Grow in Grace


I have to admit I never fully understood grace. Amazing or otherwise. I saw someone pass on with cancer, but I was blessed to hear him ask forgiveness and recieve Jesus first. He wasn’t even that old. I was still growing in grace then, because I wondered about his life, the things I’d heard, how it was that he was accepted so easily, when I was struggling with my own answers to prayer. I remember thinking, ” How can the Lord just forgive so easily, such sinners? ” A whisper came over my heart, “Would you rather, he goes to hell? ”  ” No! Of course not! ” I would not want to happen to anyone.

Still growing, I prayed for the Holy Spirit not to leave me. I had never been taught about spiritual gifts. I knew there were people who talked about once saved always saved, while I saw  ” Christians “, doing things they should have known better than. You know the kind of people I mean. What I didn’t know that these people were under grace, and falling short of it. Or that some who profess just simply aren’t believers at all. I saw people with the jailhouse Jesus experience, like He’ll get you out, but be right back in.

I simply didn’t even understand back then that still there are believers and pretenders, you have to discern. Some will talk Christ, but would you let them pray for you, when they are only saying what they think you want to hear? Grace, some have accepted Him and fall back into enemy territory, not grown up in Him. We all learn and grow at different paces, and must work out our own salvation, it’s deeply personal.

By the time I reached my thirties I had matured and taught Bible studies to children, and even later on, women. You can see how fickle some children are, one day they love you but challenge their misbehavings and you are crossed off the list. That’s the way the children of God can be. If they don’t want to obey something, out goes the word. Are they under grace, yes, Jesus is generous.

I have to admit, I have witnessed some things. How are some still managing to get around situations? The answer is grace, God is stll drawing them, and well, I don’t want them in hell or even jail athough I know some who have escaped by someone’s intercessory prayer alone. He has plans for everyone, but it is up to them to follow. I have seen the grace extended only so far, if you continue it sin it has consequences, costly and even deadly ones. God’s grace remains there, until you draw and breathe the very last breath He is that merciful.

I pray over those death row executions, I remember one in particular, it was somber as the newsman reported it. He didn’t announce that the man gave His heart to Christ and said He was sorry, I don’t even recall if there were any last words or more of the smug entitlement of being a hero or martyr. But I extended it . I have prayed over these and over some taken off life support. And I know how good Jesus and how deep His sacrifice was, and it covers multitudes of sin if a heart truly repents. I would not wait until the last minute.

As you grow in grace and understand it, you will know it is not cheap, a pass on sinning, it cost Jesus dearly, and He knows who is and is not sincere and will allow the Holy Spirit to help us discern. I remember counseling someone, even though I would have made a different choice, a Biblically correct one, I was talking grace. If jesus sacrificed Hiself and chooses to forgive and keep watch over a believer with a sincere heart who has stumbled, how can I say otherwise. I don’t out rank Him. I didn’t die to save people.

Remember as you grow in grace you will be able to extend it to others, you will find it easier to forgive. You can learn a lot from your children. You can be angry one day and at te park the next because they are your children, and you love them. How much more did He love is by choosing us and adopting us?

That should make us feel special but not boastful only of Him. He had loved us and granted us access to a loving Father, and accepted us as the beloved, now we as His own dear children are to receive grace upon grace and walk in it and extend it to others. Rebecca Jones / free stock photo….

Amazing Grace


Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. I researched this song written so long ago by John Newton, who called out to God as his boat was battered by a storm off the coast of Ireland. Though he didn’t quit slave trading until years later, he became a convert and wrote songs, this one may have been chanted by the congregation on New Year’s Day, 1773.

The song was popular in England, then faded and became popular again, and even into the 20th century, recorded by various artists and sung all over the world, the words resonate forgiveness from a loving savior. No matter how great or small the sinner or the degree, a truly repentant heart will find His grace amazing, and it will lead you home.

Grace and truth were ushered in by Jesus and He truly doesn’t keep records of your sins. His blood paid for you. You were bought with a price.  It cost Jesus deeply and is not a gift to be abused. He freely gives gifts and is expecting us to receive and do the same. We are never to take lightly His grace or believe it is right to keep on sinning.

No matter if you were raised in church or the worst of sinners, if you’ve memorized the Bible or only know John 3:16, if you atttend every service or even once a month. Whatever difficulties or difference, there is amazing grace for all of us. Can we fall short of it, yes? But it is ever present, with new merices every morning. We need to hate sin, but love people, and the love of Jesus is amazing, just as His grac is.

Let me share the beautiful words with you and let them into your soul.  And please enjoy the gentle and soothing voice of Michael Crawford. Here is love, here is Jesus, here is Amazing Grace. Rebecca Jones / photograph pexels




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Gimme A Call

Ever feel like this lady? Once a day, at least? I know the feeling. Well, while the children try to destroy the house, you’ve burnt the dinner, ran out of gas, or forgot someone’s birthday and then the telemarketers call, asking if you owe the IRS or wanting sell you burial insurance, and even know cell numbers, and while you need to brush up on math to help with homework and there’s yet another science project due, I can help.

I am going to give you God’s phone number. Seriously! It is never busy. He won’t put you on hold, have you to yell answers to a computer generated voice, that says, ” I’m sorry can you repeat that once more. ” You don’t have to Habla Espanol, press 1, He speaks all languages, fluently.

You won’t get cut off, or your call dropped, waiting or forwarded. It’s free, local and not even long distace. You don’t have to reboot like I did the other day, after several tries, it worked. You just have to talk and not text, and you’ll be save if you’redriving. Ready, God’s phone number is….oh yes, I forgot, you get unlimited lifetime calling and all the minute you need and no charges. God’s phone number is …. drumroll, please…..

Jeremiah 33:3 Call upon me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you did not know.

Wasn’t that simple? And it is simple. He will show you answers, give you rest. He will listen comfort, tell you how much He loves you, how much He thinks about you, constantly.  We could never count His thoughts about us or toward us. His plans are for good, not to harm. He is such a misunderstood Father, because we often can’t relate to our earthly ones. Especially, if they were hard men. you must forgive, and realize their fathers were as well. People can only give what they have, and God wants to give us love. His love.

So whip out your cell phone turn it off, and read this verse. And talk. Forget the computer and IM, talk to the I AM. If you need to get somewhere away from the day, the noise or crowds. Do it! Curl up on a couch with a soft pair of jammies and slippers and a blankie, open your Bible and call Jeremiah 33:3. He answers on the first ring. He doesn’t play that game where you stand by the phone and let it ring trying not to act like your anxious to get that call. He wants you to know His number and He’s waiting, maybe not on pins and needles but on cloud nine, anticipating it.

I have to admit, I never had God pictured that way. He was always some old geezer or codger who was stiff and stodgy, trying to teach me a lesson, and if I didn’t get it, it wasn’t His fault. I just wasn’t smart enough, brave enough, or I was doing something wrong because His ways are perfect.

But I encountered perfect love, perfect joy, perfect peace in Jesus. I had trouble hanging on to that too, because there is an enemy at work. But when you have God’s number you also have his. And suddenly, 666 is 000. The Holy Spirit will show you how to thwart those plans, so follow love, desire spiritual gifts, ask and let Him give freely, freely receive His love.

I hope this really helps someone today, if you are in deperate need, dire straits or just need a laugh, you’ve got His number. And if you like this post leave me a message and forward it to friends. Rebecca Jones


Chasing Grace


Chasing grace, that even sounds funny. How do you do that? Well, I did. I used to carry so much guilt when I thought my prayers were unanswered and while I may have studied the Bible and had even heard about it an might have known the definition in Hebrew, chesed, mercy, I didn’t know.

I knew what the Bible said, yet I carried all this junk, baggage I didn’t have to because Jesus took it. From the moment I was saved as an eleven year old girl, He knew everything and had forgiven me, even as He hung on a cross.  The enemy made me feel shame and blame and I tried to be good, so my sins were more of omission. Why aren’t my prayers answered?

They were. Yet, I didn’t receive the grace, the undeserved favor because I didn’t understand, and my blessing were stolen. I would literally keep blaming myself as an enemy accused me falsely. Jesus loved me, forgave me. I had a lot of knowledge as a girl, but wisdom came as an adult, and still I was clinging to the Lord.

I had no depth or perception of a sacrifice that I knew bought my soul. Or at least I thought I didn’t. How often the enemy blinds us with his appearance as a false angel of light telling us we need to shape up, pray more, what lousy Christians we are, and we believe him.That may true of some, but not all. And not of me. And he lies about unanswered prayers, why we aren’t healed, anything to decieve. And anything to distract, even other Christians or studying.

I would have my focus on Jesus as we should, then get into studying about fear, and literally it bombarded me. I studied healing, I needed it. But when I wasn’t, I studied something else hoping to find an answer. You won’t necessarily find healing in prophecy. Or in tithing.

The answer was simple, like grace is. We don’t deserve it. Yet, it begins anew everyday, bright, clear, fresh and crisp like the breeze at dawn. It comes up like the sun. So while I was chasing grace, grace was there beside me. In fact, grace was chasing me.

Grace was saying, not to worry or to fear, not let my heart be troubled. To cast my care on Him. Grace is not some intangible molecule of something floating around in heaven. Grace is the love of a man called Jesus. Grace is a personality, a very real and tangible, touchable person in the form of the Holy Spirit.

And grace is not cheap, it cost Him everything and me nothing, for I had nothing to offer but my soul and love. I have tire of that cliche, as if those who can walk as true children of ligh, no matter their past are doing Him some disservice or disgrace. No, the disgrace is not to recognize the pure love and depth and holiness of an enormous sacrifice.

Which one of us is worthy? Which one of us is so beyond reproach that we do not need His grace and peace everyday. And we have it. We should chase it down and embrace it, but we don’t have to for it is there as part of the gift of salvation to receive. No, the sin is to let the lie of the enemy talk you out of what Jesus gives you. Amazing grace.

Grace is a gift. It is freely given. Grace upon grace. Just believe and receive and be free indeed. Rebecca Jones

Rest in Grace

             hecallsmelovely: “Handwritten by :) ”:

We all have read about the flood. There is the phrase that Noah found grace in the eyes of God. He was told to build an ark. The Bible is full of types and shadows and metaphor and simile. It has to be studied out as literal, figurative, poetry or spiritual. Admittedly, it appears to contradict in some places, but it is infallible, all Scripture is God breathed and inspired, even the translations.

So the ark is a type of Christ. It will save by grace those who are believers and know His truth. Jesus is our protection from all storms, waves, fears and diasters. When the enemy comes in, the Holy Spirit moves in like a flood. Noah’s name actually means rest. And  we have studied rest intently on this blog.

If you have not read the posts do so. But I will repeat it and refresh us all. Rest is something Jesus promised to give all who are weary and heavy laden. Sometimes, I think that can be burdens, or even the heaviness of His kavod or glory, which can also translate honor, the anointing of His Spirit. Those who labor willingly for the Lord often have heavy hearts for people to be saved or healed. They may spend a lot of time in prayer and fasting or intercession.

Jesus longs for us to rest on Him, like John at the Passover table, leaning into Jesus. John called himself the disciple Jesus loved, and He loved them all. But John got it, he knew it and was confident enough to write it as a description of himself. I think he also found rest even in his many terrible predicaments.

Noah believed what God had said in spite of mockery and the day after day building of an ark, his family was saved while all others perished. Jesus came to give eternal life so that none would perish. But they will if they are not believers or able safely to enter thea ark that is Christ.

Zaccheus was another who found rest, a sinner, a thief, hated by most. He was repentant, made restitution and found favor or grace in Jesus, the rich young ruler was depending on his ability to keep the law, and was sorrowful, when Jesus offered grace. The woman at the well, and so many others found grace, favor they did not deserve from God.  They found it in Jesus.

The Old Testament people, were under the law. Noah lived before that, he found grace from God in a terrible time. We know Jesus said that in the last days, it would be as in the days of Noah. There were evil and cruel goings on then like now, but where there is sin grace abounds, there is more grace, opportunity to be saved and freed because of His great love and sacrifice. And no, even Paul says or warns not to sin more or take a pass on it because of His grace.

He keeps His word but He knows our hearts. And every intention of it. If you’re just a willing sinner and not a believer, and think grace gets you a pass or ticket to heaven with a wink, you will find hell even hotter for abusing a holy sacrifice. He desires that all men will be saved. Will they? No. Only those who know Him, personally, intimately, deeply. Those are they who can rest in His love.

That is something the world will not understand. Noah, rest found grace. The Isrealites wandered and never found rest or grace. God was angry, and wanted to withhold grace. But He sent grace and truth in with Jesus, He fulfilled the law, and gave us the commandment to love.

Hebrews 4 goes into great detail about rest. We have to enter it to have grace and peace, His peace from John 14:27. We are in the last days and many more than eight, which is the number of new beginnings, will enter the ark that is Jesus. Let’s not perish in a flood.  Let’s not be tossed on waves of doubt, aliens and conspiracy theories, new age or occult. Come and rest in the ark of the one who loved you and gave His life for you, Jesus.

And rest will find grace…Rebecca Jones

Where Are The OTHER NINE?

Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the others? Jesus probably did this in front of some or all the disciples but not everything is recorded in every book, maybe it was a moment for Jesus to show Himself as the Great Physician.

I have to admit when I started learning about healing, I thought some of these people were crackpots, and some of the stories I heard and read made me think someone had been smoking something. But I needed healing, I got a little, then I got worse. But I had to learn to discern. I had to disect, for lack of a better word that sacrifice, Isaiah 53. I dug deep, and deep was calling me, and I had an enemy, a liar, a trickster and a deceiver. Don’t let him do that to you.

Healing is real. Jesus and the anointing of the Holy Spirit is real. Angels and demons are real. The Bible is a spiritual book. It works opposite to spells and curses and is full of weapons the enemy would scare you off of. I do not and will not ever like or condone the phrase ” faith healer “. It takes faith, yes. But it also takes receiving and love, and a lot of people have been mistaught or frightened of the gifts of the Spirit, and about grace in general, and prosperity takes a beating too. I was one of the disillusioned by scandal, but Jesus forgave and we have to too. We can’t be throwing stones.

Jesus had just healed ten lepers but only one returned with thanks. And Jesus asks about the other nine. How many of us have just missed things and opportunities by being so consumed with our own prayers and petitions that we forget to give thanks. Our focus is on us not Him and that’s where we miss it so many times. And if you think it’s hard to give Jesus your full attention, it’s just like faith, He knows, He listens.

I thought I had to great big old faith to move my mountains, I even pictured our Stone Mountain, near Atlanta. How could my little mustarrd seed move that? I started speaking it. I got laughed at. Faith was a deep thing for me I knew He answered prayer, what I didn’t know is how the enemy stole them. Just as Jesus hears our words, the devil comes after them. He causes doubt, he stirs trouble as the Lord stirs faith, it’s not an even match. Jesus defeated him for us and finished His work on the cross. So why am I losing?

I fought battles that belonged to the Lord, I did not know about restin in Him. Angels were a lot of what I knew about and that was also an area of ridicule. I don’t worship statues or angels. I have better sense. And you would think people wpoul have common sense, wouldn’t you. I heard of a man who was healed, but he would not give up a disability check and go to work. Did he stay healed? No, the devil took his miracle with laziness or greed. Then there was a deaf girl who worked in a bar, she too, was healed and went back into a noisy and wicked workplace, her deafness returned. The devil got her hearing with the atmosphere she chose to remain in. And worse of all a lady with a horrible tumor that fell of her face in a service, she was so frightened, even though she had a miracle she picked it up and returned it to her face. Isn’t that horrible.

There aren’t conditions on healing, Jesus healed them all. But let’s not drive ourselves crazy trying to be faith giants. I f we are sincere and in Christ, let’s not disqualify ourselves or others do it for us. Even ministers. But the is something we need to do upon recieving our healing, and that is something we must do, receive. Also let’s remember to return and thank Him, day after day would be nice, but He would say to not overdo it.

Finally, He told the leper to go and see the High Priest who would pronounce him clean. One out of ten, we can do better. Jesus should not have touched dead things under the law, but He fulfilled the law and prophets as the Son of the living God.  He touched lepers who were dead men waling. People are fascinated with these kind of shows. Little do they realize that we were all dead in the tresspasses of sin until Jesus touches us, And He is now our High Priest and He too pronounces us clean.

Ask Him to heal you and He will, if not all at once as  you go along, as little or as much as you can believe. He works with you not against you. He knows the more faith you have the more the demons will throw their arrows and stones in your path. those are the birds that lodge in the mustard trees, I have see the vultures off in the woods. He will protect you from every evil thing and guide your steps. Never let fear keep you from believing in a loving and healing Lord.

Receive, your healing, deliverance , miracle and peace in His holy name. Amen. Rebecca Jones


Love Lifted Me

Do you ever find yourself with a song stuck in yor head? So do I! Sometimes, it’s one you wish you’d never heard, and it’s on a loop, perhaps a sad one. Lots of people went to contemporary gospel, and I like it. I also love old hymns, not the depressing ones, because there are some. I found myself paying closer attention to the words, as I pay attention to my own words.

Zechariah 3:17, says God rjoices with singing and I know He does. Some music and songs just make you feel better. Just like some people or even miistries. While critics of contemporary music often say its just repetitive phrases or psalms, there’s nothing wrong with it to me as long as it’s relaxing or calming or full of praise. But check out the old hymnal, that I and many other may have taken for granted and listen, pay attentiion.

I was sinking deep in sin,

Far from the peaceful shore,

Very deeply stained with in.

Sinking to rise no more.

But the Master of the sea,

Heard my despairing cry,

From the waters, lifted me, now safe am I.

Love lifted me, Love lifted me, when nothing else could help, love lifted me.

Souls in danger look above, Jesus completely saves,

He will lift you by His love, out of the angry waves.

He’s the Master of the sea, billows His will obey.

He your savior wants to be, be saved today. Chorus…and that’s all I really remember but it is and example how the Holy Spirit calls things to rememberance. ( I found it, I didn’t know verse two. )

He wanted me to sing this, actually for my self and I believe for something to break spiritually on another’s behalf.  Lets look at the words, first, He saves us out of sin…far from the shore. We were way away from led by still waters. Deeply stained. Sinking, Jesus comes after us like Peter we were saved.

But the line that stuck, and really struck me is, Jesus completely saves. He saves us not only from sin, sickness, disease, danger, pain, lack, but everything. Salvation is not the one time experience but a lifetime of rescues from the Master of the Sea. Jesus. What manner of man is He? The wind and the waves and the demons and the devil obey Him. Sure, we can put them out, but only by His name, his grace and protection, and how did evil spirits leave Saul, a harp?

Enjoy your salvation, knowing we are complete in Jesus. He is continually saving me from something and I am thankful. So let’s praise Him with a song. Any good praise and worship song, contemporary or hymn and let His glory reign and may He rejoice with us and all the angels of heaven.  Rebecca Jones



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Please enjoy Kenny Rogers…

Diamond Girl?

Are you a diamond girl? Sure, we all like pretty things, but if you are so consumed with outer appearances an neglect inner strength and beauty, you are making a mistake, especially, if you are a Christian.

God’s desire is for His children to reflect His glory. And Jesus, the one who is altogether lovely is like a flawless diamond, so again, are you a a diamond girl? I hope your answer is yes to that.

I hope that you know that no matter your age, weight, looks or skin color, even your education or lack of, whatever situation how bad, even the mire of sin and shame you may be in that the perfect one Jesus loves you and calls you His, if you are a believer, He calls you by your name and you are His. You belong to Him an you are His beloved and He cares for you so come to Him with all your cares.

If you are not a believer, you can know the true love of Jesus. He can set you free, just believe on Him. Accept His gift of salvation. He is willing and might to save and will not condemn you.

Diamond girl or diamond in the rough, the perfect jewel from heaven that came to die for us, Jesus, will take us and do a mighty work in us. And He doesn’t mind a little bling, after all, heaven’s streets are paved with gold.

But let not only look good on the outside but be women that precious on the inside, the crowns of excellence to our husbands and the women far above rubies. We want to be the perfume and the aroma of Christ, we want to reflect His glory in evening gowns or sweatpants.

The true adornment of a women is grace under fire, her kindness, her quiet and gentle spirit that please the Lord. You can be firm and strong, gentle and loving and carry withing you a gold mine, a jewelry store of fire brilliance that surpasses, glitz and glamour and fleeting beauty.

True beauty is ageless, priceless and flawless, and the only way we will ever be truly beautiful is to walk in His love. Rebecca Jones/ chuttesnap, Unsplash, thanks.

Falling From Grace

Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many. Hebrews 12:15

There are a number of translations that are good about this verse. We’ve all  been taught how we have sinned and come short of His glory. Which He actually wants to restore, by the way, another post, but who has ever heard this taught, or was I just the only one missing this?

I used to memorize a lot of verses, sometimes a whole chapter. But then somehow the cares of the world wrestles it out of you. I did read a lot, but without the Holy Spirit’s leading I never fully understood Scripture. I’m sure a lot of people may not.

We think of falling from grace as some scandalous affair rocking a ministry or a finacial debaucle, or some celebrity downfall.  But in truth, it reads that we have all probably fallen from grace at one point or another, not that God has just given up on you, no, not that.

It’s just that we have not taken care of each other, or taken care that we, ourselves have not fallen into the trap of believing an enemy lie, and letting roots of bitterness take hold. It may start off easily enough, an unkind word, a perceived slight, something the pastor said that you disagreed with.

Maybe you didn’t get an invitation, the job you thought was yours or you begin the blame game, about whose fault it is. We should take responsibility, and own up to God and our own souls, before families are destroyed, friendships ruined, churches ripped apart. What the devil can divide, he can dominate. And he will, ” Give him and inch and he is your ruler. ” the church sign read. And it’s true.

We have to take care not to offend or be offended. Bitterness is just like a weed, it can be a small seedling, that if not uprooted becomes a weed. It is like our southern kudzu vines, resilient, hard to kill, it will take over. I have seen in overtake fences and choke the sweetsmelling honeysuckles. Let’s not let the bitterness choke out the aroma of Christ.

We don’t want that in our hearts as we guard and garden them. We don’t need bitter rivalries or bitter enemies, or bitter tastes in or mouths from bitter words. The Israelites ate bitter herbs at Passover to commemorate their time in captivity, a bitter memory was now a distant one as the entered the promised land.

We too must enter our land of milk and honey and learn to speak words that are full of salt and grace. Words filled with the love of Jesus, not fakery or flattery but the truth, the love and beauty that is Jesus.

So grace is not some state that we fall from never to get back to, it is something that we must receive on a daily basis, grace upon grace, day after day, we will win the victory over a bitter enemy, the wicked one will not come near. Rebecca Jones / public domain

My Tongue is On Fire


And the tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself. James 3:6

Most people either take this either too seriously or not seriously at all. The Bible has so much to say about words, it is even called the Word. Jesus was the Word made flesh and He came ad dwelled and died and rose and ascended from here. And yet, people throw I love you’s around out of obligation, to manipulate, and even to control.

The real “I love you,” gave up heaven, suffered, went to hell to regain Adam’s authority. And He gives it to as we grow as believers. We have a believer’s authority, Jesus authority over our lives, but we have to choose what we believe, what we think, and what we say.

Our mouths can get us into the most trouble. Most of us will tell the enemy, what bothers us, our weaknesses. We’re not quick enough with forgivness we should have, or the compassion. So many people have such flip conversations. They don’t know how they hurt others, or themselves. And discernment is a gift.

You don’ t have to profess everything in public, because most will not understand. But you do not have to be ashamed for believing either. I have had awful things said to me and about me, by people who I could care less what they thought but also by people I loved who should have loved me. Jesus took more abuse than anyone, even being mocked on the cross.

You see, if you never really experience the love of Jesus, you won’t understand. Jesus came to seek and save the lost, not to condemn, though it was His right. He literally took our punishment and place, if we don’t have a revelation of that love and a personal relationship with the Lord, you will never understand the importance of words.

God has a sense of humor, but everything is not a joke. Serious matters require serious prayer, make sure you line up your words with His. Call yourself, blessed ,beloved,favored and healed and it will come, no matter who doubts or doesn’t believe, it will come.

The tongue is a funny thing, we don’t pay any attention to it ususally, I notice mine if it is burning from a sore throat, sip something hot, use it to get lipstick off my teeth, if it gags me when I brush my teeth in back. It’s a small part of me and yet, no one can tame it, not even me. Only Jesus, and I have to let Him.

To think I can build up or tear down, help or hurt, draw a soul to Jesus or drive one away, is serious stuff. It’s natural for the tongue to speak death, harshness and the negative. It is easy to be rude or arrogant, but not for me, I ‘ve been with Jesus too long. Oh, yes I have spoken in anger, even in the last week, but I’d much rather be Christ focused. And yet, I could say domething tomorrow. Thank you Lord for grace. And tender mercies that are new every morning.

For it is with the Lord, that I have learned to speak life and love. And that’s a whole lot better. Even if speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not love, you’re just a noise. I am talking about me. But the Holy Spirit is talking about Jesus in 1 Corinthians 13.

We should not need a bit or a bridle. It’s better for our own heart to say whoa! And if my tongue is on fire, then it will be a good fire, like the one at Pentecost. Let Jesus minister His grace to you if you are having trouble with a temper, language or just negativity.

Try hard this next week and every day on, to be kind, don’t say anything bad, and not about yourself either. Don’t enjoy self pity, be confident in Jesus but boast of Him not you. And if you can’t do any better, just be quiet, don’t say anything. He can work with that.

Rebecca Jones / Danielle Petersen Unsplash thanks.