Artifical Intelligence???


I have to laugh.  I was on the phone and a computerized voice repeatedly said, ” I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. ” I repeated it over and over until it gave up and let me speak to a person. So much for artificial intelligence. Another time I was on hold for three different calls, totaling an hour. Computers will never replace people. They are only as smart as their programmers, and some of them may be geniuses but not be able to carry on a conversation, LOL!

I just read that three out of four pastors think God can work through AI, well, maybe to an extent, but it is not something He will force on us, He wants us to love and obey Him willingly and allow His Spirit to discern. God has worked through inventions, radio, television and now computers. They can be used for either good or bad.  It is not going to be long before the Antichrist is set to attempt to destroy God’s plans, it won’t work but many will be deceived.

I say that because I know that people are afraid of technology, myself included, at times. The thought of learning about computers and I know very little was daunting.  God does not want robots to replace people but He had gifted people to come up with ideas. I say that because I know Christians that were concerned about credit cards and barcodes among other things. The mandatory Covid shots for certain professions were a concern. We are on the verge of the return of Christ, and yes, there will be a time when people will have to receive a mark in the forehead or palm in order to buy or sell. Chips or an implanted device is possible, I have even heard of tattoos being considered as a possibility because people are more accepting of them.  Even symbols of other religions. Whatever it is, don’t take it, should you be here.

I do think it could be presented as protection, a way to keep track of medical history, perhaps even to cure disease or prevent aging, dementia, who really knows? It could be advertised for personal safety and convenience. We do have the technology, but we are not quite there yet. At least, not a mandatory chip or implant. I believe the church  or should I say true believers will be gone before an Antichrist appears. You cannot just do anything you want to. Not everyone is going to heaven and taking the mark is certain damnation. There will be a false sense of peace before the real Prince of Peace comes to destroy the one who seeks to destroy, the devil is a counterfeiter, he cannot create.

I heard someone joking about ordering a knee replacement from Amazon. Is that really far fetched or far off? I’m glad that people can have operations, even artificial limbs, but there is nothing artificial about God’s love, and the one who created us to start with, also gave His Son to save us and even to heal us.

A device found at the bottom  of the sea was thought to be the first attempt at a computer, long before Apple. A Roman engineer was only a step or two away from building a locomotive, before the industrial age of the 1800’s. Nazis had the potential for nuclear weapons, stealth aircraft and more, but God was still in control. He was not going to let things happen until they were supposed to.

So why worry about the identity of the Antichrist, he will be revealed when God says and not before, and we need not  fear taking a mark inadvertently, when we are saved by grace and sealed with the Holy Spirit. We receive Him at salvation and believers who subsequently are baptized in the Spirit will be able to discern the times better than many who are not as familiar with the prophetic.

I have had fun making angels and more on my AI. Some of them don’t always turn out right and have to be deleted, too many fingers or legs, not enough toes, the eyes and mouths are off and yes, even teeth are missing. You see, computers can’t replace talent or gifts that God gives, it is just not possible. He is smarter than we are and that’s why we need Him.

He will destroy the destroyer with the brightness of His coming, God in the image of Jesus, the true Prince of Peace not a man of sin who gives a false sense of peace. And causes confusion and lawlessness. And lies saying that he is God but causing destruction. I pray for His wisdom in the coming days as His return appears to be imminent. People are way to connected to their phones and laptops, it is good to have a way to communicate quickly, but we must never replace theology with technology.

Remember, God wants children who love and Him, not robots. He will not force His love or salvation on anyone, or even healing, though He will glorify the bodies of believers, and I say the healing starts now. The one who created us and love us will give us spiritual wisdom and discernment, in fact , He already has if we have believed in Jesus.

And why would you want to ordered a replacement from Amazon, when the Creator says that He sent His Son, to seek and save, and He allowed Him to suffer and die for us to be saved, and healing is a benefit of it, He willingly gave His life for us and was punished for our peace. He will glorify us one day soon, and I pray He is starting even now. We don’t need artificial intelligence, it can help, but will never replace Him. We need His higher thoughts and ways, Isaiah 55:8,9.

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Proverbs 18:15

As the Scriptures say, ( Isaiah 29:14 ) “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent.” 1 Corinthians 1:19

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. As the Scriptures say, “He traps the wise in the snare of their own cleverness.” 1 Corinthians 3:19

And then there is this verse, that answers a lot.

For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Romans 1:20

Even scientists who don’t believe in God can agree on an intelligent design. Artificial intelligence has the potential for good and evil, the Vice President acknowledged that. And now the Pope, A lot of people are confused about the False Prophet, but Catholics are not just doomed as as some might think. Who can say what will happen when technology is in the wrong hands?  Even this week, there is talk of AI being on new phones, it is always something new and in hands that may not know Him. Don’t be afraid as believer, but be aware.

God can and did, and still does create. AI did not create the world, write the Bible, and will not force a mark on you. The Spirit created as God spoke, Jesus walked in Eden. The Spirit influenced writers over millennia, and He is the Spirit the Living God of Truth, we need sanctified intelligence, not artificial.


Flash Romance / Getty Images / Canva Pro

My header was made with AI, but there should be nothing artificial about our walk with Him.

3 thoughts on “Artifical Intelligence???”

  1. Hey Rebecca I believe this is a good message to talk about but when you say we’re not quite there yet, I believe you could be falling for what many Christians will fall for. Let me explain, we already have the technology to implant a chip into the brain this is from Elon Musk’s neurolink and what he is also doing all over the world to connect them via starlink. I encourage you to watch this video because it is very revealing. I’ve had a suspicion about the governments of our world and their connection to the WEF and the UN. This video confirmed my thinking. Let me know what you think and please watch to the end. God bless you…Robin


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