Praying In The New Year


For as long as I can remember, with the exception of last year’s hospitalization, I have prayed in my New Year, and It wasn’t that I was at a revival or all night service. I would be sitting quietly in a chair at midnight or better still on my knees. How ever you want to do it, it is always a good idea to pray i n the New Year.

Even if you are out to dinner, watching fireworks or even the drops that go on, it was a peach her in Georgia, you know the silver disco ball type celebrations., take a moment to pray in the year. While God is on a different calendar, I believe He still follows the Jewish one and the New Year of Rosh Hashanah, was and is always in either September or the beginning of October, But He certain knows our time,

He created time, is eternal, and stepped out of it in the form of Jesus, to be born and die for us, be raised from the dead, so that we too, would have eternal life in Him, John 3:16. Don’t you think we should be grateful enough for this wonderful gift that we can pray in the New Year.

It doesn’t have to be about asking for things to be prosperous. It doesn’t have to be about silly resolutions that we never keep anyway, or maybe a couple of weeks at the most. What it can be is some of the verses below, and these are not necessarily what I have or will pray, but suggestions. I think I;; pray some now.

Lord, help me to…..

Be still, and know that you are God. Psalm 46:10

Realize that you charge angels over me. Psalm 91:11

That you have good plans for me. Jeremiah 29:33

Be in perfect peace with my mind always on you. Isaiah 25:3

Know that you make all things beautiful in your time. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Let not my heart be troubled or afraid, but receive your gift of peace. John 14:27

To know that I am a masterpiece of your handiwork  Ephesians 2:10

keep my confidence in you, for you reward it. Hebrews 10:5

Know that you are always the same. Hebrews 13:8

Be righteous, praying powerful and effective prayers. James 5:16

To know that I am a child of God. 1 John 1:3

Remember that your perfect love casts out fear. 1 John 1:8

There are so many, I am including a Pinterest board to help you decide. Happy Praying in the New Year!


aris leoven / pexels / Canva

Wrapping It Up


With Christmas winding down, though I was still out looking at lights and getting ready to clean up and put up ornaments before long, the idea of the Lord coming has been on my heart lately. Is He wrapping it all up? Is He about to bring us into eternal love forever?

I know He has gifts that are unimaginable for us and yet our focus is still on earthly things, problems and trials, my own illness took a toll and I actually visited a beauty salon for the first time in ages today. I didn’t make it in before Christmas.

But I am thankful for all my progress and still I know that the believers that are truly following after Jesus are  and have been going through some major struggles. Maybe, that is another reason, the Lord is ready to wrap it up.

I honestly can’t tell you how many people I have seen lately who have been church goers but have committed murder. Were they even believers or some of the many feigning faith trying to get away with something. God knows the truth and I know He is not happy because He is just.

I hope to encourage everyone and myself included in the New Year. I don’t mind if God is wrapping it up and ready to open heaven to marvelous wonders and spectacular sights, and His peace above all as He is still on the throne.

So keep praying, tie up loose ends, let go of hindrances to faith and even healing because He loves us and He may not come today or tomorrow, but He is wrapping it up. And I want to be wrapped in my robe of white, because He made be His righteousness.

He wraps up the waters in His clouds, yet the clouds do not burst under their weight. Job 26:8 NIV

The LORD wraps Himself in light as with a garment; He stretches out the heavens like a tent. Psalm 104:2 NIV

And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. Luke 2:12

The wrapping that had been on His head was not lying with the linen cloths but was folded up in a separate place by itself. John 20:7 Holman Bible

Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. Colossians 3:14, Amplified uses, wrap.

Wrapping is used in several places, including binding and swaddling. The angel who releases Peter, and Elijah at the cave, along with the birth, death and splendor of the Lord. Yes, He’s wrapping it up!


Pexels or Unsplash / Canva

Silver Bells

I have been thinking a lot about Christmas songs and so many come to mind that I love. I heard Silver Bells the other day. But instead of thinking about city sidewalks, busy sidewalks and the bustle, i began thinking aboout the Rapture of the church.

You might ask why? Well, contrary to popular notions that there will be chaotic scenes when He comes, I know that the God of peace is not likely to cause crashes and turmoil, He is not the author of confusion but of peace, 1 Corinthians 14:33.

While we read in Matthew 24 that one is taken and the other left, it is not that half the population will go, it is just figurative as to how  quickly, it will happen. It will not be silver bells ringing but the sound of the trumpet or shofar, and the Lord will return for His own.

I don’t know how it will happen exactly but it could be that we will all just be asleep or sitting still and quiet or in prayer. I can’t believe you would be driving along and up you go and there is freeway pile up. What if you were a pilot, or a doctor in the middle of an operation?

On the day the towers collapsed, many had not arrived for work yet. Some were not there for another reason. I read about a woman who picked up her child from the daycare that was destroyed in Oklahoma City. The baby never cried but  did so that day until she was called to come down. As she drove away,  and was farther down the road, the bomb went off.

Now, I’m not saying anything about the people who died there. I cannot say who was saved or not. Many times He allows people to die in His mercy, having suffered tremendous or traumatic injury. The Holy Spirit is still here, restraining evil, though people have a  free will and still choose it, but when He takes the believers there will terrible times, false peace a leader who will be a false god, claiming to be God, and even a time when people will pray to die and cannot. Never take that mark or number 666.

Will there be chaos and confusion then> Absolutely! But Ihave ot believe God has the perfect time and way to receive His own. Maybe city sidewalks will be busy, people will be shopping, phones in hand and never even realize He has come and gone. No silver bells, but the silver that is His redemption and golden streets to walk on. What a wonderful Lord to save us!

I don’t need a bumper sticker saying to watch out in case of Rapture. I just have to be away of His rest, that I will be somewhere still and be changed in the twinkling of an eye, not rushing around, frantic over something that doesn’t really matter in eternity. I have long believe it would be a time like the baptism of Jesus, some hear God, some heard thunder, and others nothing. Will be at rest in the Prince of Peace, trusting His grace and timing, I sure hope so. The world has enough of confusion and panic already, Christmas time or not.

davies design studio / unsplash . Canva

A Partridge In A Pear Tree

Pins (1)

I am writing this post on the 26th which is actually The First Day of Christmas, when my true love sent to me…I know you know the song and it can be tough to sing in rounds and has been parodied to no end, I was explaining it for Precious In His Site and thought some of my readers may not be familiar with it either.

It goes back as far or even farther than the year 587 A.D. And it refers to traditions, feast days and celebrations by different denominations and calendars. Many early Christians faced persecution and unfortunately some still do, It refers to the twelve days of Christmas, beginning with Christmas Day, many who immigrated to the United States held onto the European tradition of celebrating Christmastide, from the 26th on into January, twelve days. Would you like more turkey and dressing on the 6th?

Though it isn’t His real birthday, more likely, the day God gave Him to Mary, possibly the day of Immaculate Conception, Kislev 25th, with Him being born closer to the Day of Atonement, and I even wonder, Thanksgiving? Calendars are different and people believe differently about many subjects.

There are records about service in the temple. Mary was present at the birth of John the Baptist which is thought to be in June. But was it Sivan or Tammuz? Twenty nine or thirty days? Rabbis have attempted to coordinate lunar and solar calendars. But even the best of mathematicians could not say with certainty, for we don’t know the day or hour of His return do we?

We are more familiar English traditions, but our relatives came from many places around the world. While Jesus wants us to share His love with the world, it has not always been safe to do so. Christians have faced persecution. The church attempted to incorporate what were once pagan holidays and feast days into it’s celebrations. This year is so interesting to me because Hannukah, Christmas and even some of the first days of Christmastide coincide. And I don’t even know a lot about astronomy.

We know in order not to offend anyone, schools now take winter breaks or holidays. I don’t mind saying Happy Holidays, because Christ’s conception, birth, death and resurrection are holy days to me, and people will always interpret their own beliefs. The first day of winter or the winter solstice was the 21st, it was a time that ancient people believed the sun god had died, and came back to life in the spring, Egyptians, the Druids, Celts and others worshiped many gods, where we have a three in one Trinity, who is above all.

As many believers fell into the enemy’s persecution, someone found a way to teach children using this message and song. It has been rewritten and added to over the years, but here are the meanings.

The Partridge in the Pear Tree is Jesus Christ.
The 2 Turtle Doves are The Old and New Testaments.
The 3 French hens are Faith, Hope and Charity, the theological virtues.
The 4 Calling or English Colly Birds are the four gospels and/or the four evangelists.
The 5 Golden Rings are the first five books of the Old Testament.
The 6 Geese A-laying are the six days of creation.
The 7 Swans A-swimming are the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments.
The 8 Maids A-milking are the eight beatitudes.
The 9 Ladies Dancing are the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.
The 10 Lords A-leaping are the ten commandments.
The 11 Pipers Piping are the eleven faithful apostles.
The 12 Drummers Drumming are the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle’s Creed.

So, now you know what you are really singing about. Let’s not discount the song as just silly or whimsical, not even what ancients and other religions believe it to be in their way of thinking, not mysticism or the Zodiac, nor fertility. It may have borrowed symbolism but the Bible is rich in that. Jesus took what the devil corrupted and turned it around, the Holy Spirit discerns in us.

Even if you forget the words, don’t forget the meaning behind them. On the first day of Christmas(tide) our true love, God, gave us the partridge in a pear tree, Jesus. While pears are associated with both loss and prosperity, even the tree of life, Jesus was more likely crucified on an olive tree. Very little is known about Roman crucifixion as they probably threw the victims into a fire pit or garbage heap, why Jesus says God will not leave His soul in hell, He meant both figuratively and literally. He quoted Psalm 16:10 which is prophetic, Acts 2:27 is after He finished what God wanted Him to do for us.

Did the devil sit in the tree of life? It was not likely an apple Adam, pear? I don’t know. I thought pomegranate because it appears on the High Priest’s garment and there were many more that ten commandments represented by the number of seeds, 613, the number of commandments in the Torah but that may not be, either. The devil was not a partridge but a serpent who could both walk and talk, until cursed to crawl on the ground for his deception and lies. Jesus took all that upon Him in order to save us.

I would say He is more dove than what a partridge is, between pheasant and quail. David alludes to it in 1 Samuel 26:20, as he is hunted by Saul. Jesus was a target too. It is alluded in Jeremiah 17:11, some will lay eggs in another’s nest for them to hatch, and when they do, they leave. Sounds kind of like Jesus, we are supposed to leave cares to Him, but too often, even though he was figuratively snared and killed in our stead, we leave Him, at least some do. Although translated owl, it could have well been a partridge.

If you think it is the devil, referring to ill gotten prosperity, he copies Jesus but is no way equal. Jesus gives us a deeper meaning by His grace, and what we are not deserving of. The name also appears in Judges, or part of it, qore or kore in Hebrew, partridge and in reference to the place called Beth Hoglah, like Bayt Ho-glah, if you’re glade you are not named Hoglah, I am too, but it does mean partridge.

Kore also refers to the calling birds or colly birds as we are more familiar with the English version. Jesus really does have a distinct call as well, doesn’t He? I do believe it was possible to incorporate what others might see as one thing, to teach and protect believers who would understand, much like Revelation. Don’t you love when God makes us think and study?

My Cool Photos/ Pixabay / Canva

Christmas Past


I have always loved the writing of Charles Dickens. A Christmas Carol is a classic and written in the last moments before he was to meet a deadline, it was some of his best work. That happens a lot, sometimes, even or especially, with me. When I have been tired or hurting, it it is as if the Spirit comes win inspiration to replace, isolation, rejection or just plain desperation. And no, not about writing, that has always come.

But as I reflect on Christmas past, I recall the joy of waiting for gifts, the excitement of seeing what they were, I knew I heard bells one Christmas Eve, even though children had already dissuaded a belief in St, Nick. I saw a picture of some blue bells that I used to decorate with, wish I still had them. They would be about fifty years old.

On the children’s blog I write about Christmas Mice. I still have some packed away that was a gift for my mother from a little girl in daycare. Little things make each Christmas, and yes, there are some others that make it bleak or dreary, but it does not have ot remain that way, as there are not always goodbyes, but good memories.

Often there are special notes or photographs, cards. My poodles were in all the pictures, even those taken by others. Now, I have ornaments as reminders. There are still good memories, and a lot of Christmas pat has returned to me. I really was ill last year. Memory loss was a problem for a while. I had to relearn a lot of things this year.

I still see the faces of children in daycare. The light of the love of Jesus as we sang Christmas carols. How they loved their gifts and giving, if only something small, like a coloring book or candy cane full of kisses. It was never about presents as long as love was there, it was about presence, His presence, His peace and joy, as the Spirit lit the room with His light and love.

Christmas past was good, even with delays. Christmas present is a miracle, just to be home, but the best is yet to be, Christmas, yet to come.


Terri C. / Pixabay / Canva

Christmas Tears


I chose a red perfume bottle for my post, recalling the verse in Psalm 56:8, that God keeps track of what we go through and that our tears are in a bottle. But why tears? This year I can cry tears of healing and tears do have healing properties, and release a lot of pent up emotion, last year, i was just to sick and the overhead hospital light kept my eyes so dry.

But even more than that I thought of Mary’s long journey to Bethlehem. It would have been dangerous, even if only a short distance. There was certainly no shortage of thieves and it was probably a relief to arrive as it was time for her to deliver her son. It must have been disappointing as the birth pains began and there was no room in the any with such a crowd already there. Yet, the couple were give the stable to stay in.

It could have been a cave, and the manger with hay would have been stone. Why? Jesus was born to die for us. He was swaddled and clothed and lay there as a babe, just as He would someday lie in a tomb also in linen. Mary’s tears would pour then, I don’t believe she realized the magnitude of the birth of her child, even with the angelic visit, and miraculous, immaculate conception and birth.

As the head of the baby Jesus crowned, so was the wonderful, Prince of Peace and ultimate King of Kings. Mary likely shed tears of joy as He was born, whether with the help of Joseph, a handmaiden, midwife or perhaps, the innkeepers wife or daughter we don’t know but the Savior was born.

We all know the shortest Bible verse, Jesus wept, John 11:35. It could have been that Jesus wept then, the cries of the newborn, heard by a Heavenly Father who sent Him. It was the first of many tears Jesus would shed over sinners, saints, Jerusalem, the world. And from a cross.

Anna would see Him back in Jerusalem, and she was old and Simeon, whom the Lord had promised that he would see the Messiah. More tears, no doubt. And Mary was told of the sword that would pierce her heart. There would be many tears along the way but Jesus was her joy and is ours. While He has or tears in bottles in heaven, let’s never forget His.

And one day He will wipe them all away, as we embrace Him eternally, Just as Mary did that day, the one we now celebrate His birth on, Christmas tears on Christmas Day. Heaven and earth still sing and so will the one one day.


Thgusstavo Santana / Pexels / Canva

Is There A Real Santa Claus?


With every year that we celebrate Christmas, theological debates arise and some are just silly, and some easily explained and still others, though adopted by the church in a new form to combat the pagan traditions, should be taught about correctly.

The people who don’t approve of Christmas trees, don’t have the whole story or music. The bickering over Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas, I say both. My holidays are holy, and it doesn’t mean I believe what everyone else does. Writing Merry Xmas won’t make you lose your soul. When the word Christmas would not fit in store windows, X marked the spot as it is the Greek letter kai, which is ch or the fist part of Christos for Christ, which means anointed. It is not a last name, it is Christ’s mass.

There are many more traditions we could cover but what about Jolly old St. Nick? Yes, he was real. The patron saint, Nicholas was born in what is now Turkey, in a village called Patara. He was still young when his parents died and he gave his inheritance to help others becoming the Bishop of Myra. Nicholas was known for his love of children, and concern for ships and sailors. There are many stories about his helping others,

Many stories abound about miracles concerning him. Nicholas, who was persecuted and imprisoned, took a trip to the Holy Land, when a storm frightened sailors, he prayed and they were safe. And he was reported to have stayed at the inn where an innkeeper had murdered three students the night before. When he dreamed of the crime and prayed the men were alive again.

The coming down the chimney story and stockings, originates with a man who had three daughters. If women did not marry well, having a dowry, they could wind up in slavery, On three different occasions it is told that a bag or ball of gold appeared saving each girl from a terrible fate. It is said the bag was tossed down the chimney into a drying stocking. Over the years and retelling the stories, some of which are true, became embellished and our perception of Santa is largely due to the Clement Moore account as well as advertising. I haven’t watched newer movies but Miracle on 34th Street is a classic, and makes believers out of a New Yorkers,

Probably, the most well known is the story of Basilios, a boy taken by pirates. Though Nicholas had died already, his feast day was celebrated every year on December 6th. That is when the boy had been taken and served on board as a cupbearer. Miraculously, he saw St. Nicholas in a dream, and was translated home to Myra in answer to his mother’s prayers, her only child, still holding a golden cup that the pirates had stolen.

Like I say, there are believers and then there are believers. God does use dreams and visions, Phillip was translated in the Bible, though not as commonplace as the blind seeing or lame walking, it has happened, even the raising of the dead. The Spirit gives gifts as He sees fit. So yes, there was and is a Santa Claus in many respects, part real person, and a fictional one, but is it alright for believers to tell their children there is one.

I still remember being in church, and hearing the pastor denounce Santa Claus to the dismay of the kindergarteners I worked with as a teenager. They objected loudly. So, no, I don’t think it is wrong as long as they are taught the truth as they get older and they are primarily about Jesus.

I have had children asked me if he died when I said the real one lived a long time ago. Nicholas died in 325 A.D. on December 6th, when the feast day is celebrated, but it is the 19th on the Julian calendar. I said he just passed on the giving to someone else, that appeared to answer their question. Older ones always enjoyed the “game of Santa ” recalling the fun they had as youngsters, and being a Secret Santa as well.

I would never encourage false beliefs or foster occult practices but I definitely think there is a need for mature Christians to keep a childlike faith in Jesus, after all, He asked them to come to Him. And Jesus is very real!

Enrico Perini / Pexels / Canva

Glory Round About


You might recognize the phrase from the story of the shepherds in the field and the glory shone round about them. But the angels were quick to tell them not to be afraid and why. The Lord was born.

Surely, it was not merely a bright star that shone from heaven, it was the glory of God, Himself. He was pleased that His Son had come to earth, knowing full well His plan and plight. Isaiah 53 tells the horror of that sacrifice and yet it pleased the Lord. He gave His Son, in order to save creation, or at least the people who would believe in Him.

There simply is no greater love than giving, and His life was the most valuable gift of all. God never wanted mankind to be under the enemy’s rule, Adam lost his authority. Jesus redeemed it with His resurrection.

I’m sure we can think about other instances of the glory appearing. It even departed the temple once and the gate closed by itself. People followed the glory, even a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. And they often follow the glory from revival to revival, I recall back in the 1990’s how excited and fired up about revivals. Even family members traveled out of state as well as to churches where the Spirit was moving. They saw and were witness to the glory.

I can testify to the fact that the wall of our house was ablaze with it, of course, it was not on fire, and yet it was with glory after a service. It looked as though the shadows and flames were dancing on the wall. I wasn’t afraid but I have to admit to being awed. I also saw flakes of gold on clothing, just a few, but I heard the worshipers were being dusted.

I know people’s faith wavered, waned and the flame went out. Many who attended these revivals, even ministers are no longer here. It is why Timothy was encouraged to fan that flame and keep it burning.

Rest assured that angels are in the glory, they accompany the Holy Spirit. God works in seasons, and this could easily be season of His glory. I pray that it shines round about us and like wise men, who weren’t just the religious leaders of the day, but recognized the newborn king, I pray we follow that glory, until He returns and we live in it forever. Then His glory will be round about, just believe and don’t be afraid. The Prince of Peace will come again.

Elina Fairytale / Pexels / Canva

Holiday Cheer


Who doesn’t love some warm hot chocolate at the holidays? There are so many places that my readers live where it is cold and snowing. Not so much here in Georgia, it has been little wintry, gray and cold though. And there are whispers of snow this weekend, will I get a white Christmas. I am glad my holiday cheer level is going in the right direction, having spent last year in the hospital.

So what about cheer? Let’s look at what the Bible says about. I do know we overcome in Him alone.

Then behold, they brought to Him a paralytic lying on a bed. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you.” Matthew 9:2 New King James

That is a good reason to be of good cheer. We are forgiven. Whether that is the reason for sickness or a ” paralyzing “problem, Jesus will know and the Holy Spirit will discern. It is not the reason for all sickness. Remember the blind man?

But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” Matthew 14:27

Now, this was Jesus walking on the water, late at night, about 3 a.m. Fishermen were superstitious and He calmed them down. Don’t be surprised to be awakened in the night to pray, it is not always a bad sign, though a lot of people have passed on around that time. It was reported in a survey I heard about. It is known as the fourth watch, and it is a Jewish custom that God or perhaps God in the form of Jesus or the Spirit, visits earth each morning.

You will also see the term used by Paul as to the men on the ship he was on as he prayed, though the ship was wrecked and no one was lost. It is also mention as to eating and drinking after the ordeal at sea, in Acts 27.

The Greek word is euthomeo, to be of good cheer. It is used also in other translations as to take heart or courage. And this is what Jesus said to the woman with the issue of blood, to take heart, go in peace, Matthew 8:22.

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Being cheerful, even in difficult situations, taking heart or courage is obedience to the Word, and we overcome because He did. The English Contemporary versions says to cheer up. John writes to believers saying they know and have believed Jesus and have overcome the wicked one, 1 John 2:13.

And a person favorite…

You, little children, are from God and have overcome them, because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

So, it’s Christmas. we love Jesus, we can be of good cheer. His glory is coming!

Julia Larson / Unsplash / Canva

He Prophesied Jesus


You know I had written posts compacting the Bible down for my readers and to keep a New Year’s resolution of reading the Bible through, unfortunately, I was in the hospital last January, but it is in March and April, 2022. Isaiah is a book I did read.

I have so often read Isaiah 53, and it is a deeply personal passage, because I have need His healing. It really delves into the suffering of Christ, and what He really took upon Himself in order to save us.

There are many beautiful verses in Isaiah. Chapters 60 and 61. But since it is Christmas, though I hope you will get to read the Bible through, we will talk about a prophetic word. As the Jews returned from captivity, Isaiah was speaking of the coming Messiah.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Though the Bible was not written with punctuation or numbered as we read it, Wonderful Counselor is a good description, though I was reading it as two words. It is indicative of Him giving us the Holy Spirit. I always sung the children’s song, Isn’t He Wonderful? And He is! He also refers to His name being secret to Manoah’s wife, Hazeleponi, it also translates to wonderful.

Mighty God, that is interesting. El Gibbor, Mighty Warrior, is one of God’s many names. That is a major study. It just proves what Jesus would say, that He and God are one. His name is above all and all of them rolled into one. Isaiah tells us a few, how about Everlasting Father? That combines Father and Son as well. But then there is my favorite of all, Prince of Peace.

And His peace is a gift like no other, John 14:27. It is why the angels were saying or singing, ” Peace on earth, good will toward men. ” I like the translation on those He is pleased with, it is accurate since not everyone has real peace. But believers can receive and open that gift.

The peace that God wanted was now on earth in the form of a child. A child who give His life for us. That is the reason we celebrate Him. The birth Isaiah foretold was on earth in the person of Jesus, one with the Father in ministry and led by the Spirit.

Maybe, Isaiah is not what we read at Christmas, but it should be.

Alabaster Co. / Pexels / Canva