Angel Names

My Post (3)

This angel is holding a book, and we know our names are in the Book of Life as believers, and God also has a book of remembrance, so we know that we are on His mind. I even like the Jewish tradition that everyone’s name is the Book of Life and not blotted out until they remain an unbeliever, He gives everyone every chance but He will not always strive.

So, as we are talking about angels this month, let’s talk about angel names. I was almost named Angela, and there are a lot of popular ones. The Bible only names four, five if you count Jesus appearing in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord.

There is Michael, the Archangel who is over Israel and Gabriel who visited Mary and Zacharias. And then the re is Lucifer, who fell and is now know as the devil, or adversary, the wicked one, and Abaddon or Apollyon who holds the key to the bottomless pit.

Name children angelic names or meaningful names as long as they line up with God’s Word is fine, name angels is discouraged. Personally, I could believe there is a Raphael, an angel assigned to healing but is there a Moroni or others? I am not here to say yes or no, like the stars, God knows there names.

What is true though is that all we need to know is that they are there and God commands them on our behalf. We are not to worship or idolize angels, I would not even suggest praying to them, but asking God to send them for whatever reason. I realize I have a lot of Catholic readers and I know beliefs are different, I heard of a woman who asked Mary  to ask Jesus to heal her, that is probably better, whether or not saints make intercession, and would it be heaven if they knew the bad here? We have the Holy Spirit to do that. Romans 8:26

While I may have lots of angel figurines with names, and some are with babies and others with birds or flowers, and I might even name the ones I draw, as for real ones, I would avoid that. There is a lot of spiritual warfare and people can be easily deceived if they do not rightly divide His Word, and so many are using the Bible as a cover for sinful practices.

I have to reiterate it is not  a good idea to name angels or delve into just any religion or practices, when Jesu appeared as the Angel of the Lord to Manoah and Hazeleponi, he asked His name, and Jesus answered asking why he wanted to know that it was secret, which also translates wonderful, as is Isaiah 9:6, we know now the answer, we will find out soon enough, we don’t have to know everything now.

I pray that the Lord gives us angels to go before us and surround us, but also that we receive discernment and wisdom, and we have that if we remember the one who has the name of all names, and I ask His blessing and for peaceful angels to over take us today in Jesus name.


5 thoughts on “Angel Names”

    1. I do have a deeper appreciation of His protection, but this not my first series, I did a Writer’s Challenge in October 2017 on angels, it is in the archive, more on FB, Pinterest. Glad you are enjoying it. 👼


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