Gardening the Blessings


The Old Testament and New Testament are joined and continue a thread to the redemption of believers, while before they were the ones making the sacrifices, obeying numerous laws, depending on a High Priest to atone once a year for sins, Jesus brought us a better covenant and better promises.

Jesus made the sacrifice, He fulfilled the law and the prophets, and ushered in grace and truth. He gave us the commandment to love one another, and if you do, you’re not breaking the others. And He is our priest, He didn’t atone for us each year, but once and for all.

The verse in Proverbs, 4:23 says for us to guard our heart, for out of it flows the issues of life, fast forward to Phillipians 4:7 and it is the peace of God, that passes understanding that guards it. Though it is good to watch our words and pay attention to the things pertaining to the heart, we are not the sole guardians or gardeners of it as a believer. Jesus’ blood bought us with a price, forever sealed in a covenant of love that He keeps even if we fall short. He will leave us to our own devices, and wait for us to listen and be corrected.

Jesus is a much better guardian of my heart, He has protected it from bitter weeds, and sown better words, He protected me from insults and offences and lies, accusations of the enemy. And He has rooted me in love and grounded me firmly in a garden of His delight, where there is more joy than I can imagine.

Roses may have thorns, you prick your fingers and bleed, but His crown was thorns, and His thoughts were of me, as my heart broke at His sacrifice, His was broken for me, even before the crucifixion in the Garden of Gethsemane. As we are showered this spring with His blessings, let us guard and guarden/garden our hearts. Let the roses bloom, and wherever life plants you, do your best to bloom and shine with His glory. Turn your face to the Son.

And remember, He is the truth and perfecter of the heart. Mary Magdalene, mistook Him for a gardener at the tomb, let’s not mistake Him as the gardener of our heart. Rebecca Jones / stock photo

2 thoughts on “Gardening the Blessings”

  1. I love the thought of him as a gardener of our hearts; protecting us from all that might invade like weeds and pests. Wow! I will try to remember your post as I garden this spring and summer! Sweet!


    1. Glad I was able to sow a seed into good ground. We need to see Him in everything we do. Hope your garden blooms, the Ga. heat takes a toll here, I have roses, pray the butterfly bush springs back to life. Thank you, Amy.


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