The Spirit Gives Us Rest

Jesus tells us in Matthew that He will give us rest and how does He do that? Through His Spirit. That is why we have to get to know the person of the Holy Spirit, though it is about healing, I put in this month’s Spirit posts. I have found how to enter His rest and I want to share because I know so many people are in pain and can’t sleep. Sleep is essential to healing, both mental and physical. God knew what He was doing when He created the night to sleep.

I also have a post called, The Sleep Of The Beloved,  as there is a lot to say about rest and healing. So many are encouraged to just get up and go on and move about and while that may not be a bad thing to get going again, sometimes, we just need more. I read of a nurse telling a woman to get up and move she wasn’t the only one to have surgery, I know we have to push ourselves but that was a bit much after right after an operation. I have had Him tell me to get up, He may even say to wash your face brush your teeth, He will keep you going, and He will give you rest.

There is sometimes trauma to the body and a believer will need to speak His peace and replace whatever spirit, illness or trouble has been tormenting them. Ask the Spirit to fill the wound, and if you are delivered of something, grief, fear, worry, depression or addiction, don’t go back or the symptoms or problems get worse. Jesus said demons would come back seven times worse, the Holy Spirit can keep you safe.

There are such things as night terrors, tormenting spirits, and even if it is nothing like that, it can be debilitating not to be able to sleep, to quiet your mind and heart. We can’t always do that but the Lord can. It is hard when you replay the day’s events and rethink what you should have done or said or run through tomorrow’s schedule. Clock watching is the worst!

The Holy Spirit can get you through to a place of peace and prayer, by being still and quiet, but you must be a believer, this is not some sort of new age practice, though you are in a deep calm and meditative state of mind. It is something He will teach you and you will learn discernment and He is your protection and peace as a believer. Fear is an enemy of us all and we have to rest, Jesus said to come to me and rest, His yoke or being linked to Jesus by the Spirit is supposed to be easy and light, as we cast our cares upon Him and rest in the love He gives us and know the sacrifice He made was for healing and His punishment was for our peace.

While Peter was described as being in a trance in some translations, that is perhaps, not the best word. What the Holy Spirit is and does is the opposite of anything occult. It is something a believer can discern, it is a gift of the Spirit. Healing of the mind and soul, even the body depends on this rest. It is being in the Holy Spirit, not in anything harmful and He is our protection, it is a deep place of rest, that can include prayer, and even dreams or visions, possibly a rhema or personal word for you. It goes with the gift of tongues but even people who do not have that gift can walk in His wisdom.

It is not just rest like sitting around doing nothing. It is a deep spiritual rest. It is not coming by watching the late night television shows. It will take study and prayer, a quiet place or rest. You don’t have to burn incense or chant, but if you can pray in the Spirit, study the following verses, and in the Holy Spirit there is rest. And sleep for the beloved, even naps.

And please remember, we are not talking past lives, regression to childhood, getting in touch with your inner self or anything like that, be careful what kind of spas or retreats you go to. You don’t have to participate in everything. Even with a Christian label slapped on it, let Him discern. The Holy Spirit can help you recover from childhood trauma, but He wants childlike faith, and a mature believer. He will in no way deceive you but you will have to learn to discern Him, and that takes a knowledge of God’s Word.

The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still. Exodus 14:14

I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for He gives to His beloved sleep. Psalm 127:2

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Hebrews 4 discusses rest and entering in, why? Look what happened to the wandering Jews who did not rest and let God be God.

“This is the place of rest, let the weary rest; this is the place of repose.” But they would not listen. Isaiah 28:12

and yet God declared peace to those near and far and healing in Isaiah 57:19

I pray this helpful to someone, I know He has helped me to rest. And I can tell you He will let you sleep four of five hours and it will be like ten or twelve. The deeper the sleep the more He speaks to your heart and brings healing and peace.

I know we can imagine the séance and crystal ball, and that is not what we are talking about not that kind of trance that goes with occult practices. We are talking power of the Holy spirit here, Teresa of Avila, describes it well. Treats of how God suspends the soul in prayer by a trance, ecstasy or rapture, and you don’t always have to be in prayer or asleep. There were no open visions in Samuel’s day but he heard God call him. With the Holy Spirit poured out there are visions, but you do have to rely on the Spirit for discernment. I had to tell someone this week not to talk to dead people.

Today’s visual, if you have that Spirit that is not one of fear, and are a believer who desires a deeper relationship with God, picture a woman’s vision that she was being led in to deeper waters, but she was safe with the Lord. Remember, there is perception and deception and some might misinterpret that, rely on His discernment, don’t guess at meanings, He will teach you.

I have to explain that the term “slain in the Spirit is also used about being overcome or overwhelmed, it is in reference to John use of the phrase fell as dead but many still don’t understand this or believe in gifts of the Spirit and many are afraid of it, I know I was but I grew to understand as I let the Spirit lead, and truthfully, I can tell you that many I know who fell out, and even received healing words are no longer with us. I don’t think they discerned. You have to pay attention to His leading.



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