What Do I Pray?


In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know how we ought to pray, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans too deep for words.And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.…Romans 8:26

I can’t say it enough, pray in the Spirit. Let Him help you. He knows what to ask for when we don’t. He knows us, our hearts. He knows God’s heart. That’s why God can give us the desires of our heart, because they come from Him. I have recently heard the term witchcraft prayers, I see why it is called that. The Bible is clear that rebellion is like witchcraft, we don’t want to be praying amiss as James tells us. God never forces things on you, not even the Holy Spirit or salvation, nor gifts of the Spirit.

To pray to force someone to do something is rebellious, it is much better to pray for their eyes of understanding to open and for God to show them His love. I tried that, just binding the devil, but people still have a free will. And some people just will not receive.

Praying in the Spirit is powerful, it will strengthen you and change you.  What you didn’t understand before becomes clearer. I wish I could have done it a long time ago. I remember being behind a woman in the bookstore. She was obviously sick, the clerk offered her a mint. She replied, ” I’ll just go home and pray in tongues and get rid of it . ” she said in faith.

I was at the mall, later, with many spiritual attacks and problems. I couldn’t even walk at the mall. I finally had asked to be baptized in the Holy Spirit but I moaned and groaned and never really said words, so I thought I was doing it wrong. No one really explained it to me in full, my back hurt too badly to go to church.

I finally had so much pain and after a fall I was almost a recluse at 50.  But after my mother prayed for me during another spiritual attack, I started to pray for myself, even if it was the moan or hum. I had to pray every three or four hours. Then I got better, twelve hours apart. The more I prayed, the better I got.

So don’t be like me afraid of the Holy Spirit, I’m looking forward to shopping!  And if you have the gift of tongues use it, or the enemy moves back in on you. I was a frightened girl at twelve when I first heard a lady prophesy in tongues, byt the time I was  thirty I could pray but did not always. Please let Him help you, but read about the powerful in 1 Corinthians 12-14 and then decide, you will have to repent of every sin and renounce false doctrine, but He is the Comforter, teacher and there to help.

Rebecca Jones / freeqration


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