our peace. Micah 5:5

The greatness of His government and peace there will be no end. Isaiah 9:7

He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. Isaiah 26:3

The fruit of that righteousness will be peace, its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. Isaiah 32:17

Oh, that you would have hearkened to my commandments, then your peace and prosperity would be like a river and your righteousness like waves of the sea. Isaiah 48:18

Peace, to him who is far off, peace to him who is near, says the Lord. I create the fruit of the lips and I will heal him. ” Isaiah 57:19

I will bring health and healing and reveal an abundance of peace and truth. Jeremiah 33:6

God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. Matthew 5:16

Peace I leave to you as a gift of mind and heart, my peace I give you, not as the world gives you, Give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled or afraid. John 14:27

He, Himself, is our peace. Ephesians 2:14

These are a few and there are others, some the same and some different on other posts, i wrote about peace for July 2020, it has been something the Spirit put into my heart for years now, Psalm 34:14 tells us to forsake evil and pursue peace, you may have to look up what God considers evil, as a heart that becomes unbelieving after being a believer, someone who abuses His grace. Hebrews 12:3.

Personally, I know what it is like to carry the gospel of peace, Romans 10:15 and to know when it is not fully in my heart because of fear or worry, cares of this world, but the beloved Prince of Peace gave us His peace as a gift and told us not to be troubled or afraid, or rather our hearts.

I have found that His peace helps me overcome in many ways, and it is why I choose it and remember what the Word says about it, and what Jesus said about it, Father, Son and Spirit are all about peace.

And soon the God of peace will crush satan under our feet. Romans 16:20

Thirzzy Pixabay

Healing Peace

We are talking peace this December and specifically about receiving His peace, the gift of John 14:27, and along with our beloved Prince of Peace, we have to realize that God the Father, though He has had to battle enemies is the God of Peace, and of course, we enter rest and experience His peace by the Spirit.

Today, we are going to talk about healing and peace. Personally, I think a lot of healing does not come because we are not resting enough in Him, that we are still trying to earn something that is a gift and we simply cannot at least on our own keep His peace in our hearts.

Our bodies, minds and hearts, even our very souls are often too busy to heal in the natural or too busy to receive from the supernatural, let’s look at what God says about peace and healing.

“I create the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near,” Says the LORD, “And I will heal him.” Isaiah 57:19, this is New King James, other translations say bring praise to their lips. The previous verse says He has seen his ways and will heal him. It even uses the word restore and speaks of mourners.

God does know our ways, and many times He is the only one who can restore health and life, though He is in all healing. And grief and mourning are detrimental to health, and it can refer to a loss not just death. I know, because I had that happen to me and prayer released me from my grief. It did restore some healing to me, though I had other physical problems.

Lots of things stem from the heart, and Jesus is there, if we are a believer, why He says to let God’s peace guard it, for it not to be troubled or afraid. Our hearts and spirits need His rest, and then His peace is conducive to healing. So we see, even in the Old Testament that God is working out the plan  of redemption, offering rest that was refused but reinstated it and was making healing provisions.

The verse says He created the fruit or brings praise, so we should be praising Him even for healing we don’t see yet, that is faith and it pleases Him. Hebrews 11:6. The verse goes on to say that the peace is to those who are far off and those who are near. It is referring to the Gentiles, who are far off, and to the Jews who are near.

Jesus came to the Jews first, and offered them healing. The two people with  ” great faith ” are Gentiles, the Roman centurion understood that Jesus had the authority to heal. The woman who chased after Him to heal her daughter dropped the pretense of being a Jewess, calling Him Rabbi or Teacher, she persisted though stating that even the dogs got crumbs from the table.  He healed her daughter.

It is true that children’s bread, in reference to provision, and even Himself, the bread of life and from heaven was for the Jews, and then Gentiles. How blessed we are to be included into the covenant and His peace, and one day the Jews will also see Him as Messiah.

So we see how peace and healing go together, His peace was left us in John 14:27, and is a key to healing. And we don’t always have to have great faith to be healed, He knows we have faith, I used to think I did not have enough, I worried way too much about things that did not matter to Him, but troubled me.

The beauty and healing of our gentle Lord is far above anything we could ask or think and we can speak His peace to our houses, temples or bodies, just the way He told the disciples to when visiting a house. The question is will we receive it or not? The disciples were told to sake off the dust and move on.

We want to speak His peace to ourselves and the body of Christ this Christmas season, and praise Him. ” Joy to the world, the Lord has come. ” And He is the gift of peace and offers us peace, rest and healing, that is something to sing about.

Kristina Polianskaia / Pixabay

Hail The Newborn Prince of Peace

We can all pretty much understand the story in Luke 2, about Jesus birth. But do we truly comprehend it? Why was Jesus born in a stable? There was simply no room in the inn. I heard that Jesus was poor, but the wise men brought riches. And God His Father, gave Him an earthly father to provide for Him as well. Mary was less well off because she offered doves and one day the dove of the Holy Spirit would descend on her son.

Jesus actually left the riches of heaven to come to earth. He was born to die. And all the sweet stories and songs and falalalala, doesn’t change that. He was already so hated that Herod would have babies up to two years old killed hoping to get rid of Him, an angel would tell Joseph to take them to Egypt.

There is so much more that the precious story than we all know, why the second person of the Trinity, would agree to come, be born and grow as a child, and then give His life to save souls. It was God’s plan to redeem mankind from the beginning. Daily and yearly sacrifices were not enough. It would take Jesus, a sacrifice worthy for all once and for all.

God had such a desire to make peace between heaven and earth. He had already made covenants before but this one would be cut into the flesh of His own beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit would raise Him from the dead, and all who would believe on His name would be saved.

Not many people understood, Anna and Simeon knew He was the Messiah, later some disciples would. I’m not sure how much Mary understood. But her heart  must have rejoiced at His birth and been shattered by the cross. While it was taught that the Messiah would come, most expected a king who would rule Israel, the Roman Empire would be toppled. That is what they wanted. Jesus wanted to rule through peace, He was the newborn Prince of Peace.

Jesus was further revealed when He ascended to heaven and will one day return to rule as the Prince of Peace. That doesn’t mean He is not a warrior, He can destroy enemies with a word, His power, and the brightness of His glory. A lot of people may find the story of Christ hard to believe, after all a virgin birth?

God kept a pure blood line, even through forgiveness, and nothing is impossible for Him, He took a full grown person, made Him a seed and placed Him into the womb. Hebrews explains why He came to die, why He started as a baby, ” for the children’s sake “, not just literal children but for those who would become the children of God, He had to be born and experience everything we go through, every temptation, only He did it with no sin.

I used to think of Him as a superhuman, and He was but He was very much a man, He suffered, Isaiah 53 prophesied His anguish, He was well acquainted with grief and sorrow. And He wore a crown of thorns for our peace. There is so much more to the story that a sweet baby in a manger, and even that was stone not straw, swaddled and wrapped as He would be one day laid in a tomb.

Hail the newborn Prince of Peace. Hail the Son of Righteousness. Don’t ever just think of this story in passing or just at Christmas, He was born to reign in hearts and to be a King, and even now He is our High Priest, He offered Himself as a sacrifice for all. And He will always be the Prince of Peace.

A Peaceful Christmas

I once wrote my mother a little book about Christmas in heaven, not one of those sad things but just what I thought it would be like. It was a small pink, blank book and I just started to fill it up, and there it was, I believe the Spirit gives us glimpses and even some we may be unaware of as we sleep, perhaps it is so deep in the soul we have yet to reach in and draw it out. Love’s pure light.

The Prince of Peace was born and we celebrate Christmas, what if He returned at Christmas? If you are reading this and lots of people are missing, well He has come. Never give in to taking a mark and believing a false Christ, you would lose your soul.

But Jesus came to save souls. To save us all from satan’s power when we had gone astray. That is tidings of comfort and joy. So what about heaven at Christmas? Without going to the little pink book, I can say there will be lights, candles and smells. Wonderful smells, cinnamons and spices. Fragrant roses, and gardenias, all sorts of flowers, tropical ones, I like anthurium. And fruit, baskets of fruit gathered by the angels.

Glorious tables, place settings with names, marvelous food and bread. A feast,  even a Marriage Supper. There will be doves gliding through blue skies, and peace, perfect peace, when the Prince of Peace enters to start the ceremonies. There will be heavenly choirs on golden stairs and way above in the clouds, a concert like never before, with myriads of singers.

There will be trees decorated by children from all nations and with fruit, pinecones and homemade ornaments, some will have pictures in frames made by families and some will rotate with colorful ribbons. Some will be covered in dolls or toys, angel wings or cherub faces. Each one different.

Purple ones and pink, blue and gold, silver and with starlight. Eyes will gleam with delight at the cookies and cakes and Jesus gives out gifts. Pups and kitties, even canaries. And goldfish. Rings, bracelets, earrings, books and robes. Perhaps, even shoes. There will be Christmas songs and everyone can rock around the Christmas trees or enjoy a sleigh ride. They can dress in their finest Victorian attire and go caroling. everyone may even enjoy fruitcake. And we might even get a figgy pudding. Even the little boxes of mints we all usually get. No ugly sweaters. Heaven’s fruitcake, I might even eat as opposed to those brick like ones I used to have to try to sell when I was in school.

No doubt there will be caramel and candy canes and chocolate covered  almonds and cherries, apples. Little girls will enjoy dollhouses and boys skate on golden streets, even the babies in the heavenly nursery will enjoy their Christmas presents, new blankets, cool milk and honey bottles. ( It is not good for them now and never  to be heated. )

One thing there will never be in heaven is a Scrooge, a Grinch or a krampus and we can rejoice at the loss of canes and crutches. No wheelchairs, no oxygen tanks or diabetic meters to wear. No one will tell you not to eat a second piece of pie or even a first. A glorious Lord has caught us up in a glorious body, and there is nothing missing or broken in the presence of the beloved Prince of Peace, His shalom is perfection, wholeness and soundness.

There will be no Tiny Tim’s as we know them, but plenty who will say God bless us each and everyone, and Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight. God bless my readers this Christmas and always and as He left you, I leave you His peace.

Christmas Eve Peace

Children are nestled in the beds tonight waiting for Santa and lots of presents. I am going to be in mine anticipating the arrival  the Price of Peace, whether tonight or whenever it may be, we are to keep our lamps lit with the oil of His Spirit. If Christmas is a little dim this year for whatever reasons, we must rest in the fact that He has given us His presence and there is joy there. Psalm 16:11

I wrote a story about even Eve needing Jesus, we are all in need of His peace and He left it it believers in John 14:27 All the fruits of the Spirit work together for us and so do spiritual gifts. So often it is ourselves who struggle alone trying to manage and we have to remember that there are many members in the body of Christ. You can close your eyes and dream of sugar plums, and ask Him to let someone pray for you. It is likely someone is anyway, we often limit God, when He is bigger than any problem and has all the right answers.

I try not to give the trite ones, I have heard about a having faith and I did, speaking to problems and I did, calling forth financial help and I did, the just get over its, or lose weight. None of these were the right answers for me. I was counting on a lot of what I did, when He was the one to finish the good work He started. I couldn’t do it.

People often give or receive fruit baskets, love, joy and peace got together and work together, nothing works without His love. And sometimes that will take you from the presence of those who do not receive that love in order to keep you in peace. patience, goodness, kindness work and then gentleness, faithfulness, and self control.  It begins with and ends in self control. And there are many gifts, He gives them as He wills. The Spirit knows our hearts, the broken ones and the way to restore them, nothing works without His love.

So if we have hung stockings, let hang one for Him, and put in it all the cares we have and the things we hope  to give Him, as He has blessed us so much. And here are a few verses for your Christmas Eve Peace.

For you make him ( or her ) most blessed forever; you make him glad with the joy of your presence. Psalm 21:6

And so I walk in the LORD’s presence as I live here on earth! Psalm 116:9


And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest. Exodus 33:14

You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. John 15:9


Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid. John 14:27.

There are peace post all December, and I want His peace for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and I want it for believers who have been under a lot oppression this year, even as we have done  our best to rest in Him, I pray it floods our New Year as well, in Jesus name.


All I Want Is His Peace

Everyone has probably heard the song, ” All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth. ” There are a lot of silly songs that we sing and celebrate with and some I don’t care for at all but the one thing I do want is His peace. All I want for Christmas is His peace, and guess what? I already have it. And it is a gift I gladly receive, everyday.

Peace I leave to you as a gift of mind and heart, my peace I give you, not as the world gives you, Give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled or afraid. John 14:27

Too often, mine had been one or the other or both. I knew Proverbs said to guard it, for all the issues of life flow from it, 4:23. But I could never guard it as well as Jesus, which is why He came at Christmas or whenever He was actually born, the newborn Prince of Peace was here, finally. After all the waiting and planning, God would now have to watch Him grow up and turn away from His beloved Son, to die for the world.

Jesus, can guard the hearts of believers much better than they ever could. The Holy Spirit is always with us to help and pray when we don’t know what for or how. Romans 8:26. God wanted peace to be back on earth, it had been a long time since Eden was peaceful. And He knew, only Jesus was the perfect sacrifice, the once and for all sacrifice for those who would believe.

We are under grace but must never abuse it or trample the Spirit of grace, or crucify Him afresh, if we know the truth of Jesus’ love we no longer want to be a willing sinner, our hearts are changed forever, but if we do, we have an Advocate. Peace is a fruit of the Spirit, and we cannot bear fruit without His peace. We can’t heal without His peace, really, we cannot rest, even come to Him and rest without His peace, or anything else.

So, this year and everyday, all I want is His peace. The world may be groaning and frustrated anticipating His return, and people are running and always on edge, there is way too much stress, and oppression in the body of Christ, so many are going through so much, there is violence and lawlessness, anger and hatred. It is building before His return, like a volcanic and toxic ash it spews over among believers, but we have an Advocate, and we can refuse the enemy attempts to crush the life and hope from us. Why?

The God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Romans 16:20

His peace guards my heart so much better and I pray it will yours. I have my front teeth, I have been healed of TMJ. All want is His peace.

Chalo Garcia / Unsplash