Holy Spirit, Speak To My Heart.


Isaiah 40:2 is a lovely verse and for the sake of us all I don’t think He would mind us substituting our names as believers. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins.

Isn’t it a lovely thought then for Him to allow His Spirit to whisper tenderly to us, all the reminders of Jesus’ love for us and say that our warfare is over our sins are pardoned and even being rewarded doubly?

Job received double, although none of us want that experience. yet, the adversary, certainly prowls about. There is another verse in Ruth, and others about being repaid for wickedness. God will repay. He says vengeance is His. He will decide and reward, we are not to repay evil for evil.

And of course, we know there are so many verses about our words. What is in your heart is what we will speak, Jesus said so. I tend to speak frustration lately, what about you? Sometimes, i write all this beautiful love of jesus and walk right back into the turmoil of the day. I long to hold the peace you have given me in my heart, a perfect gift, I hold it in my heart so tightly and dearly.

Holy Spirit, speak His peace to my heart. Speak His healing to my heart. Speak His wisdom and love to my heart, so that I can speak it to others. Speak tenderly to me, so that I may speak tenderly.

Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord. Ephesians 5:19

The heart of a wise person instructs his mouth; it adds learning to his speech. Proverbs 16:23 I like this, your heart teaches your mouth, from the Christian Standard version, and this Contemporary one, You can persuade others if you are wise and speak sensibly.

In Hosea, the prophet redeems his wife, and the story is an allegory of God being the husband to Israel, though she has been unfaithful, he speaks tenderly to her. To a degree, it is the same with us all, He speaks tenderly to us to woo us back to Him.

Luke 6:45 says we speak what the heart is full of and Ephesians 4:15 teaches us to speak the truth in love, and grow in Jesus. And another Proverb 15:28, The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked blurts out evil.

We have already learned that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, He is the Helper, reminds us of God’s Word. He speaks what he hears directly from Jesus, since God has put Him charge over all things, He will speak tenderly, it is up to listen and obey.

Jesus knows about broken hearts, He had one for us in the worst way, let’s not break it anymore and grieve His precious Spirit, but speak firmly to those who need it, to the wicked and tenderly to those who desire to hear His grace and kindness, speak to my heart Holy Spirit. 💓💜💓 Rebecca Jones / Kaboom pics

And I had to come back and add His peace from John 14:27, and remind us for Him to speak to it that it needs to not be troubled or afraid. Let Him quiet you with His love, Zephaniah 3:17.



2 thoughts on “Holy Spirit, Speak To My Heart.”

  1. Your prayer is beautiful: “Holy Spirit, speak His peace to my heart. Speak His healing to my heart. Speak His wisdom and love to my heart, so that I can speak it to others. Speak tenderly to me, so that I may speak tenderly.” I am joining you in this prayer today. It is so good to remember God’s words and promises.


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