Look Who’s Arguing!


I hate arguing. I do my best to avoid it. Sometimes, you have to go along to get along and that is not God’s intention. He expects believers to act like grown up, civilized people, but a lot of them never grow up, they are still spiritual babies who haven’t grown in grace.

Husbands and wives arguing is not getting His seal of approval either. People who are truly saved, sealed with the Spirit, should not be grieving Him. and the mistreatment of women by husbands who are to give their lives for them like Christ should not be upset that wives aren’t submissive. Women don’t want to be subservient and have someone who is domineering, they want to be communicated with, loved, and respected. Being submissive is defined as being on the same mission, working together.

It has really hurt me lately to see people arguing over doctrine on the internet. Speaking in tongues was up the other day. If you don’t do it, don’t argue. It is Biblical, a gift of interpretation for church, and certain situations, a prayer language to build up your spirit. It is evidence of receiving the baptism of the Spirit, Paul laid hands on people who had heard of nothing but John’s baptism. I read that some are abandoning the practice. That is a bad idea. Worse to disparage, discredit or discourage it. I am telling the truth, it has saved my life, on more than one occasion.

Then there is prosperity, God doesn’t want everyone to take a vow of poverty. He just doesn’t want you to pursue money and the world instead of Him. He wants to give you wisdom before He blesses you. Money isn’t the root of a all evil, that is too often misquoted, it is the ” love ” of it. That is probably the source of a lot of arguments, not having enough, who puts in the most, works harder. Stay at home moms might not get paid, I doubt their husbands could afford their worth. Wealth is not sinful, what you do with it can be.

Once saved always came up again. I do believe if you have truly been born again and received Jesus as Lord, you might drift but never lose salvation. I John 3 says if you keep on sinning that you are not His. You probably never were if you never feel the Spirit teaching you, telling you to repent. That is unless, like me you have been to so many rededication services that you aren’t sure anymore. As a young and strong believer, that began to make me question, when I was really under spiritual attack, let the Spirit help your discern. People can be wrong. The devil uses guilt to trick you.

Another topic I run across is the King James Bible. The king didn’t write it, the Spirit did through many people over the years. I read and use it and other translations, pray tell and yea, verily, we do not speak Old English. If you don’t understand the Word the enemy of your soul will steal it from your heart, with doubt, fear and yes, arguing, and discouragement. God authors peace, the devil stirs the strife. You only have to read the parable of the sower.

Study! Don’t be afraid of comparisons or contradictions. I have found only a few verses that really don’t mesh in the translations, and I don’t always delve in the Hebrew which is a lot deeper. Most people just scrape the surface of the Word. If you look at it that way, goodness and mercy aren’t following you, they are in pursuit of you. It covers you in the blood of Jesus. See, what I mean. The Bible is a record of history, and reveals the plan of salvation, Jesus is still being revealed as in final book of Revelation, and the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to that.

People allow beliefs and division to stir up strife and contention, in the church, government and home. I’m glad all of it is on His shoulders and not mine. I have really had to let go and let God….handle it, heal it, or just take away the pain and fear. And some topics, I won’t go into. It is more important just to share His love. And no, I’m not a Jesus only person, though I know He is the only way to the Father.

I used to be bad about commenting on post that attacked ministers, especially, some who have helped me. When I read about renouncing speaking in tongues and the back and forth, I attempted to explain it and simplify it for those who may not be familiar with it. You don’t have to speak in tongues to be save but is surely is a powerful gift and you should study before asking for it. But I can’t believe anyone would reject Him.

I notice the comments piling up and some were from preachers. One lady answered my reply and was absolutely right with her advice to me. ” You don’t have to defend God. ” No, I don’t. I don’t even have to defend me, He does that. I started blogging as a creative outlet and I wanted to help people and share His love. That hasn’t changed, but some people have. People walked away from Jesus when He taught about Communion, they will certainly walk now when they disagree. Did they ever really believe? We are in a time where we have to be sure.

It is not for me to judge, except by fruit and righteously. I’m glad I don’t have to decide, who is really a believer or not. I just have to know that I am, and not get into any arguments. That can be difficult. Some people just don’t want to listen. I was surprised to read how many arguments came up around Jesus, He did leave us His peace, John 14:27, for a reason, take a look. Jesus was in the middle of it all. And He still is.

Then His disciples began arguing about which of them was the greatest. But Jesus knew their thoughts, so he brought a little child to his side. Then he said to them, “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me also welcomes my Father who sent me. Whoever is the least among you is the greatest. Luke 9:46

When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had arrived, they came and started to argue with him. Testing him, they demanded that he show them a miraculous sign from heaven to prove his authority. Mark 8:11

What is all this arguing about?” Jesus asked. Mark 9:16 ( Religious leaders, disciples, crowd, before He casts out a devil. )

Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Phillipians 2:14, 15. ( Read the whole chapter. Verses are New Living. )

Remind everyone about these things, and command them in God’s presence to stop fighting over words. Such arguments are useless, and they can ruin those who hear them. 2 Timothy 2:14

Do not get involved in foolish discussions about spiritual pedigrees ( genealogies ) or in quarrels and fights about obedience to Jewish laws. These things are useless and a waste of time. Titus 3:9

I used to sing Jesus Loves The Little Ones Like Me, and a line is ” who sat upon His knee, Jesus love the little ones like me. ” Children are bad about arguing, if you want to look foolish, argue with a child…are we still three, seven? That verse actually took place at Peter’s house, it could have been his child. People were asking about divorce, Jesus answered, but He was showing them who suffers from all the arguing…whether in reality or in the spiritual, it is always the children.

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