Sleep To The Beloved


It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for He gives to His beloved sleep. Psalm 127:2

Is this a verse you are familiar with? I know I wasn’t and I probably didn’t think of myself as His beloved, having been saved as a child. But as a believing, woman of faith, having received Jesus as Lord, we sure are. And women need to know that spiritual aspect of Jesus as the beloved bridegroom. And let’s back that up with the Word and then we can talk about why we aren’t sleeping.

In love He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which He has blessed us in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:4-6 English Standard

He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of His beloved Son… Colossians 1:13 Berean

In Matthew 3:17 and 17:5, God refers to Jesus as His beloved Son. Being saved or born again means that we are accepted into the beloved, Jesus, and throughout the New Testament believers are referred to as beloved. Because Jesus is, we are. And now back to our first verse.

This is in a Psalm about building a house. If God doesn’t build it, the work is in vain. And if God isn’t guarding the city, the watchman is awake for nothing. It is a good analogy to our lives. If we base our lives on His Word and seek Him, ask His protection, He gives the beloved sleep. And who has gone to prepare us a place? Jesus, of course, John 14. I’m sure it is ready, but are we? Are we prepared as a bride?

You may want to read several translations. I like this from the Message, ” Don’t you know He gives rest to those He loves? ” Obviously, there are times that we don’t or get to being wrapped up our daily routines. We are overworked, at home and at work, by friends and family and even those who minister. Can we ever do enough to share the gospel? He doesn’t need us, His Spirit is everywhere, and while it is a privilege to serve God, He doesn’t want us worried, or our hearts trouble.

That is definitely a reason for not sleeping, reliving the day, thinking through tomorrow and the day after, next week or month. We all live in the what ifs? And the coulda’ shoulda’, woulda’ modes. We rehash old conversations and rehearse new ones. We often lie awake and blame ourselves, when God would give us rest, sleep to the beloved.

Now, we know Jesus was the Beloved Son, thronged by crowds until His dunamis or spiritual power would run low, as a man, He had to rest and to sleep. He was asleep in a boat during a storm. As God, He could speak peace to the demon wind, and I pray He does that for us.

He has not only created us a home in heaven but made His home, actually the Spirit testifies of all three, in our hearts. So don’t waste time in idle thoughts, fear and worry. You have been accepted into the beloved and He wants you to sleep. He wants healing flow through to you as you rest in Him.

We could work all day and be up half the night. Have you been there? Done that? I know I have, I’m sure you have to. We are eating the bread of toil, what we work for, but He gives us the bread of heaven at night, Jesus. I just ate some artisan bread, it was so good. And there are so many kinds, have you ever seen challah bread? Heavenly manna is so much better. Have you ever had inspiration at night, it is better than desperation. He can speak things to our spirits by His when we rest and even sleep. And it is a good idea to put down the phone. I had to get up to write a poem that was filling my rest the other night.

If you are having trouble with any symptom or pain, insomnia or plain old tossing and turning. Look no farther than the Father’s plan to give us rest, after all, we are accepted into the beloved. I pray for you this prayer, I speak to your soul to rest, for He gives sleep to the beloved.

Rido / Canva Pro

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