More or Less?


More or less? Before and after? No, this isn’t an advertisement for anything, this is not the “after girl ” of a weight loss program, though she looks great. It’s more about the weighty thought that the Christians face, should we be greater or less because of Jesus?

I can answer that for you. John was saying that he must decrease so that Jesus could increase. He was referring to ministry. John’s ministry was to decrease, so that Jesus could begin His ministry after the Holy Spirit descended upon Him.

Many people think that John meant that we were to decrease and let Jesus take over. That is true to some extent. We often  must step aside to let the Holy Spirit move on our behalf, but Jesus nevers take over our personality completely  to make us robotic. We are not carbon copies, even though we are to be be like Him.

He is our friend and companion, but we must welcome Him.  Embrace Him. Love Him. The Holy Spirit is a gentleman and must be invited to come into your life. He delights in you, gives you the desires of your heart, which are the desires of God’s heart for you, His perfect will. Praying in the Spirit is praying God’s perfect will, so in effect when we submit to God, there is less of our carnal nature or flesh to deal with. More power, love, sound mind of Christ. But that’s a good thing, in submission to God, there may be less of our willful ways, but if we learne this, there will be less tension, stress, less of the devil. We know He’ll be running, when we recognize all his little fox traps.

Submission is a key word, maybe a difficult  one for women, because men probably don’t understand submission either, it is not domineering but firm and gentle. You won’t have trouble submitting to someone who loves you and wants whats best for you, who talks to you and helps make wise decisions. That’s what Jesus does. More of Him, less of us. Why not? It’s a make over for the better, I’m still me, with my like and dislikes, I’m free to do as I please but I won’t do thing that would not please Him. I’m still me, just a better me.

So Jesus changes you, enhances you, brings out the best in you. He keeps your secrets, He never tells anyone anything about you that is not for your benefit. When people intercede for you, they are told to pray for you by the Holy Spirit, usually in generalities. For protection, for healing and deliverance.

I have interceded for many people, usually prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray in tongues, He will give you names, a picture might flash before you. The more you seek Jesus, the more He puts His Spirit in you. He will consume you, literally. He soaks you, is profuse in your body, His glory shines through you. His light is in your eyes. You will glow with His glory and love.

You become like Jesus but you also stay yourself. So many people misinterpret the verse that they have to give up themselves. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. He loves you. He will never leave you. He just causes you to become more like Him. He is the life in you, the light, the love and He is bringing up the personality that you already have, the real you, the true you. The best you!

So don’t worry about more or less. He loves you just the way you are. He meets you at your level and helps you to grow. More or less, His yoke is easy and light. Rebecca Jones

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