How Much Is 490?


When Jesus was asked about forgiveness, if it should be seven times seven, He respond that it shout be seventy times seven, 490. But let’s look a little deeper into that. what did He mean? I know I have felt like I was forgiving the same old things or sins against me, I feel like it exceeds that number easily, sometimes on a daily basis. Begin at verse fifteen.

Jesus is telling parables, about the lost sheep and temptation. He proceeds to tell him to talk to that brother ( or sister ) who sins against them alone, if you can’t work it out, take along two or three witnesses. Jesus says that where two or three are gathered in His name, that He is in the midst. It was Jewish law that testimony required two or three witnesses, especially, at trial.

Suppose that doesn’t work, take it before the church. And still, if there is no forgiveness and reconciliation, look at him as a Gentile or tax collector. Of course Gentiles had not yet been grafted into covenant promises yet, Israel reject Him as Messiah, but there will be many saved as they are grafted back into the fold, even in the Tribulation.

Tax collectors were thought of as thieves and swindlers, and many were skimming under the guise of Roman rule. But Jesus chose Matthew, who writes this, and that was his profession. And there was Zacchaeus, who was unable to see Jesus until he climbed a tree. Jesus called to him and invites Himself over, then he is a changed man, offering to repay more than he stole.

Jesus also had further answered Peter’s question with another parable or story. What about a king who is settling accounts with servants, he is ready to sell one and his family in order to pay the debt. The servant pleads with the king and he promises to pay up, he is forgiven and allowed to pay and not be sold.

But this same servant, needing money, found another who owed him less that he did the king. This man also pleaded, but the servant choked him and had him thrown in jail. Many of the other servants heard about both instances and told the master, who summoned the servant and told him that he should have shown mercy, and he too, went to jail.

So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.  Matthew 18:35, it means that as it says in the Lord’s prayer, forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And also not allow us to be lead into temptation.

There is temptation not to forgive, I realized that I had too. For my own soul’s sake, when I am not able to do as Jesus says, I just take up the matter with Him, He knows the situations and the truth, and it set me free from a lot of hurt. You can forgive, Jesus did from the cross. Does that mean He forgets? Yes! But you have to be repentant, and forgive from the heart.

That does not mean you are a Christian doormat, not should accept abusive and abrasive people who continually sin against you. Just think of the as working for the IRS or something, and let Him make you away and decide when enough is enough and they have exceeded the four hundred and ninety.


Oleksandr Pidvolyni / Pexels / Canva

Blog (1) Tune In Thursday

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