Peace For The Quick

As we move into a New Year, I am not forgetting peace at all. I want to remind you of His peace and for us to keep on reminding ourselves and our souls in the New Year. We can use it more than ever, but I wanted to use this post I wrote and filed away, we are going to be judged and we need to know that as believers. And to have His peace over it, not to be a fearful soul but a faithful one.

He is not going to open His books and go over everything one by one, you said a bad word when you were twelve, lied to your mother about stealing cookies or silly things, He will open it and say well done or depart from me, and there will be crowns and rewards. Works that are worthless and not of God, not done in love are burned.

Salvation is a gift, we can never earn it or be good enough, but Jesus redeemed us and we overcome by His blood and our testimony, that is the only way. So I want you to have some peace as I close the year with this study.

I have to confess. I get into deep theology. Sometimes, I can mull over a verse, and sometimes they just pop into my spirit out of the blue, my blue heaven, I would imagine or the Holy Spirit quickening that brain of mine that has often felt fried even without drugs, who needs them? Except for reasonable medication, it is not my idea of fun, or recreation.

Yes, my brain has been in a blender at times listening to the end time  prophecies and eschatology. I like a good mystery and the Bible is full of them. Did you know there are four levels of studying? Yes, Jewish teaching again, simple or surface is first , I will post all of them at the end. I had to settle myself in the Spirit or let Him settle me. I had so much going on, so much I already knew, wanted to learn and some things I just didn’t get the hang of. I admit learning from some deep teachers but none as deep as the Spirit Himself, deep calling to deep.

I had a dream once about an explosion and then something was wrong with the sun. It sure has some meaning. We are ever closer. So my verse pops up, just who are the quick and the dead He comes to judge? Simple answer, we all are. More detailed answer.

The dead are obviously those who are dead and in Christ or hell already, they have died and faced the judgement already, the dead also face the Great White Throne’s second death. Whether that happens when you die or is all wrapped up in Revelation, it will happen. This is why it is so important to know Jesus as Lord. Eternity is a long time, longer still in hell.

You are judged for your words and deeds, every thought and intent of the heart. That should be a sobering thought, though God doesn’t want your love out fear but faith and the belief in the death and resurrection of His Son to even allow you in. The quick, believers are that, though some are quicker than others and I don’t mean like a foot race. I mean to understand the mysteries of God, and to obey Him. Quick learners, quick studies, not necessarily with genius IQ’s, but who study to rightly divide and are perceptive and receptive to the Spirit.

There is a spiritual application as well, after we are born again, crucified with Christ, a sort of spiritual death, we are judged and are expected to live the new live that is hidden in Him, to accomplish what He has set before us. Though we may not always do it exactly, there is always intercession, He has been good about that.

How many times do you tell a child? Once should be enough, but that doesn’t happen two, three, depending on the age, but many times it is just a never ending battle, it should not be that way nor with God’s children, we need to get it. It takes more for some than others. And still some never listen, so it is with God and His children. We are all His in a way as created beings, spirits but not all are believers, obedient, quickened by His Spirit. Some hear and don’t listen, some won’t listen. Have you really believed that you are adopted by God, are His beloved child, crying Abba Father?

Any spirit that is not alive is dead, the devil is an old dead spirit, a fallen angel, demons are dead, works can be dead. Words can be dead, of no effect or not life giving. And while believers are not possessed they can be very oppressed. So many walk around with the         ” dead things ” hanging over them. That is what the mad man in the tombs was carrying but Jesus must have heard his cry, and come even through the demonic storm. The old lives, sin and temptations to go back, but don’t accept that, the Spirit will quicken you mortal body. If you have the Holy Spirit and especially the baptism, your are quickened.

Who shall give account to Him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead? 1 Peter 4:5

Most translations will say living and dead. Here are a few more verses.

And He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the One appointed by God to judge the living and the dead. Acts 10:42

For this reason Christ died and returned to life, so that He might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. Romans 14:9

So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:12

I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Timothy 4:1

Do not complain about one another, brothers, so that you will not be judged. Look, the Judge is standing at the door! James 5:9

But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you. Romans 8:11 KJV other translations say give life, it means the same.

So let’s be quicker to listen, slower to speak, and not as judgemental and condemning but judge righteously and wisely by the Spirit, for one day we will be at the Bema judgement for believers, while others face a Great White Throne. And Bema is better, and I hope you receive both the quickening in the Spirit and His peace, and Jesus as Lord if you don’t know Him, He loves you.

There is peace for the quick and the dead in Christ, but not those who don’t know Him. And eternal peace is something worth studying.

And our Hebrew lesson. Sometimes called Pardes from the letters.

Peshat (פְּשָׁט) –  surface, you can pick it right up. God is love. 1 John 4:18

Remez (רֶמֶז) –  a hint, deep or symbolic, allegorical.  Behold the Lamb of God. John 1:29

Derash (דְּרַשׁ) – from Hebrew darash to inquire or seek, like Matthew 7:7-10, ask, seek, knock or possibly putting out a fleece.

Sod(סוֹד) sounds like sowed, secret, a mystery. Something by revelation or inspiration. Like Jesus teaching Paul or giving John Revelation. And when Peter finally got that He was the Messiah.

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